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About BrianS

  • Birthday 11/08/1968

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  • Location
    Isabella, MO
  • Interests
    Fishing, gardening, archery, grilling meat (not neccessarily in that order)

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Brook Silverside

Brook Silverside (11/89)



  1. I'll be out Sat and Sunday. Supposed to be a cold miserable day Saturday. Better dress warm
  2. I have tourneys both Saturday and Sunday there. Only bad thing its gonna be cold and rainy
  3. Interesting read. Says its a sign of good water quality.
  4. Bryozoans? Hmmm never heard of them before. I was worried that the lake had been invaded by another exotic pest like zebra mussles.
  5. I remember seeing a few of these up at Lake O 2 years ago and now they are really thick in some areas of Bull Shoals. These photos are from the Lead Hill area. They resemble frog eggs but I dont know if that is really what they are. Can someone shed some light on this? I dont remember ever seeing these on Bull before.
  6. Oh WOW! Very interesting!
  7. The one out of Theodosia on Saturday took 12lbs and some change. We wasnt in the tourney but we had about the same weight
  8. You must be talking about the 2 that went out of Theodosia yesterday. I went to the other end of the lake as I figured that end would be full of boats. That said, it was won above the bridge.
  9. Unloaded at Elbow yesterday. Was raining so went in the back of big Elbow crk. Water termp was 46F. Had 2 on A-Rig, both keepers. Rain let up and took off for Tucker Hollow only to get fogged in up in the horse shoe below Fine Edition. Fished there for awhile. Water was clear and cold, 41F. Couldnt get bit. Finally made it up the lake and the bite happened. Had 13 keepers total. Some came in the Lead Hill area too. No kickers just solid keepers.
  10. Unloaded at Elbow yesterday. Was raining so went in the back of big Elbow crk. Water termp was 46F. Had 2 on A-Rig, both keepers. Rain let up and took off for Tucker Hollow only to get fogged in up in the horse shoe below Fine Edition. Fished there for awhile. Water was clear and cold, 41F. Couldnt get bit. Finally made it up the lake and the bite happened. Had 13 keepers total. Some came in the Lead Hill area too. No kickers just solid keepers.
  11. I do live by Bryant Crk. Good creek fishing in Summer
  12. I used to live in Mtn Home years ago and my house was 3 miles from Pigeon Crk. Needless to say, living that close is a game changer. I worked at Baxter Lab on graveyard shift and could get about a 1/2 day fishing in everyday if I had energy to do so. Now that I have been up by Ava for the las 12 years or so it makes going to the lake more expoensive and when I do go I really need to fish a whole day to make it worth my time.
  13. You can say that again. Last Spring while using carolina rigs I broke off ALOT due to zebras
  14. Just so happens that I am buying a house by Spring Creek. In fact from the back yard you can see the lake. Sure is gonna beat having to drive 45 minutes to go fishing.
  15. Been fishing this area all month... Bass are on bluff ends from 30-60ft deep. Catching them on 3/4 oz football jigs. Had some on cranks early in the morning. No big fish. In a small tourney 12/06/2014 and had 9.70 lbs which was good enough for 3rd place. Two bags over 13lbs was first and second. The next of these tourneys will be 01/10/2015 out of Spring Creek Park.
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