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About Craig

  • Birthday 07/08/1945

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    Beaver Lake Dam

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Question- Does anyone have any advice or information on Clear Water Marine in Eagle Rock, M0.?
  2. Today a neighbor heard they where going to drop lake level 10' for dam repairs. He called the Corps and the lady would not confirm or deny it. Has anyone heard about this?
  3. I went to the corp office in Rogers today to get a day use pass for the year to launch my boat. They had a sign on the door saying seniors do not need to get a pass every year now. So this is how it worked I showed them my National park and federal recreational pass for citizens 62 or over and they gave me a plastic holder to display that pass. End of story no more buying yearly pass. I got the pass at Pea Ridge Battle Field for $10.
  4. Have always had good luck with my reels at hook line and sinker also
  5. Thanks for the info much appreciated
  6. I know I'm off topic but I'm hoping to get a recommendation or some advice for a guide on Toledo Bend. Will be staying mid lake in April. I know I can look some up, but hope get some personal input. Thanks
  7. Craig


    Duck's last name is Drake and he sounds like Donald Duck when he wants to
  8. Have fished the Duo Realis 80 twice. Last Thursday had fair results. Would cast at fish that were pushing minnows on surface and let it sink to thermocline 15 to 17 feet where I was fishing. They would hit it on the drop and stick less than half the time. Seemed to get more hooked when at that depth and had it moving. Today not any luck with the bait didn't see as much fish activity. could only get them off bottom. I was fishing 6# Floro P-line so a bit heavy, but I'm a chicken to use 4# except for trout. It would sink horizontal and wobble going down and cast a good distance. My best guess it would sink at 1'/sec. I'm going to keep trying it on suspended fish.
  9. Found this link on the state park site. $4 to launch $30 annual at Viney. Wonder why there is no charge if you launch at the state park by the dam? Wonder if they give senior a discount http://mostateparks.com/page/61549/viney-creek-recreation-area
  10. Imo they look like white bass. We were catching them down at spider creek last week. I was up from their today didn't see any trout fishing. Thanks for the video was interesting.
  11. In response to using Yozuri Hybrid. I want to mention that the only short coming that I found out the hard way is if you tie an overhand loop knot with the stuff it breaks at the knot really easy. To overcome this use a double overhand loop knot. Have not seen this in other lines.
  12. I have been using the Strike King Zero in PB&J finesse worm to drop shot for the last 4 years seems to work just as good as any other and last a whole lot longer. Like catching 20 fish on it and the fish do not through it off the hook shaking their head.
  13. Hazbin hope that means we can still launch at the ramp at the back of Vinney?
  14. I use a self priming 12v wash down pump that is out of the water. The electric connections need to be waterproof, if less than 20" from water line I believe. Got an electrician to sign off on it. I need to disconnect water hoses in the winter to prevent damage to pump diaphragm. This is on Beaver lake. Was thinking if pump was on a boat in the dock and you you hooked up to it when needed. The Corp would be out of the loop.
  15. Took my 225 pro XS 2007 into ulrick marine for tune up had no problems with the motor he changed out the silver fuel hoes from the tank to the black hose and cut it open to show how the inner lining was starting to come apart. This is the hose installed by who ever did the initial setup of the boat. What he put in is Type B1-15 SAE this is a low- permeation hose. Do not remember what the original was. Here is a 2009 Merc Service bulletin about fuel hose http://marinepartsexpress.com/Merc_Prod_Bull/Low%20Permeation%20Fuel%20Hose%20Bulletin%20No.%202008-11.pdf
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