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Everything posted by kwall

  1. kwall


    The flats May thru July ( north of Mutton west side)
  2. I sure enjoy my Lifetime Hunting and Fishing license that I bought in Oklahoma in the early 90's - I am definatly getting my moneys worth, just wish I could get one for Missouri
  3. This lake level is helping a 3yr newbe to the lake like me , found lots of good structure - kind of nice to see what it really looks like above water - coming up to winterize camper for the season and to get a fishin' trip in on Sat. - caint' wait!!
  4. Thanks agin Mike for the help , the Eyeman and I haven't fished BSL since we fished with you in July of 2009, thanks for those tips you showed us and we will post how we do on the 30th
  5. Mike, Eyeman and myself will be fishing BSL the last weekend of this month we sure hope to get a good mess of walleyes - thanks for the report letting us kind of get an idea of what to expect
  6. Matter fact I have Straw hat, it's one of those things you get hooked on from the start or you never want to do it agin. The thing about handfishing is don't stick your Hand in a hole that's above the water line - beavers, snakes and snappers like'em
  7. Straw hat , I've caught three total this year the other two came off a flat in late May while I was dragg'in a worm harness tryin' for those Walleyes. Years ago I handfished for them in an Oklahoma creek with my uncles and cousins near where I live, it wasn't uncommon to bring home a couple of 15 to 20lb ers' Now that was young fun, some great family memories
  8. Straw hat , I put in at RB ramp in Stockton the point to the left as you leave the cove in 11fow is where I marked fish on my Lowrance unit I thought there was a walleye on my line at first then figured out pretty quick by the fight it was a kitty. There is some chunk rock close by where I marked the fish- I reel my jigs very,very slow pausing ever so often to see if a fish will pick it up , hope this helps - I keep flathead and blues from time to time but threw this'en back to fight another day
  9. WM, I couldn't key in on the eyes this trip . I only caught 2 shorts in 12 fow on chunk rock on a point.I did however, catch a 10lb flathead and lots of small mouth and big mouth bass on an orange 2" gulp grub on a 1/4 oz road runner head.
  10. Wm, yep I got the last spot - fished all day look'in for new places, caught quite a few short eyes , the keepers must have moved to where you were at. I only caught 1 16"er the rest were 13 to 14 1/2 range . I think those bass were gett'in to my crawler before the eyes were, caught 20 or so in the 12 to 14 inch range. You beat me this time , glad you got a mess - I had to go to the freezer for my dinner,lol. Eyeman and I are going to BSL this comin' weekend on a Walleye hunt, haven't fished much there so we figured we better get a guide, went with "Worley" last year and getting with " Hotdawg" this year , should be a nice one to be on the lake wheather on Stockton or Bull Shoals
  11. kwall


    Not sure, be fishing there this weekend , they should be feeding getting ready for winter. Eyeman and I caught 20 or so shorts and came home with 7 a few weeks back, had to move to different spots , seemed to be scattering out from their summer pattern the water temp then was mid 70's
  12. Well, I plan on fishin' there this weekend myself , they should be feeding closer to The bank now that the water is cooler , try the points and especially if the wind is blow'in into them , they like to eat this time of year and they scatter a bit ,so move if not getting bites , should be a good weekend
  13. Thanks Binman, I look forward to fishin' Stockton , hope water temp and air temp break somewhat between now and then
  14. Junkman, sorry bout your misfortune - I have flats from the to time and learned that spare tires are CHEAP!!! and keep I keep my wheel bearings in top working order also -- Matter fact I had flat on way last weekend, ugh!! But on road agin quick PS- I usually do best on Stockton in May and June when water temps are in the mid 70s, it does produce numers of Walleyes for me on worm harness rigs, and " hot n tots " on occasion I will flip a 1/4oz jig tipped with a minnow or 1/3 nightcrawler like you would if you were bass'in in shallows,hope this helps
  15. Bob, thanks for the report - found same soft bite with the Eyes.
  16. Thanks for the report, caint' wait to get back there this weekend
  17. Be ready for a good'in Straw ,18 to 22' is where I been catching mine mostly on points trolling harness rigs, good luck
  18. Had to work hard to get them, real soft bite to-just felt like the bait got hung or stopped while trolling harness, finicky biters
  19. Walleye fished on points in 18 to 22' using harness rigs mainly ,caught 7 or so shorts and 2 keepers ( 16"ers ) on Fri. had to work to get them . went to flats N of Mutton creek and caught a few short eyes in the 12 to 14" range 8 or so, wind blew a little Sat. AM found a windy point to fish ended up catching 2 more 16"ers and one 5lb LMB took him and the 2 eyes back to camp had them along with slaw , taters' and blackeyed peas-- now that was some good eaten'. HOT weekend to fish didn't try any night fishing but might give it a go this coming weekend-
  20. Think I may try by the dam at the edge of the drop off just to see what happens
  21. With the heat during day I may have to try night fishing myself , just need a pointer or to From ya' all ,I have a green water light that will go down 25' , still in box
  22. Went with Bob Bennett two weeks ago . We drug bandits in coves for crappies caught 15 or so , he said fish aren't in brush like they should be that's why we went to dragg'in coves, pink worked well that day . PS-- Thanks Bob for the fun trip
  23. Orange, pink, white, chartreuse
  24. WM , sounds good , I'll be back to Stockton agin this weekend , going to take some kids out for blue guills and a walleye on Mutton Flats , have fun on Devils Lake
  25. Caught 30 or so walleye dragging harness on points 18 to 20' , 10 were over 15" largest 22" caught 20 or so channels also and nice mess of guills to boot , hot but nice weekend to be out
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