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dennis boatman

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by dennis boatman

  1. ...I have fished Stockton about 5 times the past 2 weeks...catch rates have been low on Crappie, but size has been good...I'd guess 80% are keeper size...but catch rate about 2 per hour and VERY scattered...One day I caught about 10 in less than an hour and BOOM they shut off...so, I guess, keep moving, they are there. As far as the spawn, I am no biologist, but I would guess some have spawned, some haven't, and some are very confused and probably won't. Will be interesting in a few years to see how this works out...keep fishing, you'll catch fish...
  2. First!! I caught a 24 1/2 incher and it weighed 8-3..nice fish...
  3. ...it really does have fishing in it...
  4. Check this out. It's showing at the Moxie in Springfield. Official Trailer is on Youtube. Looks like an interesting movie...Starts this Friday and probably will only run 1 week...I can't go till next week...off to the Arkansas Derby to see Optimizer show them how the homeboyz do it...If you go see it, post a review...from what I've seen, the scenery and filming are great. Not sure of the facts surrounding the story, but still looks intriguing...
  5. Hartley would work...protected cove and less than a mile to Point B-4 I believe...
  6. Like most, I have had "reasonable" success on Crappie this year...Last week on 2 trips catch rate was about 3 per hour and scattered from 3' to 15'...I caught most in about 15' of water and about 6' deep...size has been great...of the 30 or so Crappie I've caught, only 2 have been short fish...jigs or minnows doesn't seem to matter, so I prefer jigs...always have a few minnows...still no Walleye for me this year...even the bass bite seems to be scattered...I've caught them on topwater and on jigs in 15' of water...they seem to be confused...should straighten up this week...no matter, it's good to be on the water...
  7. ...exactly how it was for me on Wednesday...Seems the size this year is really good...I've only caught 2 short fish...average between 11 and 12 inches...caught one 13 incher...going back this afternoon...What's up with all the moss...to warm of a winter? never seen it like this...
  8. ...years ago when the minimum was 18", I rarely caught one under that...and now, seems most are right at 15"...interesting...
  9. Caught 2 on a buzzbait this evening...let the fun begin...
  10. Think beer would work?
  11. Yep...High gas prices haven't seemed to slow things down...
  12. I was at Hartley Boat Ramp last sunday and only about 8 cars...Wednesday night none, and it's free...and a protected cove when the wind is out of the south or west or some combination of that...good luck
  13. 6" Pink worm no weight...especially in clear water...
  14. If there's no path, probably no fish..good luck...and happy shroom hunting...I may put my felt soled waders on craigslist advertised as mushroom hunting boots...P.T. Barnum would be proud...
  15. felt soled waders are perfect for mushroom hunting...no ticks and you spread the spores around...
  16. ...maybe wear felt sole waders and spread it around...
  17. yea, what's up with that tough bite?? Maybe we expect more because it's been warm. Patients my friends, Patients. I did catch a few Sunday on a Pink Worm, so better days are ahead, and soon...maybe today?
  18. Sounds like our day, but we put in at Hartley...started about 2pm and quit near dark...lots of short bass and Crappie were few and far between, but nice size...it was one fantastic day at Stockton .....
  19. why would anyone hijack thread....I guess desperate times call for desperate actions...and bears, we have bears...
  20. 215 bridge is open again...
  21. I had an "interesting" encounter with a bear in Woodland Caribou Park...I wasn't nearly careful enough with my food...do as they say, not as I did...
  22. took the kayak to Taylor Bridge. About 15 cars there. I went upstream and caught one decent white bass and several small ones. Did not see anyone else catch a fish and many had been there all afternoon.
  23. I'll probably go to Taylor Tuesday evening....If anything I'll report...
  24. give the fish the credit due him...not the fisherman...
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