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dennis boatman

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by dennis boatman

  1. That clear water takes a long time to warm up...
  2. Always a few in there year round...
  3. I have no idea, but let us know how this ends up...
  4. I do remember many many many years ago some were released in Polk County but have long been gone...I'm doubting this sighting, but anything is possible...
  5. Checked it again Monday Eve...nothing...We need some rain to warm it up and get some water in there....I'll float from above hwy 215 to Taylor Bridge on Good Friday...
  6. Heard a rumor of a recent bear sighting in southern Polk County... Anyone else hear this?
  7. Don't get me started on Passenger Pigeons...
  8. Went to Taylor Bridge. Water was low and no fish in sight. I live just a few minutes from there and will be checking on it a few times a week...I will try to keep everyone posted when the White bass start up the river...
  9. I bet the Alabama rig would be great on White Bass...anyone try that yet? I have fished with 2 jigs many times and had double hook ups...
  10. Took my felt soled waders out for one last trip. They leaked terribly. Excellent timing.
  11. NOT to be confused with the Niangua...
  12. Did I hear it wrong, or did KY3 get the felt sole ban wrong? they said it only applied to trout parks....? That aint right...
  13. Chuck Norris...Nuff said...
  14. I think I need to get out more...:0(
  15. I would think the percentage of fisherman coming to Missouri fishing, that have been in Didymo infested waters is minimal at best. If I fish Taney, then head to Crane Creek, I am not spreading Didymo. It's not there. If one fisherman fished Didymo water, then fished Taney, I guess in theory, he could ruin Taney forever, but I doubt it. There I said it...phew....
  16. Badges?!? We don't need no stinking Badges!!!!
  17. Has there ever been any discussion or interest in a Pin to be worn on your hat, vest, or shirt? A small pin would identify you as an OAF member when you are on the water and would bring the group closer together. I am sure a pin could be designed and sold for $10 or less. Any interest. I would think the administrator would take this task on...
  18. I like it...
  19. I tie a fly very similiar to that using Caribou hair. The little browns love it...I usually tie it on a 10 or 12...
  20. Thanks...and I think Stockton is going to fish GREAT in 2012...all species..
  21. not THAT I understand...
  22. I like the rubber cement option...
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