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Everything posted by Danoinark

  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours Greg. Thanks for the report... Dano
  2. Beware of things that go "beep" in the night!
  3. 18 to 24 inches would work.
  4. Hi Leo. Fish them "ticking" along the bottom. Scuds dwell in the gravel, and in moss beds. Olive and gray are the standard Ozark stream colors. Pink and orange also work when you see molting scuds. Dano
  5. Check out this montage from Andy Favors Photography in Berryville, AR.... The best I have seen. Dano http://www.andyfavors.com/Photography/Photos/9631090_pPQeC#1133715653_YXvUf
  6. Yawn, and Ho Hum!
  7. Welcome Frederick, glad to have you here. Look forward to any fishing reports. Dano
  8. Welcome glad you signed up. Dano
  9. Loop to Loop leader to tippet, always have always will....
  10. Then the Orvis Silver Labels. Best for that price range in my opinion. Excellent warranty and customer service. Now with that said, I will try some of Hendrix Outdoors at some point. I hear they are equivalent and I know they do have good customer service. Dano
  11. http://www.midcurrent.com/flyfishing/trout_rod_length.aspx
  12. I tend to look it as more climate change than what has become known as global warning.
  13. Taxidermist on here does them...JD Creager. Dano
  14. If there is a County Agriculture Agent in Mo counties it may not cost anything. Here in Ark I think they send them off and don't charge if I recall correctly, Dano
  15. Good on you!!!!
  16. Nice looking fish. Appreciate the report and picture.
  17. Just fishin' What river is that? Nice. Dano
  18. Well I'm impressed......
  19. Thanks for passing this on. Dano
  20. Likewise.
  21. ...those boxed tools from Cabelas are fine for starters. You will upgrade later as you get into it. YouTube is chocked full of tying videos from novice to expert.
  22. No kits...just for the reason you listed. Get your tools then buy only the materials for the first fly you want to learn and so forth. Its amazing how much you will accumulate this way. Dano
  23. That is a goodern for sure!!!!
  24. Wish I could make it fellows.....
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