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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Cocry

  1. Ever end up going to Mill?
  2. I ended up going to Blue Springs this past Sunday. Roads were just fine. Caught my first wild trout about 6 inches. Kind of exciting. As my buddy and I were heading out, a gentleman came by and asked, gave him the story and he mentioned Mill Creek. Of course I'm now interested in going. If you're ever looking for someone to split the gas, let me know. Thanks!
  3. You end up going to Mill today?
  4. If anyone is interested in coming in from out of town, I work for a hotel company that I could set up a group block for people to call in and use at possibly a reduced rate. https://wwws.druryhotels.com/PropertyHotelServices.aspx?Property=0136 is the link to the closest location which shows to be about 10-15 minutes away. Please let me know if anyone would be interested. Thank you, Cory
  5. OTF in your defense, I could sense the sarcasm in your Times New Roman size 12 font. Got to love the internet.
  6. Just got my reel and hooks. Quick turnaround and the reel looks great. Can't wait to use it. Thanks Justin!
  7. Grassy butt. I'm workin on my spanish.
  8. I know this is probably not in the right forum/subforum but my main thought is for Taneycomo. We plan family vacations every year for a week. My family thinks it's imperative to stay on the lake so the can swim(usually for only about 1 day). I need a resort(cabin that you can walk down to the lake, has a dock etc) that is within 25-30 minutes of the Dam? Thanks in advance! Cory
  9. Was thinking about coming down this weekend. With all of the snow melting, is the water high? Please enjoy my poll question. Thanks in advance, Cory
  10. Stare at them and catch fish in their face all day. Kill them with kindness. Wave then continue catching fish. Why let like stuff that ruin your day?
  11. Thanks for the update. Good enough for me to continue with my order.
  12. I completely agree. I have an invoice to pay for something that I am interested in purchasing. Is it from Allen's Fly Fishing? If so, I might have some second thoughts about spending my money. I have not been around the forums all to long so if I am way off base, please excuse me. -Side note: I am not accusing anyone, only asking a question.
  13. Anyone planning on going down this weekend?? It looks like it's going to be semi-decent weather. -Cory
  14. Sounds like a plan! Great to meet you as well. I work m-f so my weekends will be dedicated to fishing. I'm down for a day trip or for the whole weekend. Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon.
  15. Once the weather warms up a bit, I will probably be taking at least 2-4 weekends a month to go to bennett/montauk/taneycomo so feel free to hit me up if you ever want to go.... and oh yea! Welcome to the forum!! Edit: I live off of exit 251 in Washington, MO(right on the way to fishing)
  16. Ever since I can remember, our family has stayed on Table Rock Lake for about a week every year. Usually it's great because I'm close to Taney, sometimes it's an hour+ drive. Unfortunately, my family wants to stay on Beaver Lake so everyone can swim and boat and all of that jazz. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for resorts on Beaver Lake that are an easy drive to the tailwaters so I can get my fly fishing in. The planners have already started looking but I need to get my say in so I don't have to drive an hour+ just to fly fish. Thank you in advance, Cory
  17. I know you're probably getting tired of hearing it, but thank you. It was great to meet you and I look forward to your future listings!
  18. Ahh thank you for that. Always good to feel like a goofball every once in a while.
  19. Sorry to be nosey, but what is going on at Queeny Park?
  20. I can't say that I have ever used this type of indicator but what is the hype all about?
  21. these pics are makin me antsy in my simms breathable goretex panties. i can't wait for Thursday, October 14 at around 9pm hahaha
  22. i'm hoping to leave out sometime early tomorrow morning, fish all day and some of the day on sunday. I hope the water is a little lower than last weekend I heard a lot of people were doing well but I just could not hook up.... and i fished my butt off, bell to bell
  23. Yea, I sometimes enjoy the higher water. Just different kind of fishing in my opinion especially with the flyrod. Looking forward to it.
  24. Heading down this weekend. Does anyone think the water will drop at all by Saturday??
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