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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by twosets

  1. Does anyone have a recommendation for a guide in the St Augistine Fl. area? Looking for in shore, not deep sea. Thanks George
  2. Set up on a tee for SOI3
  3. I am with you, Rich. The stories of the pain and results of addiction are heartbreaking, as well as making our society more dangerous. At one point in their lives, each of these was someone's precious child, and is still a precious child of God. George
  4. Bill Babler is an excellent guide. White River outfitters whiteriveroutfitters.com
  5. I had good success last week fishing jigs in the restricted area. lots of 16 to 18 in fish. I had a larger fish on for quite a while close to the dam, but broke it off before i could get a good look.
  6. That was really cool, Phil. Thanks
  7. It seems to me like the last time I fished with you, you were more into poisioning them and scooping them up in nets than in the flyrod thing. I could be wrong but I do not think so.
  8. The last video captures the true essence of my mom. Dodging my dad's backcast, speaking her truth. It is precious beyond words. I will treasure it always. Thank you Phil.
  9. One of these things is not like the other. Thanks to everyone, especially Bill and Vince for the help. "Guides that gave their weekend to these guys were- Don House Eric Prey Chris Tetrick Jim Lund Dana Lindsay Bill Babler Vince Elfrink Jeremy Hunt Zack Hoyt Dan Sears George Steffen" Peace George
  10. I can only do easy ones, put me down for midges and jigs, will mail them monday
  11. If you cut off the bootheel of Missouri and added it to Arkansas you would increse the average IQ of both states.
  12. Hey Freak No Chicken Hawks on MU Bill's cap.
  13. Thanks guys, your input is very much appreciated
  14. I am looking for advice for fishing the Indian point area. Thanks for your help. George
  15. Eric I do not know you but I am HIGHLY offended by the BTO reference. Man, I really hate that song. Seriously, like bigred I very much appreciate any information that is posted here, particularly by the guides who are very busy and kind enough to share information with the great masses of the unwashed, of which I am one. Thanks all you guides George
  16. Dannas is in the perfect spot and you can almost walk in in your waders. All of the food that I have had there has been very good. (Could be I was very hungry)
  17. What you saw was probibaly a painted water snake and not a copperhead. They have the same colors, but copperheads have the distinctive hourglass patten on the back. I have never seen a copperhead swimming.
  18. Very good drift fishing Saturday between Fall and Short creek. Did not hit the water until 11 am and by accident found a lot of fish on the shallow side trying to avoid the submerged trees on the deep side. Caught about 25 fat and sassy fish between the 3 of us in about 2 and a half hours, including a brown of about 2 lbs right at short creek. Boys were dragging crawlers and I was floating a jig. No pics from Saturday, but here is one from earlier in the week of my nephew Andrew landing one with x-pert advice. What a great day to be out.
  19. Another great day on the water with a wonderful guide. I would highly recommend it. Thanks again Bill. George
  20. Great, a "you shoulda been here last week " report right before I am going to be there. What time and where monday, Bill? Looking forward to it George
  21. I have 2 of Clay's spinning rods and they are absolutely great. I would highly recommend them
  22. Got back from Key West of Monday night. Many thanks to J and Bryan for the great advice on a guide. Tarpoon fishing with light tackle was one of the coolest things that I have ever done. Went out fore a half day with Lenny Lenoard. He was just outstanding, a real fun guy to fish with who put me on some fish. We used 7ft spinning rods with 20lb test braid and a 50lb florcarbon leader. Jumped 3 tarpoon on crabs, 2 in the 80 to 100 lb range, both of which I had on for 3 to 4 minutes and jumped 4 times each. One spit the hook and the other landed on the line and broke it. I did manage to land a 40 lb fish after about a 15 min fight. Had 2 other large fish follow and blow up on a 10in hogy (wet my pants) but they kept missing the bait and were fairly close to the boat, so they took off when they saw the boat. Sorry, no pics were taken. I will definately do this again. George
  23. Thanks for the report, glad you did well
  24. Nice fish Bruce That is a really fat one
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