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Greasy B

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greasy B

  1. A qualified person could give you a long list of reasons, I can only give you a couple. Each stream system has it's own native wild fish that has adapted to it's environment, when non native genetics found in a hatchery are introduced into a population it often replaces the native fish with fish that are not as well adapted, the result can be smaller, slower growing and shorter lived fish. This is what happened to native trout all across western America, the results have been the destruction of countless uniquely adapted fish populations. The disturbing part of this is that it was done by state and federal agencies. I don't think this this kind of wholesale destruction would take place with SMB but the there's little doubt nothing good will come from introducing non native genetics into native fish. Another reason is economics. It's been proven over and over that stocking fish into a stream that ready contains a reproducing population does not result in more or better fishing. A stream will only support so many fish of a given type based on habitat, spawning areas and food availability. When more fish are introduced than can be supported they generally perish, a waste of money. The fish hatchery industry has some how convinced the angling puplic that dumping more fish into a lake or stream automaticly results in better fishing, in reality that is only the case in unique circumstances where dams have ready eliminated native fish or in closed systems where fish don't have the ability to reproduce on their own or have the ability to escape.
  2. It's going to be awfully hot. Fishing is going to tough in the middle of the day. You might try early morning or the last hour in the evening. BWL can be a great place to fish but during a heat wave in the middle of summer might not be the best time.
  3. Thank a heck of trip, you guys had it going on, excellent.
  4. In the end none of this will change anything. A few people will get busted, the locals will collect some revenue, law enforcement and the court system will justify their existence. Will the world be a safer place? Maybe, but probably not much safer than if a couple of folks were to loose their cell phones in the river. Will this cut down on obnoxious behavior? Maybe for one day by throwing a few people in jail. Will the people who are busted really deserve it? Some probably, but as likely as not some of the folks thrown in jail will just be mildly buzzed people who are mostly responcible and law abiding and just got caught doing what they do to relax. Rest assured this will not change the rivers or society for the better.
  5. Yikes! Dry county, now that's good information.
  6. Excellent report and some great fish. I quess there is hope for our best trout stream.
  7. Good grief, One of the reasons our Ozark Smallmouth are so special is their wild. I hope misguided fisheries officials don't screw that up.
  8. When the folks at Cabela's tell me I'll save 10 bucks if sign up for some stupid card I tell them I'll save a hundred if I turn around and walk out the door. The big box stores are like lawyers, I'd be happy if I never laid eyes on another.
  9. Yep, time on the water is the hard part. All the techniques and equipment in the world won't make up for time spent with a rod in your hand. good luck!
  10. Greasy B

    26 Cfs

  11. It is sad to fish that stretch and find so few decent SMB for the amount of habitat. I fish creeks with a fraction of the habitat and find fish everywhere they should be, and bigger fish too. Has our best Smallmouth river become nothing more than a carp ditch?
  12. Last weekend had a little more water than the previous weekend. Sure enough there were some joy riders. The boats with huge motors (most irritating) and experienced operators seem to make it through ok. I did see a lot of trails where others vacuumed up or washed gravel. For the river being so low the water was awful murky, maybe it was all the big carp I seen tailing, each had a plume of muck trailing downstream. I'm going to bring a fly rod next time see if I can't catch a couple.
  13. Wow, you folks must be fishing in the land of OZ. Sure you don't need an indicator when you are standing next to the run your fishing and if the water is relatively clear and the lighting is right and the wind is not blowing and....... When I'm nymphing I typically have to deal with rain, sleet/snow, howling winds, a canoe, pontoon or river john spinning wildly out of control, one hand on an oar, paddle or tiller one hand on my rod flipping, rolling flicking my fly out, poor lighting, glasses that are full of water drop/fish slime and frozen fingers that hardly grip enough to mend. I use a bobber and a big bobber at that. Maybe one of these days I'll be on the river when everything is perfect but it hasn't happened yet.
  14. When gravel bar camping asking permission is often impractical. It's best to be very discreet and respectful. Never camp within sight of a home or road. Never camp where you see purple paint. Never camp where you see tire tracks. Never leave a fire ring or trash. If you build a fire make it small. If you follow these guide lines you should be ok.
  15. That's the stupidest crock of anthropomorphic BS I ever heard. How lame. Do people actualy think this way?
  16. I love that narrow channel on the South Fork. Reminds me of the upper Gasconade. Small stream float fishing is as good as it gets.
  17. Interesting. I believe May is when Stocking Browns takes place. Could all these freshly stocked fish have migrated out of the area only to perish when the water warmed.
  18. With the nearby white river fishing guide / angling tourist industry I think the creek gets pounded by more knowledgeable and effective fishermen. Dispite most of these fishers practicing C&R I'm sure they effect the quality of SMB.
  19. Great, such is the beauty of the fiberglass river john, form follows function. It's beyond me why an appreciation for these boats stop north of the AR. Line.
  20. I don't know about a flat back canoe. One of the beautiful and fictional aspects of a canoe is it's symmetry, it travels equally well backward as it does forward. With the back end lopped off you are loosing displacement right where you need it with the added weight of a motor. Have you ever operated a tiller motor that aligns withe the center of your back? I couldn't imagine a more ergonomically awkward position. A regular canoe, a 2x3 and a couple of C clamps will put a small outboard or trolling motor right beside you where you can steer it without your arm being contorted behind you.
  21. Thanks for the report. How difficult was it to get your river johns through the shoals on Buffalo? With our low water levels I figured it would take some scrapping and pulling, not sure. A river John float on the lower river is moving up on my short list of must do's, I'm looking for some encouragement. Thanks.
  22. Last fall I bought a mid priced fly line, paid about half of what I typically spend on a premium line. It's a mess with ground in stains and cracks, even cleaning and dressing it twice a day doesn't help. The line only sees day light and heat when it in my hand or in the boat. The premium lines would typically last me three years or so. I beleive it was a Corrtland but I can't remember for sure. Did I get what I paid for? Or did I just choose the wrong line.
  23. Thanks for the report. Sounds like a grand adventure with the typical mishaps and shining moments all big trips have.
  24. I think it was determined that the Redband's just didn't improve the fishing because the tended to migrate out of the trout waters into waters where they couldn't survive the summer heat.
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