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Everything posted by drs7558

  1. Does anyone have any info on the bigger lakes at Terre Due Lak Lakes? Depth of lakes, quality of bass, water clarity. Or anything else. I have an opportunity to fish these lakes and don't know anything about them .
  2. Does anyone know anything about the lakes at Terre Due Lac lakes development? Just curious.
  3. Thanks for the video Quillback, made my day.
  4. This is great stuff. There isn't another place around that you can get this type of info on bass fishing on the Rock. This site is awesome. I learn something every time I come on this forum. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  5. Dave I'm interested in buying some of your Ned Rig jig heads.  What do you suggest?  Sizes, colors etc.  And how would I pay you for them.  I've been laid up for a couple of years, and I cant wait to try them.  We fish the same area, Schooner Creek.  I have a place at Schooner Bay Landing.  Let me now what you think I should start out with and how to pay you.  E-mail is drs75580@gmail .com.

  6. can you still send a private message of the Table Rock Forum site? i'd like to order some ned rig heads from Dave, but I can't figure out how to do it.
  7. Phil, I tried to get on the fish structure map by the MDC, my access was denied.  Are you aware of this.

  8. Quillback, sorry about the late response on "hows , the knee replacement". Been having a lot of doctors visits lately. A knee replacement is no fun. A year and a half later and I'm still not right. Just recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's. Knee surgeon thinks the recent Parkinson's may have complicated my recovery. I've had the Champion out several times, but not been able to fish. Goin down to the Rock next week, we'll see how it goes. May even try the Ned Rig.
  9. Whats up with dingy water on the Rock. We haven't been to the lake since March. The lake was dingy then to. A knee replacement has kept me closer to home lately. I'M not used to seeing the water in this condition. We have a place in the Kimberling City area. Dingy water all around. Is it just so much rain and weather, or is it something else. Maybe its nothing, I don't know. If you have an opinion let me know. I'm guessing it will clear up, I hope.
  10. Why would you set your "deer cam" , trail camera, up, to shoot through all that brush?
  11. I'm not having a good day. Sore back. Watched your video, feel a lot better, THANKS.
  12. where is this boys ranch in Lampe?
  13. I had a day on the lake with Bill Babler a couple years ago. Had a great time, learned a lot. I need to do it again, soon.
  14. Ulrich Marine is the place to go. I had a pontoon and a bass boat almost totally distroyed in the last tornado that hit the TR area. The insurance company gave me a choice, total them or fix them. I called Fred at Ulrich Marine. He picked them up out of the lake and fixed them. I'm very satified with his work. As a matter of fact, Fred called me this afternoon, just to saw hello. I guess I'm a pretty good customer.
  15. Take a look at the Lumix DMC-F200. You won't find it in any camera stores, you'll have to order it from an Internet camera store. Its an unbelievable camera. I took a chance, never held the camera in my hands before ordering one on the internet. I'll never need another camera or lense. Read about it you'll see.
  16. There are lots of nice smalljaws in TR.
  17. Darren, that was a great post.
  18. Where is McCallister Marine? I've heard about Danny being very good with Mercs.
  19. This Mudline thing is new to me. How deep will the mudline be? How far from the bank?
  20. I've been fishing for a long time. I even have a condo in Kimberling City. Keep a nice Champion at Port of Kimberling. Don't get to fish as much as I want to but when I do, the clear waters of The Rock, kicks my a--. I don't have any trouble catching fish at Truman, LOZ, or in Texas. I don't Post very often, because I don't have any GOOD stuff to add. I may be a lurker, but I read this site on a regular basic. Even though I'm not catching a lot of fish I feel that I have learned so much from this site, Bill B. and others. I even went fishing with Bill B. once, what a great experience. This site is a blessing to me. Thanks Phil.
  21. I didn't see to many pluses for fire-line. I love it on my spinning reels. With a 10' length of a good fluoro. Don't have much trouble with this set up.
  22. OK, I haven't been much of a jerkbait fisherman in the past. I have several jerkbaits, I just don't use them very much. Just bought a MagaBass, and thought, for as much money as they cost, it shouldn't need much tuning. Wrong. I filled up the slop sink (I've never done this before) with cold water, held it under water, so it would suspend. It went straight to bottom , nose first. Tried several of the other baits, the only one that would actually suspend was a Rapala. I thought that if you held these baits under water they should suspend, not sink or rise. Am I right? If so, what is the best way to tune the bait, so you can be reasonable sure its suspending after you make your long cast, crank it down 7 or 8 feet(?) and let it sit for awhile, instead of thinking that the bait is sinking to the trees or rising to the surface. Thanks for your help.
  23. Big thanks to all you folks who responded to my post. Lots of good information. But what else would you expect from readers of this forum.
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