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Everything posted by Rickf

  1. Good eye Bill, put in at Beaver Creek and never started the big motor except to put the boat back on the trailer. I also had two other keeper walleye a couple of fat crappie and some short largemouth.
  2. The pot hole is the water directly below the dam. I also fished out of Beaver Creek today and stayed in that area, it was also slow for me I had one walleye and five largemouth nothing big.
  3. Did a little Fishmas shopping today, I picked up a few things for myself. Merry Fishmas to all and to all a good bite. Three walleye, one crappie and about ten largemouth.
  4. Merry Fishmas to all and to all a good Bite
  5. Fished out of Beaver Creek this morning caught small mouth, large mouth and crappie to bad I was fishing for walleye. I don't know why it wants to turn the photos sideways
  6. We fished out of Beaver Creek down to just above K Dock. My brother had one nice small mouth and a couple large mouth, I had one monster crappie and two large mouth.
  7. Rickf


    It was suspposed to be a fishing post but the Santa hat seems to be better
  8. Nice fish I'm going down Thursday so it's good to see this report, thanks for the good report.
  9. Rickf


    Here a picture I forgot to post of what I was looking at
  10. Rickf


    I wish I had that much hair, it's really a Santa hat made of white fox fur and velvet my wife made. We caught the stripers on brood minnows we picked up at Hook Line and Sinker, fished them below the boat at 30 to 40 feet over 70 feet of water.
  11. Rickf


    Just thought I would let anyone interested, I fished Prairie Creek just outside the marina on the bluff side over 70 feet of water and caught a few fish nothing huge just fun size.
  12. Rickf


    Caught a few with my son back in October, fun stuff.
  13. I had one of those trips earlier this year. This was Madison's first fish ever. What a fun day for her and her dad.
  14. Rickf

    What Is It

    Thanks Champ, I've fished Table Rock for fifty plus years and that's a first for me. I have caught shell crackers in Florida in the canals but they didn't look like that. They looked more like a blue gill with a light colored mark across there head.
  15. Caught this fish on Table Rock this morning and I don't know what it is. Looks like a crappie but has a tiny mouth.
  16. I agree you have made me a better fisherman. Thanks
  17. I have a 1993 evinrude that came on my Nitro when I bought it, I have replaced two water pumps and one oil injection unit since I bought it. Hundreds of hours and it's never been in the shop. Now it will probably quit on my trip today now that I've said that. Anyway I would buy a new OMC product if I needed one.
  18. When I die I hope my wife doesn't sell all my stuff for what I told her I paid for it.
  19. I want to go, can someone tell me if any of the COE ramps are open?
  20. Sounds like fun I'll bring the tater salad.
  21. My member title is wrong, it should be Nixa Fisherman not bleeding shiner

  22. My member title is wrong, how do I correct it?

  23. Fishing with shad means fish in the boat. Good things come to those who bait.
  24. Some of the guides know me as the guy with the large baitwell in the NITRO. Good things come to those who bait. I love the forum.
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