Moguy, Thanks for your effort, the info you presnted is interesting, but not neccisarliy what I am looking for.
I want to know, for example, which species of crayfish are in Pomme deTerre or Stockton. I feel this would help initial jig/trailer selection when going to a new lake.
I remember seeing an article or website listing which species of crayfish were in which of our Missouri lakes. Unfortunately I cant find it now, does anyone have a link to this info?
I got to bass fish three mornings this weekend. I mostly stuck to a jig and had pretty good success both in coves and on the bluffs. Had a couple 3+'s Friday and Sunday, plenty of action to keep me happy. Fished with my 10yo grand-daughter Sunday morning and she out numbered me with a PB&J ned rig, great time!
Talked to several crappie fisherman and they say they are starting to catch a few more keepers. Still alot af smaller ones but the biggerones are starting to move in with the cooler water.
Tight lines!
Pretty impressive. 17 teams and 18lbs didn't get a check.
From the Reeves Brothers FB page:
Congrats to Scott and Brandon Hill who won our first event of the 2017 season with a whopping 26lbs 13.5oz beating out 16 other teams. They also had Big Bass with a 6lb 13oz fish.
2nd-Shane Bakken and Brad Tyer 23lbs 7.5oz
3rd-Rodney Edwards and Jeff Stidham 19lbs
4th-Todd and Hunter Bruders 18lbs 1.5oz 5th-Tim and Aaron Fisher 17lbs 13oz
6th- Jason and Rick Cline 17lbs 11.5pz
7th-Josh Oberbeck and Josh Cornelison 16lbs 0.5oz
8th-David Kinder and Mark Diaz 15lbs 6oz
9th-Tanner McMillen and Jarod Cloyd 14lbs 3.5oz
10-Stan Green and Josh Swineburg 14lbs 2oz
Hi Ketchup. Is the Tin Boat club up and running? I have a place at Pomme and would be interested in checking it out. Only issue is my Tracker has a 125, are you still limited to 115?