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Everything posted by Conman64

  1. How is the clarity in the dam area?
  2. Awesome job Grandpa! they will never forget it.
  3. Can anyone share an ice report on the lake?? Thanks
  4. Moguy, Thanks for your effort, the info you presnted is interesting, but not neccisarliy what I am looking for. I want to know, for example, which species of crayfish are in Pomme deTerre or Stockton. I feel this would help initial jig/trailer selection when going to a new lake. Thanks
  5. I remember seeing an article or website listing which species of crayfish were in which of our Missouri lakes. Unfortunately I cant find it now, does anyone have a link to this info? Thanks Chris
  6. I got to bass fish three mornings this weekend. I mostly stuck to a jig and had pretty good success both in coves and on the bluffs. Had a couple 3+'s Friday and Sunday, plenty of action to keep me happy. Fished with my 10yo grand-daughter Sunday morning and she out numbered me with a PB&J ned rig, great time! Talked to several crappie fisherman and they say they are starting to catch a few more keepers. Still alot af smaller ones but the biggerones are starting to move in with the cooler water. Tight lines! Chris
  7. What is the water clarity like? Hoping to get out this weekend.
  8. Nice Bass Champ! Thanks for all the input everyone.
  9. What size and color Keitech's are you throwing?
  10. Nice job! Great video, thanks for posting.
  11. Great day! Thanks for sharing.
  12. Dave can you detail the hook set you use? Thank you
  13. Twenty six boats, first place 21+, next four places were 14.xx lbs
  14. Pretty impressive. 17 teams and 18lbs didn't get a check. From the Reeves Brothers FB page: Congrats to Scott and Brandon Hill who won our first event of the 2017 season with a whopping 26lbs 13.5oz beating out 16 other teams. They also had Big Bass with a 6lb 13oz fish. 2nd-Shane Bakken and Brad Tyer 23lbs 7.5oz 3rd-Rodney Edwards and Jeff Stidham 19lbs 4th-Todd and Hunter Bruders 18lbs 1.5oz 5th-Tim and Aaron Fisher 17lbs 13oz 6th- Jason and Rick Cline 17lbs 11.5pz 7th-Josh Oberbeck and Josh Cornelison 16lbs 0.5oz 8th-David Kinder and Mark Diaz 15lbs 6oz 9th-Tanner McMillen and Jarod Cloyd 14lbs 3.5oz 10-Stan Green and Josh Swineburg 14lbs 2oz
  15. http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/Locations/District-Lakes/Pomme-de-Terre-Lake/Daily-Lake-Info-2/
  16. Well done!
  17. This one is actually filmed at TableRock but in very early spring. Good info on proper retrieve.
  18. Trophy, This was filmed up the road at LOZ, but the concepts translate to the Rock.
  19. Thanks for the report Dutch, even though its not what I wanted to hear... Please report back on your success up the Pomme. Good Luck! Chris
  20. Spook and Panfisher. Nice job helping someone out. I love this site.
  21. Did ya make it? I was hoping for a trip report.
  22. Anyone been to where the old Vicky and Tims was? any good?
  23. Hi Ketchup. Is the Tin Boat club up and running? I have a place at Pomme and would be interested in checking it out. Only issue is my Tracker has a 125, are you still limited to 115?




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  24. Dave, I would like to order 100 unpainted 1/8oz heads.



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  25. Well done! Thanks for the report.
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