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Flatbottom Boy

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Flatbottom Boy

  1. Jtram I understand and have mostly the same views. I only have it on me when my wife and kids are with me and its very concealed. I do not carry alone simply because I dont really care what situation I run in to by myself. the thing with open carry in my eyes is that it draws attention to you and your family...possibly making you a target. Put yourself in the mind of a criminal. If you were going to hold up a store or rob an establishment you are going to take out the immediate threat so you are successful. The bystander with the gun on the hip is the first one going down. Just my thoughts friend, I have no disagreements with the law of open carry I just wont do it.
  2. I dont do it and dont quite get why people would want to....other than maybe hiking. To each his own though. I absolutely despise drawing attention to myself. But if you are wanting to do it I would read the law yourself before taking guidance from someone on a forum. For instance there is no law against it as far as state goes but are there city ordinances forbidding it? If thats the case you would have to know those ordinances for every city you visit. Just food for thought...
  3. Old Plug....I bet you can make a mold yourself fairly easy. Or send it to the fella at swing oil baits and see if he will whip you up some.
  4. So what do you gotta do mount your tablet above your real seat? Man I cant wait to see all the guys "interacting" with their swimbaits! Watching someone cast with their Ipad latched on to their 8' casting rod is going to be priceless.
  5. Just a thought but you might want to put your old bow up for sale first. If its outdated just advertise it as a good bowfishing rig. There seems to be a lot of hype in that arena right now. Even if you pull an extra $100 out of it thats more money toward a better setup.
  6. Yes Im back and glad to be. Im kinda over that need to see the world for a while. Did I read right that this is your last year?
  7. You are really making me miss Alaska Duane but it looks like they are working your butt off! Hope I get to shoot some ducks with ya this year, its been a long year waiting and Im ready! Enjoy your time up there.
  8. The outlet store or a pro shop that sells used bows. They tend to go through the bow before selling it. I bought a used bow years back that cost me double after replacing limbs and cams. The thing had been dropped out of the tree stand one too many times or dry fired relentlessly. Anyway the string popped off the cam while I was drawing back. Took it in and the limbs were both twisted. Save yourself the heartache!!
  9. Nice mess of crappies! Got out this morning on the Glaize till noon. A few keepers as the sun was coming up on the frog. Once the boat traffic picked up they were very speratic..pretty much stuck to a jig and lizzard and probably picked up half a dozen more. Awesome morning...59 degrees when I launched!
  10. I have seen you you guys talk about this before but Im having a hard time picturing a skirt on a crank bait. Excuse my ignorance but its just something I have never seen. Care to share a pic to ease my curiosity?
  11. Jeez I was just thinking you could melt the bullet weights down into some Ned heads man. Never mind I retract my offer.
  12. Is this the one you were talking about being broken on the Lake Ozark forum? If so Ill give you 10 bucks and a package of used bullet weights that are so dinged up you cant push line through them anymore....
  13. I fished a few bluffs the other night but I was hitting the very small portions where the bank seemed to slope some, like a part of the cliff collapsed into the water and created a more gradual drop versus the 6" to 40' drop that is along most of the bluffs around McCubbins. Granted I wasnt c-rigging but rather casting the spinner bait right up on the bank. Most of the time there was fish there....but like Glen said there had to be shade. Once you find fish are they schooled up in that deep water or are you just picking up one or two? I know out on Kentucky lake they tend to hold in schools out on the ledges and if your luck it can be cast after cast of pigs.
  14. We fished from 6pm to 2am last night. Before the sun went down is was a 3/4 white/chart spinner bait. They were very shallow in dirty water. Couldnt get any on the frog and buzzbait. After the lights went out we casted a blue/black 3/8 jig with a Havoc trailer. That was really a good time. Nothing really big to speak of but some really fat shorts and a keeper here and there. We casted the jig behind docks up against rock banks and seawalls.
  15. Omega.....Wrench lives on that lake, his advice is as solid as it comes
  16. Yes and there are several spots that replicate that same area. Ill give that a solid shot this weekend if I get out
  17. The area Jerry talked about is where I normally like to fish but the boat traffic isnt very forgiving with my little boat. The water I was in was still much clearer than up the arm where I put in. Maybe I should have concentrated a little harder up the arm closer to the river/creek. That seems the only place I can fish during the summer and still come home with all my limbs and equipment in tact.
  18. Thats what I have been hearing. Maybe I just stunk up the place!
  19. Headed out to the Glaize on Sunday morning. I was in the water by 530 am and casting a Sammy and Black buzz bait. I think the temps were in the low 50's, I was wishing I had a jacket with the light mist that was coming down. I couldn't buy a bite shallow. I'm sure the drastic changes and inches of rain had something to do with it. The further into the Glaize the dirtier the water was. I traveled up the creek a ways but I didn't really catch fish until the first set of cabins on the far end. After a couple hours of casting top waters without much to speak of I changed it up and pitched jigs around some docks and bluff walls picking up a few here and there, but they were mostly at the front end of docks in the deeper water. Jig fishing is something I'm fairly new to and I gave it a good go, swimming a few with different trailers. Casted a football jig working it both slow and aggressively hopping it on the bottom. Hopefully it was just the conditions because I know the jig is a go to bait for a lot of guys here. I did pick up a few decent fish at the back of docks on a white fluke. I finally switched it up to a C-rig lizard and brush hog with a 3/4 oz weight and fished it deeper than I normally feel comfortable. This seemed to work as I picked up a bunch off a couple bluff walls. I think the water I was in was pushing 25+ feet but I would stair step it down the bluff from the bank to the boat. Most of the time they would grab it while it was falling into deeper water. I might have had two keepers all day though, and I busted my butt until around 3 pm. After 3 I attempted to chase some crappies until dark. I was pretty much skunked in all the normal spots that hold them. A bunch of shorts and they were biting very light. I might have to start stalking those guys trolling for them! All in all a great day out on the water. Hope this weather stabilizes some and the shallow fish are more willing to entertain us. A couple fish picks and my fishing partner (in training)
  20. Is that your line hanging from a tree Wrench!
  21. Not mine but $50 http://shopping.rollanet.org/category/370/Fishing/listings/1227046/14-john-boat-trailer.html
  22. I bet that blue pulled hard though! I think its pretty typical for them to get aggresive this time of year. I caught my first cat on a fly rod this time of year here in MO a few years back.
  23. We will be down on Thursday the 23rd. Save a couple for us! We try to do this every year and seem to hit the crappie/bass/redear just about right with at least one of them wanting to play. Good luck to you guys...have a blast!
  24. I put in at McCubbins on Tuesday and you would have thought it was a weekend with all the boats. Most of them prefishing I assume.
  25. I'm by no means an expert like Wrench but I don't think you need to mess around with minnows. take a trip to Walmart and trade in those big ole 1/8th ounce lures for some tride and true tubes. A 1/16 head with red/white, black/chart, or blue/white are usually hard to beat anywhere on the lake. Sure we all have hundreds of colors but those three combinations are the ones I have had the most luck on. If you are still having problems throw on a float and try to keep the bait in the strike zone a little longer. Remember the crappie typically feeds up so start fairly high in the water column and work your way down until you find what depth they are at. Just keep your float at that depth and tear em up! Good luck I hope you find them.
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