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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. I like the beaded wooly. I just think you need some series weight for a hellgrammite and that will get it down and into the runs where those will do well.
  2. Ever thought about using the shortest flymen shanks? You could put a real hinge point in there. Or check out Cohens creatures and just color them. Your only tying part of it in so you get plenty of wiggle with the rest of the body.
  3. Im in. What about a fly of your own creation?
  4. And I've got myself a new tying assistant.
  5. Great video Geoff! Wrench, I like those poppers! How do you tie those Murdichs?
  6. Good stuff then. I may have jumped at that a bit, just seemed a bit ridiculous. Makes more sense that you do not feel that way actually.
  7. Seriously? Get a grip. a big cat ate a good bass. that's life. Both are a native fish and that same thing has been happening for thousands of years. J-doc is right, a bass's biggest enemy is bass anglers. I guarantee people hook and kill more 4 pound bass than that catfish will eat in it's life, whether they kill them intentionally or not. Just because something doesn't fit your agenda of what you like to fish for doesn't mean that everything that goes against it should be killed or forbidden. This is the exact same attitude that makes me dislike bass fisherman more than any other group of fisherman. Just because a fish isn't a bass doesn't give it any less right to live in that water than your beloved bass.
  8. Sounds like a great weekend!
  9. I think you absolutely can! Sure fish are different in different fisheries but look at something like a red copper john. some sort of general nymph profile but the thing is red, I've never seen a red nymph, same with purple and blue nymphs that people do catch fish on, or a purple haze dry. You just have to get the fish to think that it MAY be food and to come take a taste.
  10. Lancer09

    What's Brewing?

    I was just thinking about this the other day as I was drinking a cider! Hope it turns out good!
  11. I can't right now but if that spey rod is still there in a couple of weeks I will be very interested.
  12. May just have to go check out the KC one.
  13. Tying in bunches may work for some people. Too monotonous for me at the vice, and makes it not fun, and that's what it's all about right? I get more enjoyment out of catching fish on more, and different flies all the time instead of ALWAYS playing the numbers game.
  14. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

  15. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    For taking the birds themselves, doves cost me a LOT of money if we are counting on a per pound basis.
  16. I know that stretch. I like that stretch. The fishing is rarely all that good, but it can be a fun little paddle..
  17. That sure is a special river. I love any time i can get down there.
  18. I recently moved and have my tying stuff unpacked. I love sitting down and tying a fly or two an evening while winding down and watching some t.v. This is a great strategy for filling boxes of flies, however it gives me a bit of an odd selection, and a lot of times it will be a few different flies, and I find myself on the water with a hot fly, and only one of them. Oh well. Smallmouth have the brain going.
  19. Swpa.gov generation schedules cover truman dam i believe. Its not certain but it gives you an idea.
  20. You remind me that my stash of them is getting low. Something else as well.
  21. Now with the upgrade when i try to upload a photo from the mobile version of ohotobucket it wont paste the full img. Code. Only reason i go through PB is so that i can edit, and clean up my pictures. Any help?
  22. Got back on the vise for the first time since I got back from vacation. I'll be down somewhere around the Black for Labor day camping. Do I need more to throw for the Smallmouth Bass Fishes? No. But why not?
  23. Dammit Billet!!!!!!!!! I'm already low on vacation for this year and you keep putting this stuff up!
  24. Man, I'm super Jelly of those Grayling. I tried in the park and had a few hits but couldn't get anything to stick. I've got my notebook handy.
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