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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. D&D. Those wedge heads really screw with me.
  2. For the small low water stuff a 5 or 6 is fine. During the day I tip with 4 lb flouro. At night I fish 6. Mix the flies up until you find what they are wanting.for numbers I'm mostly fishing small leeches and sculpins.
  3. This. All of this.
  4. Especially when i didn't see ventura throwing punches like samardzija. ...
  5. The problem is the Royals aren't backing off when teams get pushy. Eaton has even admitted he started jawing first, Ventura responded and the fight broke out. Samardzija is a clown who apparently has something against Cain, and was looking for him for no reason in that fight. Ventura needs to cool his head, I don't think he starts a lot of it but he can't let it get to him like he does. Samardzija and Sale have been harping on/taunting Cain from the dugout every chance they get just trying to rile everyone up. The A's and Sox are slowly making their way up to Detroit levels on who I don't like.
  6. Pre rap warts are cool and all. .. but that is what I find most interesting in the whole topic. .
  7. Not playing victim, it is just open season on the batters because teams don't like that we aren't playing like the perennial cellar dwellers like we had been. It sucks because we are finally putting something together and have players getting hurt because pitchers don't have the necessary control to be pitching inside on people.
  8. Royals have 12 Hit batters, Giants have 11. Next is like 4. I don't like when pitchers go out and just start playing bean ball, but if it doesn't change even more players are going to get hurt. Most of the HBP probably aren't intentional, but they sure are not sad about Rios' .321 average being out of the lineup because of it.
  9. That's part of what i actually like about it...
  10. 7-0..
  11. Night. Taney.
  12. Caught a few on DaddyO's Sculpins, I've fished them all though. Mikes and Triggs look like they'll pull a big fish if I can get on some good high water.
  13. 24. Most of the people I fish with are under 30 as well.
  14. both. but i like my 7 more if there is much current to fight them in.
  15. Plot twist, AB's already had a vasectomy... Good luck on getting that promise fulfilled!
  16. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    I'll remember that. The springfield Hy-vee really did have a great seafood selection, and always had some good sushi grade meat in. I've gotten a lot more picky about how I like it, and like to use much higher quality fish. I've had trouble finding something that had the goods up here around KC. I like it, in the $8-$9 range for a six pack, which blows my mind, but boulevard is just the same up here. The pilsner is good though, I'm not a beer snob by any means so I can't accurately describe a beer real well. Closest comparison would be like a boulevard KC Pils. Missouri Spirits stuff FS mentioned is great, and really anything out of the mothers line as well. A spicy Tuna roll is the one I make the most (will have the stuff ready for 2-3 rolls for dinner sometimes) and it's really pretty easy: Spicy Tuna: Sriracha, Kewpie Mayo, Hot Chili oil. Dice the tuna and mix everything to taste. Fillins: I like a slice of avocado, sometimes cream cheese and a thin strip of cucumber. It's not your traditional spicy tuna roll, but it's how I like them. Drizzle some sriracha mayo over the top and top with roasted sesame seeds.
  17. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    Gather Ingredients: Mix Filling: Roll: Plate: Take picture of entirely too much for 3 people: Over the last year or so I've started making quite a bit of sushi, and looking into the history/tradition of it all. Really makes for a fun meal, and branching out and trying different kinds of things.
  18. This was out of the White below BSD. Whatever Strain mix AR uses just colors up like that. Taney rainbow that started to develop those white tipped fins:
  19. Where do they release water into that river? It was running today pretty good. kind of a first or last light type of deal for me this weekend. anywhere you can find a small current break.
  20. and even if there is sometimes a splash of color under the jaw, its not always indicative of a cutthroat. Young crane rainbows will get a slash of bright orange in the same spot. Just part of what comes from being species that come from the same family.
  21. Johnsfolly mentioned brook trout. Forgot to quote his post. There is no color under the jaw. I think we are just looking at a rainbow.
  22. Just a rainbow. Bows in the river will sometimes get those white tipped fins. Depending on the strain even some rainbows will get a splash of orange under their jaws when they are young. i dont even think a brookie and rainbow can hybridize.
  23. The GPX's are sweet, I've always liked the Rio lines I've casted. I want to say both SA and Rio have some sort of low stretch "in touch" line that doesn't stretch like a normal fly line. Maybe try casting one when your there. All depends on what you can cast well.
  24. Lancer09

    Ned Rig

    I actually used to catch a lot of fish on the banjo minnow, the 006 version...
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