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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. It'll only get better from there Gramps!
  2. Less so than swinging. just tough getting a drift without being able to see.
  3. I've nymphed the outlets but a few years back when they opened the flood gates right there as really filled in with gravel. i let my streamers finish a full swing before i strip them at all. Let that fly get broadside to the fish without stripping it, and as it rises at the end of a swing i get bit a lot too. just how i learned, and have done the best.
  4. It was I. Oh how awkward it can be meeting random people from the internet! Seriously though, it was a lot of fun.
  5. No but some people cast certain tapers better than others. And ir depends on the size and weight of fly someone is throwing as well. Some people like a full, and some just a tip. i know i throw my outbound short a lot better than the more tapered lines just based on my casting style. yeah its combat fishing but you have to be able to cast that line and get the fly to the bank in the first place.
  6. I saw that Dylan from on here won the box of flies! That's awesome. I snagged the one from the Midwest drift in the iron fly part of the night, have to try and get a pic of that up, some really good flies in there. Good Chatting with you Billet!
  7. Bowe is going to be gone. I like him as much as anyone but his skill set doesn't fit with what I think AR wants to do. Plus I think the fans reputation of him precedes what D Coordinators think of him any more. I read some studies on him, and he didn't pull double coverage hardly, if at all, any more than any other receiver on the roster. Hudson going to the raiders sucks, but he is now the highest paid center in the league (by contract, not including bonuses) and there is no way we could afford to do that. Cap situation is looking GREAT going into next year so they need to lockup/extend Poe NOW. I know they are also linked to Revis right now as well, and I would love to see that happen, but it's all about how they can configure those contracts to work with the cap. I'd like to see them get something done with Houston, but I think honestly after this year he is going to be gone. With the Maclin signing I see us going ILB in the first now instead of a receiver and picking a receiver in the second, but who knows.
  8. And yes they still have the taco special. Bairs Food is great, drink prices are awesome. Service can be spotty, but hell for a $5.50 pitcher I don't expect it to be great. Grad School down town is good, so is just about every other food place down there. If you want something quick ish Mo' Beef is really good as well. If it's late it's hard to beat Pappos Pizza or Whistlers Sliders.
  9. Just sent something off to my rep.
  10. I like my Outbound Short. I also have liked how the streamer express lines casted.
  11. I think this is your problem...
  12. Great pictures. Love all of these. I'll fish the hell out of em.
  13. All of the flies are fantastic everyone! So glad to be a part of this swap! I hope that everyone jumps in on the Summer Streamer swap coming up!
  14. I get that. If you're going to be fishing a lake and stripping flies back towards you. How are you going to get enough rod out of the tip to create enough tension to then throw a cast?
  15. I know a lot of guys throw deceivers and airhead style flies for them. Anything that will look like those shad. Probably not much current on the lakes though, how are you going to load a spey rod?
  16. I loved the last BVK I casted. Light, responsive, and had some touch, but could feel the power. Never heard of the douglas.
  17. I think if you want to fish a Ned, just fish a ned. On a fly rod you have too many factors. If your fishing a floating line you can only fish as deep as your leader is long. If you fish a sinking line and just let it sit you'll spend the whole time hung in the rocks. Your tail isn't buoyant and wont stand up like those ned rigs do. I agree with Jim as well, try and go a hair sparser. I like on my clousers to stack my bucktail as well so i have nice even tips. Yours seem to be pretty long, and might have a few short strikes. Just a few things to think about.. That is a great color combo for so many species, fish that clouser like a clouser and you'll catch fish.
  18. Thread control is key when stacking. Do you have a packed and a stacker? They really help. also get your self some flexible double edged razor blades to trim.
  19. That's great!Wet, that thing will look JUST like a minnow!
  20. I'm fine with either. Both of mine had a little bit of weight. The buggers each have a cone but aren't all that heavy, and the minnows all have a few wraps of lead. They will both sink though once they are wet throughout.
  21. Biggest I've ever caught was 3.5 pounds or so, and measured right at 21.5 inches. MONSTER crappie. Had it mounted, and had it stolen about a year after we got it back.
  22. Mine will probably go out today. I have to find the time to get to the post office over lunch.
  23. Yessir. A six weight will throw it but will take some sort of sinking line or weighted leader to get it under water. Otherwise that deer hair will make it buoyant, which gives it a ton of action under water though.
  24. Have you tried a wiggle minnow with not much angle on the lip Al?
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