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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. My liver thanks the MLB for the break.
  2. Ruthead, If they don't come in soon Let me know. If not, I don't think anyone would have a problem tying one up, if they aren't able to I'll shoot mine over. BBT: That was my fly. Back hook: Tail was marabou, Ice dub for the body, schlappen, crazy legs and had Craft Fur Reversed tied up front. There as also some lead wrapped on the bend of the hook. Front hook was a 35 mm shank, ice dub, schlappen, two grizzly saddles, A collar of Dark brown deer hair, and UV Black Laser Dub clumps on top and the bottom. Size 6 fish mask with 7 mm eyes. I just like the way the bigger eye fits on the rim, and will stay in place with enough head cement. I actually have been fishing this fly for a while and wanted something that looked like a minnow or baitfish really struggling. So often I would see them swim fine then just go head up and drift for a while. The lead on the back and the deer hair up front make the bottom fall and head rise when it's at rest. When stripped the head has some great motion and darts all over, with the back of the fly sort of pushing it where it can. I needed it to also be level during the strip. It got absolutely smoked by smallies over labor day weekend, and have ZERO doubt that in the right place browns would like it too.
  3. you heard Ripken say something?
  4. This is the good stuff.
  5. Which one?
  6. World series!
  7. Excuses are also like a holes. Everyone has them... and they ALL stink.
  8. You bet. I dont mind doing it, kind of a fun thing to organize, and this makes three years running. I know next year I really would like to fill it up so I might post something up a little sooner next time
  9. This is quite the ride. It's unreal how well they are playing. Even when the bats aren't hot, like last night they still find a way to win. Ness, the KCPD has actually even said that crimes are down big time during the royals games. I looked but couldn't find the stats the put out.
  10. I think JoeD's post done tongue in cheek, following the lead like a million other posts that have been put up on here about the small trout creeks in MO.
  11. Great looking fish.
  12. Anyone get theirs yet? Unless someone else wants to I'm going to take some pictures of the flies and put them here, so everyone else can see what people tied for this.
  13. Yep I've noticed there is a lot of shallow slack water down past there than there used to be as well.
  14. I guess I'm one of the few any more who doesnt necessarily agree with them making the money. I think if they want to get paid from the school for making the school money, you forfeit your scholarship. Players in trouble for selling game worn gear? Well yeah... did they buy their helmets, jersey, or cleats they just sold. If they want to sell them for a profit go ahead and pay the school back for what they invested in you. Dont worry about getting that free meal plan or clothes that you get any more. They get plenty from the university. at the same time I think the schools need more regulation about all that money coming in... like using it to help lower tuition.
  15. This ump is having an off day. Both of those looking strike threes to Cain and butler were well off the plate.
  16. 48 % of the oriels runs came from homers. If we keep them in the park I like our chances.
  17. If you listened to the rant, those are the same reasons that most of us don't like the fans, or the team. Danny had a real good one on wednesday that started the whole thing.
  18. And Ventura Game 2.
  19. This was very good.
  20. Finally had the time to sort them. Flies going out tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.
  21. I'd post down in the table rock forum. You'll get a little more traffic down there.
  22. Truth.
  23. Flipping a bat is bush league. But it happens in baseball all the time any more. Are you ok when a football player does a dance? Want to know what really is bush league? This: Or fast forward this video to the 4 min. Mark. He did it again. That is Bushleauge. Especially your announcers saying that's a good clean baseball play. BS. By the way.. Have you listened to a game broadcast by Mike Shannon? Nothing is EVER the fault of the cardinals. He constantly calls out the umpires whether it is about the strike zone, or about a close play. Instead of saying a member from another team made a good play I have heard him call it lucky time and time again. It's not like I have listened to quite a few also. My step dad is a cardinals fan, I have a lot of friends who are cardinals fans. It wasn't a one time deal. I don't love the cardinals as an organization, but they are well run for the most part and have been able to sustain success. No one can argue that. What people don't like, and the reason so many people root against the cardinals.. The fans. You all say you don't mind if everyone hates you.. It's because so many are just a bunch of pompous assholes. Take your mayor for instance...http://online.wsj.com/articles/st-louis-to-america-dont-be-jealous-1412273454 You probably agree with everything he writes. So many cardinals fans act like your the most humble fan base in the world yet all you ever do is brag about cardinal "Nation". Or everyone is just jealous and that's why they don't like us. The reason so many people don't like the cardinals is they have been forced down the throat of every baseball fan as being this perfect franchise by the MLB and the media. Yes they have the success, but you cannot argue with them getting some calls going their way. Sure it didn't totally change the game but let's look back at this gem. "Best Fans in Baseball" is what so many call themselves. They talk about not putting down other teams fans, respecting the game, etc. check out this awesome twitter account that keeps track of those so called best fans in baseball. https://twitter.com/BestFansStLouis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl_uwZCxv9o#t=114 Smalliebigs, I don't know you, I'm sure you're a great guy. This will be my last post in this thread, it was supposed to be about the game. I expressed my opinion and you had to get all bent out of shape about not liking the way Mattingly handled the situation and how it cost the Dodgers the game.
  24. I think it goes Shields or Ventura. Shields brings experience, but after that last start Yordano is throwing the ball well.
  25. That's the reason I'd go to Roaring over Bennett any day of the week.
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