Ruthead, If they don't come in soon Let me know.
If not, I don't think anyone would have a problem tying one up, if they aren't able to I'll shoot mine over.
That was my fly.
Back hook:
Tail was marabou, Ice dub for the body, schlappen, crazy legs and had Craft Fur Reversed tied up front. There as also some lead wrapped on the bend of the hook.
Front hook was a 35 mm shank, ice dub, schlappen, two grizzly saddles, A collar of Dark brown deer hair, and UV Black Laser Dub clumps on top and the bottom. Size 6 fish mask with 7 mm eyes. I just like the way the bigger eye fits on the rim, and will stay in place with enough head cement.
I actually have been fishing this fly for a while and wanted something that looked like a minnow or baitfish really struggling. So often I would see them swim fine then just go head up and drift for a while.
The lead on the back and the deer hair up front make the bottom fall and head rise when it's at rest. When stripped the head has some great motion and darts all over, with the back of the fly sort of pushing it where it can. I needed it to also be level during the strip.
It got absolutely smoked by smallies over labor day weekend, and have ZERO doubt that in the right place browns would like it too.