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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. I know people down by us catch rainbows down below the Table rock dam in the real deep water. They fish spoons on downriggers and catch a few every year.
  2. I dig that big time!
  3. Says the guy whose team sports a catcher with a pair of nasty neck tattoos.
  4. Mike those are awesome. I just It's ordered some goo and the light so I'll be able to get some of those heads now like those and like the fly trigg tied for the swap. @trigg, for that fly do you just try to tie it sparse enough to see that? @Mike, that little rainbow trout flies you included with the swap flies, I fished this weekend. Amazing movement in the water but that thing is a bear to cast standing waist deep. I was throwing an 8 and it still seemed heavy.
  5. I don't think this is Any super new news but I could be wrong. I haven't heard much changing with them between the companies, but it does help give the two a stable base to stand on in a rough market.
  6. The night fishing has been good the last two weeks let so. It was a bit slower last night but there are a ton of fish in the upper end.
  7. I'm sure you have some bass fishing around you. I use an 8 and 9 with a lot of my bass flies.
  8. There are PLENTY of lakes in the are that have bass and crappie but No musky..God forbid one if the few fisheries in the state be managed as such.
  9. Big rod with a sink tip. Fish the big flies. And fish at night. Put in enough time and you'll get a big one.
  10. Since the triploids don't do the spawning thing they wouldn't move up the lake in the fall correct?
  11. I hope not, I can't take the drama. They should just lose (ducks) I'm a royals fan.
  12. I've been catching them on floating lines and rabbit and pine squirrel sculpins, a few are coming on dubbing leeches too. For me it hasn't been any one consistent color. A fish on this, a fish on that. Any time I've tried a sinking line or tip I can't even draw a strike. How do you fish your mice? Skate them?
  13. I had a threader as well... and lost it like everyone else. Now i just thread it.. Very carefully. I'll be trying this new trick. I fished one of these flies this weekend. I did not catch anything on it, then I lost said fly to a rock.
  14. Sweeeeet. The Solarez website is more pricy than that. I'll probably be ordering some Real soon now. I'm assuming that in the future the light would work for any of the UV cured resins?
  15. Where did you buy it at, I can't find it for less that 40 it so Jason?
  16. I agree laker However if they do catch a brown that would go 20 inches they would complain about How they couldn't keep it Any more.
  17. It was sitting on the hat rack and helped hide distaste of a desk. But I do enjoy the shop.
  18. Slot or upping the size minimum would both work. It would just take a couple years to really see the results and not changing back when the catch and kill everything crowd complains How they can't keep the same fish they used to be able to.
  19. Flies are en route. If I messed anything up let me know and I'll get it sorted out.
  20. I mean How much more money would it really require to up the size limit? How fly we beginning to push the idea? A petition? Was there just not enough interest in the salmon? I know there are a tonight of kokanee out in Colorado that seem to be pretty popular.
  21. I noticed that! Does it a actually work?
  22. Mmm, don't know about that. It comes back to the old argument of why should I try to be successful if I'm just going to be penalized harsher for it. I don't work two jobs and take a full graduate course load so that I can someday be taxed higher than someone who did not put in the time and the effort that I have.
  23. A $2 increase on our yearly trout stamps would Probably do the job. Maybe it would be easier to get some from Dow. In Arkansas if we hadn't burned some bridges about whether or not to stock stripers in Bull Shoals. Again It's a small thing that would lend to the marketability of Taney and draw some of the anglers up from Arkansas. Would it totally replace the tail waters down there? No. However it would give us options up here too. Think about some of those stripers in Taney! Now that would be fun, before It's totally dismissed look down I. The nfow thread about dawt mill being damaged and some of the scientific proof in there that trout numbers would not be Seriously impacted.
  24. Chubby muffins
  25. It's an attitude thing and I think it would take a couple years for people to stop bitching and moaning about How they can't keep a 20 inch brown until they really start seeing the 24s show up. Taney can stay a put and take for rainbows for all I care and the more small on es that get stocked the more good food for big brown's there is. Taney as a true trophy fishery in theory should be able to support itself by increasing the appeal to a greater number of anglers. That increases purchases of tags from out of staters, food bought while in town etc. There really doesn't seem to be Any negative effect of managing it as a trophy brown fishery. Then again I wouldn't be opposed to the stocking of Brooks and cutts as Well. It's not like Taney is a native fishery.
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