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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. C&R is let me see if I can say this right (over-believed in) I know how many anglers I see all the time that are buying Minnows, Worms, Crickets and on and on. I typically ask them how they have been doing and see the pictures of all species of fish some multispecies on the same stringer. I would guess that those weekenders or when- they- have- timers, outnumber Bass anglers by a very considerable margin. They are keeping everything they catch. What we see on Forums and our own little circles of friends has been truly eye-opening to me in the last year. I thought C&R was the norm for bass but its because I hung out on here and a few other places and my friends practice it. But the vast majority of the public DOES NOT from what I have seen. You can argue it to death on a forum with a strong C&R presence but I will tell you this. THREADS LIKE THIS WILL RUN OFF PEOPLE and THOSE PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO WILL KEEP. You may say good-riddance to them then. But Hey Mr Ego, those people may well have been lead to C&R or at least a form of it if you would have talked to them civilly and brought up C&R in other topics then a post where they had a great day and wanted to share it. You just ruined there joy because your Ego and Belief is more important to you than stopping for a minute saying Nice fish and when given the chance bring it up and get a discussion going that doesn't take away from a persons great experience. If you practice C&R state why you do it and what the Biologist say explain to people about selective harvest and proper revival of deep caught bass or warmer month caught bass hell all species for that matter could use some good threads on how to help them survive capture. But to BLAST people for keeping fish they legally are allowed to does more damage to this sport/hobby then you can imagine. Most people do not want to be belittled or crucified for what they enjoy doing. Let that sink in a minute.
  2. OK who wants to meet up at Horseshoe bend around noon today for pictures of their boats parked to picnic tables
  3. But hows the walleye fishing.
  4. Kyle, she is a very sharp lady, if I ever went before a Judge and she was the one I would be thankful seems she uses common since to the law and that seems missing in so many aspects of life. Her questions were excellent and to the point and her knowledge of other cases and the questions to them were also spot on. I also think she is the kind of judge to make suggestions to legislator to make things less intrusive and better. I think AGFC may want to listen to her suggestions.
  5. I have watched the video now ( Thanks for posting the Link Kyle ) Based off what I have watched, The State will come back in favor of Pickle. Defense attourney screwed up when asked is Hunting a privilege or a right, HUNTING IS A RIGHT and he should have made that point clear. I think it will require the Fish and Game to have the same requirements as all Law Enforcement Officers. The Justices were really hammering the DA on 4th amendment rights and love the Older Judge (did not catch her name) but she is one smart on the ball lady with common since on her (4th shot) analogy. Then she went on to nail him on the (if your in a bar and leave a cop can just stop you) She is the kind of judge we need just full of common since and knows the other cases he DA kept bringing up, does her homework. She does bring up better case scenerios such as roadblock checks prior to people going in and hunting ( no different than draw hunts for ducks ) and also wearing a license. You could see the DA start crawfishing bad, he just couldn't back up his own argument.
  6. Phil, for president if he can keep this group in line imagine what he could do with Congress. Wrench, for Attorney General, He hates cops so let him fix what is wrong Old Plug for Sec of defense, experience over politics with out military Ness, for Press secretary, I would be some interesting news viewing and listening
  7. You got me, this case could be very interesting for its ramifications. It would take another Ammendment to correct this I fear.
  8. That is what may well be in balance here. Read Article 35 and 89 of the Arkansas Constitution.
  9. No, I support game laws but I am saying the court may well say they cant just stop and ask for ID without cause. And in Arkansas fishing and hunting is now a RIGHT not a privilege and that might be where this case will hinge. Driving is not protected by the constitution but Hunting, Fishing, Trapping is a Protected right.
  10. Brit, I hate to say it but a Police Officer just cant stop you for no reason and ask for your Drivers License. My thought is the court may well side with the defense on this as it is pretty much the same thing. You drive a car doesn't mean they have the right to stop and check your license. your fishing doesn't mean they have the right to stop and check your license its the same thing. And a court may well side with the defense. If they do what is the negative (getting checked is not something that goes on a lot anyway) You still have to have a license but it becomes more a secondary violation if you don't have it when they check you for a primary violation just like speeding. States lose no money as you still have to have it to be legal.
  11. Just checking, but crappie, walleye stripers catfish hell even carp and gar all bring in money. Even the cursed wakeboard fish that is often seen on top water.
  12. So money should be the soul reason to have a fish in the lake?
  13. Interesting, walleye were Native to the White River so why shouldn't efforts be put fourth to maintain them?
  14. Hey if it happens there might be Ducks in the Delta this year.
  15. California same way have to wear your license where it is visible. Though page 27 of the fishing regs states clearly you must show the officer on demand your license, to see weapon, game or tackle. I guess the issue here is "Does he have the right just to stop you for no probable cause" Guessing based on other ruling similar to this I would say NO the officer will now have to witness you doing something illegal. This is NOT good for wildlife imo.
  16. Ask one of the two current Biologist on this site or the retired one. They would be far better and more accurate sources.
  17. Phil, you chose to live there certainly and yes unforeseen events can cause it to happen, but in this case they have had 4 days advance notice something big was coming. That gave them 4 days and now its slowed down so actually 5 to 5.5 days to draw down lakes so it doesn't happen. When you can see potential coming take action to prevent potential problems and opening the gates at Beaver, Tablerock to make room for water is preventative measures. NOT opening them and preparing is negligence IMO. The wait and see approach is foolish, taking preparation or preventative measures is never foolish.
  18. Throw the NED he needs to visit Alaska as well.
  19. I was wondering the same thing, they dropped it to 1128. 5ish and were happy, top of pool is 1120 seems they could have at least started dumping more 4 days ago when the track on all the forecast maps showed it to come over us. Got it down in preparation for this storm. After all isn't flood control their primary duty with these lakes?
  20. They said 3.46 on 4029 a few minutes ago. I think they might be wrong the low's track is just off to our east and the NE part of tropical storms is the wettest generally, I wouldn't be surprised to see 7 to 9 inches when all is said and done for our area based on the current track forecast. Im no rocket scientist but I have survived a few hurricanes lol
  21. Always heard bass were a wife deterrent But hell had someone told me Mother-in-law I would have been keeping them for years. Might have kept a smallie or three even.
  22. I would love to see 12'' and 10 fish per person on all our lakes, they are capable of producing some true monsters. I base it off opinion that cleaning anything under 12 is not worth the time for the return on the meat and also it only takes 2 crappie over that size to feed myself and my wife so 10 would feed a family of 4 easily with other fixens. But people see or hear Crappie biting and thoughts of full icechest and freezers sends them in to a frenzy, Hey first few days of them biting good I load up but only enough for me and my wife twice a month till the great winter bite. That will bring in every Crappie Angler for 200 miles. Saying it sucks and or any Negative report seems to be like ringing a diner bell to crappie anglers.
  23. I guess we should have seen no Pink Letter coming when they killed Mance, but as soon as I saw Stanis's wife and then Him killed I knew we were getting no Pink Letter. The battle scene IMO SUCKED! The letter stated 6 days of battle and yet we had what 2 minutes at most. Ya 15 minutes on Queen-B walking but 2 minutes on one of the Major Battles WTH! I am really thinking it is more about the Booby quota and Death-shock-value than about a great story. Is HBO's budget so bad they cant spend it on Major things like Battles, Dragons and Major Plots. Dorne for me this season was a complete waste of time, the entire story and plot could have been done in 15 minutes max! Briean and Sir Tripod could have been 5 minutes max. Sam and Gilly were another waste of time. We could have got Much more Jon Snow story, Lady S could have been in it, Arya storyline could have really been done well and Dany's storyline could have been awesome as well had they stayed to the book. I would have even been happy to lose Sam/Gilly, Dorne, Bri and Tripod completely for some Back-story flash backs to explain things Say like Tower of Joy (Now that would have been a major plot line where just before Maestor Aemon dies he recalls letters from Rhaegar to him and Ned to him.) If nothing else it would build the R+L = ? theories. Or Cold Hands storyline (unless that's who Jon will become) So in place of that possibly some Greyjoy stuff.
  24. Updated possible totals 5 to possibly 10 inches (10 in isolated areas ) if 10 sets up around F-ville get your cameras and head to the Dam for some great pictures.
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