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Gary Lange

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Gary Lange

  1. Welcome and come on down retirement is the best medicine I have found.
  2. Now this Bobcat was real because I took the picture myself while out fishing on Table Rock Lake. I bet we have some bigger cats but this is the biggest I have seen.
  3. Now that sounds like a good event and you get to learn a little about the Walleye and Crappie fishing on Table Rock Lake. Lets see on the 1st I we have the gathering down at the pavilion below Table Rock Dam and then on the 2nd and 3rd I get to attend seminars and talk to the likes of Don House whom I haven't seen since the Spring Floods. I am going to have to see about getting down for the show.
  4. Well I been wondering about this and if anything was in the winds. I will be there at will bring my Meatball Sandwiches. Hope it isn't as cold and windy as it has been. Gong to be good to see everyone again.
  5. I am married to a nice Italian Girl and tomorrow is Pasta Day and Christmas Eve is Lasagna night. It is all just great and man I can't wait until tomorrow.
  6. Like hearing that kind of good news. Take good care of her when you get her home now!
  7. Also I am so sick of hearing about Profiling of a Suspected Drug dealer or Profiling a Burglary Suspect or Profiling of any criminal element. To me it is a viable Law Enforcement tool. When our Elected Official took God out of our lives is when I feel a lot of this stuff started to surface. Of course then you even have Elected Official that are doing it all the time.
  8. This was happening in the parks back in Illinois also! You could tell by someone backed into a parking spot and sitting in the car. That is one of the reasons I stopped backing into a parking spot when I went out fishing. I had forgotten about it until I read this thread and it all came back to me. Perhaps the Judge is one of the perpetrators.
  9. Ham, I wasn't worried about the fish and the noise but me and the noise and the people hanging around the Marina's. I know they are a great place to get some fish but I still never fished them because I don't like the congestion and some of the bigger boats don't wait for you to get out of the way they just go and you better move. I just have never enjoyed fishing around those areas.
  10. I guess a lot of anglers fish these area around the Marina's it seems by all the posts. I never do and never have fished as I look for areas away from all the boat traffic and noise to fish. It is such a small percentage of the overall expanse of water you have to fish that it shouldn't be a problem. It seems to me that everyone dislikes the fact that someone it telling them where they can't fish more then anything.
  11. This company is a big contributor to The Illinois Smallmouth Alliance and produces some beautiful Art Works Calenders and other such objects. I thought I would post it here to share with Ozark Anglers. They have donated much to the ISA for its fundraisers for Smallmouth Bass Habitat so I give them this venue as a thank you to them for all they do. http://www.printedculture.com/
  12. I have a 10" Craftsman/Ryobi Table Saw with Slider for sale. See Pictures below. Saw is in perfect condition and I need to make room for my Grizzly Table Saw is why I am selling it. $200.00
  13. Last I heard they do not have a Southern Missouri Chapter of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance.
  14. This is a Conservation, Education, and Socialization Club called the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance. www.illinoissmallmouthalliance.com This video shows some of the things they did this year for Smallmouths in Illinois and for Illinois. I thought it was pretty good and hope you enjoy it also. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1954209/volunteers/
  15. Take to Top Gun Marine in Nixa, Mo. and Mike will tell you what is wrong with it and fix it up for you.
  16. So it is a problem that the EPA has given us!
  17. There should be some very good Walleye fishing around the Dams and they are not seasonal. They do however move up toward the dam in the early winter to get ready for spawning. Try Trolling Rapala's on Bottom Bouncers.
  18. My Brother-in-law and I were fishing over on Kentucky Lake one year and were doing well with bottom walking sinkers and trolling. We had just about everyone including a few guide's ask what we were doing. I didn't see anyone follow us but that don't mean they didn't. We just told them we were trolling the 26' break with minnows. We caught a bunch of fish and put everyone of them back. If you're catching fish everyone seems to want to know what you are doing different from them because they aren't getting any.
  19. The Weigh-in will still be there! It will be at the boats of the leaders as they catch and weigh before release and all will see it as it happens and know who is in the running to win except the TV will keep that for the final chapter. Good idea! Will it ever happen even if the technology is there I don't think so.
  20. I plan on being there Monday morning. Gonna need to adjust that coffee a bunch though that was to strong for my old body but we will lighten up a bunch with hot water. It was nice meeting you Techo and have a safe day and weekend.
  21. I can be there Friday about 9:00am. Next week we got to do it Monday cause I am headed for Arkansas on Tuesday to Party.
  22. Okay I know where you're talking about now. May have to come around and have a cup myself.
  23. Where is this local Nixa Coffee Shop?
  24. Make note to self! Don't like Snakes stay away from Marty Thompson cause he attracts them. Nice report thank you for posting. I appreciate your giving this information to us.
  25. No More Tournaments is not the answer! If you study up on Tournaments a little you will find that they benefit the fishery as much as the economy. When a big money Tournament is in town most Conservation Department attend and take sample readings of the fish caught and other information which is vital for management purposes.
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