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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Now that's a face only a mother could love. And the fish ain't all that handsome either Wasn't that damp Northerly breeze refreshing today? I got my butt handed to me on the opposite side of the concrete wall. Tough day!
  2. Motorguide has expanding "T" type mounting anchors. If you run in rough water much though you'll wanna get a few spares to have on hand and replace them every so often, they hold really well but they don't last forever.
  3. LL is 656.9 and surface water temps vary depending on where you are (ranging from 51-60). Alot of the females (of all species) still have eggs, even the Walleye.... so the best is yet to come I think.
  4. " There's kids all around!" "An estimated 35 shots were fired by residents" "the animal appears to have escaped unharmed." That's a scarier tale than any coug-attack story I've ever heard. OMG!
  5. New legislation is in effect, they outlawed them. You hadn't heard?
  6. Yep, it's what I started with as a "first boat" and after numerous other high-tech/specialized rigs over the years it is what I have gone back to. You just can't beat a 16' jon for value and getting the job done.
  7. Excellent, man! What did she eat ? Did she get air?
  8. I haven't been in the vicinity of Shawnee bend access since the rain but the constant up/down water level makes the color and temp of the water a redundant issue. Why they are so afraid to hold some water in this lake is beyond me. Maybe the St.Louis area folks are running the A/C all day and the furnace all night. We are at 657.2 with heavy generation scheduled for the entire week.
  9. Well, he didn't take very good care of that gobbler or those kittens. LOL That's a nice mess, good job ol'boy.
  10. The female dogs at many license bureau's just love to run people through impossible obstacle courses.....they get off on it...and they saw you guys coming. I make it a point to do my DMV biz immediately before lunchtime or right before closing time when all they care about is getting me out of there fast. You may think I'm kidding, but it works 9 times out of 10. Which proves that all the crap they routinely put people through is completely uncalled for and unnecessary. I "have seen" plenty of real doosey's slip through and no DMV worker has ever gotten in trouble over it. They can easily make ANYTHING real quick and simple.... when they want to.
  11. Al, I think Eric's position was that otters are native and not the real problem. Myself I think the whole hating otter thing is just because bad otter press has gone viral. I only see enough otters (and their sign) to appreciate them, and wouldn't assume that they were any kind of threat at all if I hadn't heard/read all the BS about them. It's kinda like the quail/turkey thing, some "scientist" writes a piece about turkey eating quail eggs and from that time on bird hunters cuss turkeys.
  12. Do you know the shaft length?
  13. It's like the song that just won't end.
  14. Has anyone else realized that this thread was started 3 years ago? Or are we just doing it all over again?
  15. Oh man, you two are in big trouble! We figured you both for dead 2 years ago and have already divided up your stuff.
  16. fishinwrench


    Reminded me of the guy that crawled out of bed at 4am to go fishing, half way there is started raining sideways and he decided to turn around and go back home. Got home and crawled back into bed where his wife was still sleeping and said "man it's brutal out there". She rolled over in her half-sleep and said "I know, can you believe my idiot husband is out fishing in it'.
  17. That looks cool, rfd. Is it stacked discs?
  18. No fair whipping out the logic, it was a fine rant I had going too.
  19. When I was a pup my brother and I got into a bunch of what we thought were walleye on the Mississippi, then later on in my late teens I caught my first real walleye at Mark Twain lake and realized right away that what we got into before on the Miss were not the same fish. Those I assume were actually Sauger. They were schooled up like crappie and were less toothy and more speckled than actual walleye and had more "normal" looking eyes. Whatever they were I've never caught another one or even seen another one in the flesh.
  20. Point made and accepted. Are native crawdads more sensitive to pollution than the invasives ? Doesn't it seem really messed up that "native" species of just about every living thing are always such pussies? I mean Just about anything will just knock them into oblivion, yet native species from ANOTHER location are always the big bad wolf when they come to town. Maybe the way to strengthen the gene pool on all these candyasses is to just keep moving them around. Wouldn't you kind of expect a "native" species to be a little more programmed to survive in its intended range? Frustrating! Who can we blame for that dunderheaded design flaw? I suppose the quickest and easiest way to conquer the world is to move into your neighbors house.
  21. Ironically that page comes up blank on my end. LMAO!
  22. Yeah, god forbid we waste a biologists time on something as paultry as a bunch of mysteriously dead bottom feeders..... Too bad crawdads don't float when they die.
  23. Just seems to be too many Chiefs and not enough Indians (not You, Chief). Too many biologists and rule makers and not enough feet on the ground to enforce the rules that are already written down.. Anglers and drone planes shouldn't be the only ones noticing environmental violations and fish kills. I think they should let half the biologists and white collar fellas go and offer them a feild agent position. They could even pay them their current wage for all I care, just have them out doing sonething useful rather than rewriting and lengthening the list of rules and regs.
  24. You almost seem surprised. LOL What it has to do with it is...... I dunno man, just seems like they are picking heavily on the fishing industry and turning a blind eye to the truly serious stuff. If I'm wrong set me straight, but that's sure the way it feels to me... and it's really getting old.
  25. Nope, not a single one for me out of the LN below Green ford, but there are some around Mule shoe. Never understood why they are never caught down further, Tavern creek has them in the upper reaches also but not so much further down. There's something to that but I dunno what it is. Moreau river is the same way.
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