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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. There's a chance that when the guy said he was "looking for his screwdriver" that he was being honest. Maybe he was trying to pry your slider open and dropped his screwdriver between the cab and bed. It wouldn't hurt to take a look, it may still be pinched in there and it will have his prints on it.....you can play CSI.
  2. Nice pics, Trico's still going off I see. You shoulda got a pic of that van
  3. That's great man, you did a really nice job. Broke her in right too, nice LN smallie !
  4. I'd say your Grampa was either into rod building or straightening,cresting, and fletching cedar shaft arrows. Not sure exactly, but I betcha they were bought from Herter's. Are there any old catalogs laying around ?
  5. Yes it is a code, and if you don't already "get it" then you probably don't need to.
  6. Have you bumped your head ? Totally full of it ?....Or is there something you need to share with me ? Lets talk about that location/presentation during blown-out flood stage, can we ?
  7. Cool, thanks.
  8. And the longer you keep your eyes closed the more likely you are to be "into the flow".... in more ways than mentally.
  9. Anything busting shad over that way ?
  10. If anyone would like to trade some Aprils and Octobers for some Februarys and Augusts...shoot me a PM, I'm interested
  11. There's a Florida sub-species of Largemouth not on the list. And are Peacock bass members of the sunfish catagory ?
  12. Roots, Actually if you have 4WD and tires that can handle the rocks it wouldn't be that difficult to launch in that little backwater hole just below the riffle at Prosperine. You'd just have to drift down 50 yards or so then shoot up the riffle. Fish that hole before you drop the trailer off in it though, cuz there's usually a few fish holding in it.
  13. Swim ? Where I fish on LO I can just stand up after you throw me out of the boat I caught a couple of those skinny and bruised ones this evening... so apparently your suck has rubbed off on Me via internet. LOL
  14. Maybe it's just because you suck so bad that the only fish you are able to trick are the ones on the verge of starving to death.
  15. Dang, I didn't know Drew was just a twirp Geeze I'm getting OLD Happy birthday guys. Hope you all had a good one.
  16. KCR, Root doesn't wanna get his feet wet.
  17. Not if you're into catching Gar You're right though, I can't think of anyplace I've ever been where the gar are as thick all year long. They truly need to be thinned out somehow.
  18. I think it's more accurate to say: It has ENOUGH problems WITHOUT jets.
  19. I can't speak for "the Rock" but up here at Lake Ozark the bigger gills are plentiful along the brushy creek channel banks where there is overhanging trees and brush. Nothing but little ones around the docks though.
  20. The rocks are there to keep vehicles from clogging up the gravel bar at the swimming hole. Putting concrete ramps on the Niangua at Barclay and the 64 access was a mistake in my opinion, that is NOT jetboat water....or at least it shouldn't be. Any stretch of river that requires everyone to get out of the river and hug the bank everytime a jetboat comes by is not an appropriate stretch for that particular craft. Just because it's possible to run it doesn't make it ok, IMO.
  21. You ain't seen nuthin' yet...stick around until about mid-February.
  22. Mule farts need to be studied thoroughly before we go back to that.
  23. Holy Smokes ! That is awesome country and those are some beautiful fish. You guys are livin' the life Man. You mean to tell me that there is a "Wrench creek" ? How could it possibly get any better than that ? No wonder you don't care that the board has gone to hell while you're gone ! I wouldn't either Just kiddin' y'all be safe and by all means stay out of helicopters.
  24. Surely George and Sharon Frank caught that on film for Weaver's next upcoming blog. I wanna fish the park with you bro, you could clear the Johnson county boys out of a hole with a quickness.
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