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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. What area of the lake will you be concentrating on ?
  2. There's your indicator point
  3. Are there numbers on the flywheel?
  4. All timing is set via the Top piston. This indicator is fixed This one is adjustable.
  5. Every bolt/nut has a prescribed torque spec. I dunno how HEAVY HANDED or LIMP WRISTED you might be.....but personally I just do it by feel with a 3-step tightening sequence. Beginning in the center....and working my way outward. Just make sure that your powerhead screws are free of any buildup. Hit them with a wire brush and a shot of carb cleaner if there's any crud on those threads. Now is the time to overhaul the carburetor, put in a fresh fuel pump diaphragm, and refresh the water pump. Is the ignition timing indicator FIXED on the intake manifold, or is is adjustable? If adjustable it will need to be set to TDC. (TOP DEAD CENTER)
  6. I'm amazed at the number of medications being prescribed where the directive is to continue taking for life. They tried to start my 14 y/o daughter on a medication schedule like that and I threw a genuine fit. No thanks, you crooked @$$holes. Currently, 2 years later, she is doing just fine. 🤷‍♂️
  7. "Doctors and drugs are only there to amuse the patient while nature heals".
  8. Do the chemo and you'll be on one hell of a diet. It's your decision, brother. 👍
  9. Let me tell you something.....As long as you truly WANT to eat something, then you are healthy enough to do so. Among the first things you will lose as your body begins to shut down, is your appetite. If you want to eat it, then EAT IT !
  10. If a war in Ukraine doesn't effect it then a thunderstorm in Missouri shouldn't ! 😂
  11. Listen, I've had enough of your cooking to know that you could take an old army boot and make it taste delicious. I don't think I could ruin a rabbit meal if I tried.....but I know darn well that squirrel isn't as forgiving. That was the only point I was trying to make. 😊
  12. You invested 200.00 If the lower unit is good (no water in it, and not beat to hell).....it will bring 250.00-300.00 from someone needing one. You had strong spark so the ignition components are known to be good, and are worth another 350.00-400.00 easily. There's always someone out there looking for a cowling....and willing to pay 100.00 for one. Did you say that it had an electric starter and associated brackets? There's another 200.00 The manual rope starter will sell also....100.00 easily. You gambled well ! 😉
  13. Ouch ! Somebody has been very mean to that little guy. 😔 It could be saved, but it's going to cost over 1k in machine work & parts......Not to mention some TIME. I'd scrap it, part it out, and start shopping for another one.
  14. Can't be compared to rabbit in my opinion. Neither in taste or texture. I've actually had gray squirrel that was simply too tough to eat. Can't say that about any rabbit I've ever fried.
  15. Everybody that has pulled a boat for any distance at all has a Wheel Bearing story or three. 😅 People drop boats off here all the time, on trailers that I'm afraid to leave the driveway with......And I DON'T !!!!
  16. The deal is that outboard flywheels have magnets either cast into them, or glued onto them ...... And any FLEXING of the flywheel can disturb those magnets. Having a magnet come unbuttoned under the flywheel while running will totally wreck everything that is under them. Therefore the PULLING has to be applied to the HUB of the flywheel ONLY. And the bolts used need to be case hardened.....a typical bolt can just rip the threads right off.
  17. Of all the different types of TRAILERS.... BOAT trailers are the worst. It's that repetitive submersion into cool water with warm hubs. No matter how well sealed they are....those hubs going to suck in some water. The only thing you can do to combat that issue is CONSTANT MAINTENANCE.
  18. The only special tools you would need to completely overhaul that motor..... should you actually need to (rare occurrence).....is an Evinrude flywheel puller. A standard puller won't cut it..... Trying to use a borrowed harmonic balancer/or gear puller from O'Reilly's can damage the flywheel.....and screw the whole pooch. The only other thing you need would be a ring compressor......But lacking that, I can show you how to use a large 3" dia. hose clamp from the hardware store to get THAT job done just fine. The books will also recommend a high-dollar connecting rod cap alignment tool....but I can tell you how to get THAT job done with a #2 pencil 😉 And you'll need a 5/16 3/8 drive 12pt. Socket for the connecting rod cap bolts.
  19. The hub might be toast...,.but that axle could live.
  20. Don't freak out prematurely. Heat rises, so cylinder #1 is the first to succumb to an overheat. And typically a 2 cylinder engine will blow the head gasket on the top cylinder before you have catastrophic cylinder damage. Giving you a near-nothing compression reading. Remove the cylinder head and inspect the condition of the cylinder, piston, and gasket. If the gasket is blown, but the cylinder and piston look ok....Refresh the gasket AND the water pump.....and try again.
  21. My guess is that they assumed the year of manufacture by the serial # , but that's not how it's done.
  22. Not according to the model # on the motor it isn't. Title doesn't jive either. No model number on the title? 😂 Somebody in Jeff City was drunk when they printed that SOB ! You've got some funny business going on there. 100% Frankenstein.
  23. According to the model # she's a 1983 Not a 1976 Does the model # on the title match the model # on the motor tag ?
  24. https://www.marineengine.com/parts/johnson-evinrude-parts.php?year=1983&hp=25&model=E25RWCTE
  25. Neutral safety switch. Prevents the motor from being able to be started when in gear.
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