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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Hard to beat the Porter mill bend to Proctor stretch for bigger than average crappie on LO. More than a few Monsters have come from the mid-lake (chimney cove/Kinchelow area) though....so ya just never know. The thing about crappie IMO is that there isn't a single bite more meat on a 12"er than there is on a 10 1/2"er, their head, bones, and skin just gets bigger
  2. Forgot to add that there was a rotted black 'leather' (?) Skirt on it when I found it. The skirt was attached by wire to the rear hook hanger.
  3. I had a really nice collection that I had put together and fixed them up in a 20" x 25" shadow box. One of my customers is a serious collector and he would always bug me about selling or trading certain baits out of it, but I'd always decline because I figured if HE wanted them then I definitely should keep them Among the ones he wanted so badly was a "Brylcreem spoon" (yeah the hair gel stuff), it was from a promo deal in the 50's. Then one winter day after I had done a pretty costly repair to one of his boats he sat down to write a check and said he was writing the check out for 1500.00 more than the repair bill and he was taking the shadow box with him, PERIOD! He knew it was Winter, knew that I probably needed the cash....Checkmate! Then 2 months later my place got destroyed by a twister and all those baits would have been blown all over creation and gone forever. Kinda cool how that worked out. I started another collection since but really haven't aquired anything very special. Instead of going for truly old stuff I've gone more to collecting conversation pieces like the Joe Camel stuff, B.A.S.S. limited edition crap, and early Bagley/ Smithwick/ Daredevil baits. Here's one that I haven't been able to identify if anyone wants to take a shot at figuring out what it is and who made it I'd sure like to know. It is a weighted wooden spoon with no ID marking anywhere on it. I suspect it might be an early Moss Boss but all the MB's I'm aware of were plastic from the beginning.
  4. I read an article awhile back, I think it was in American Angler, where they pretty much made the case that the whole didymo fiasco was filled with easy to sell assumptions and failed study. Just a group of preaching biologists and a gaggle of followers trying to justify their phoney baloney jobs.
  5. Hk's hu? Ouch! I haven't even taken my girlfriend there. This is gonna cause some serious problems I'm still hung up on the dimple thing. Every obvious hybrid I have ever caught failed to have those smallie dimples. Maybe some of the "smallies" I catch are mutts. Quite possible.
  6. Well, it sure seems that when day/night are close to equal in length, that's when the fish spend alot of time being active in the shallows, and are easier for me to catch. Water temps: I'm pretty confident when it's between 60-80, and when it's 72-76 I'm as good as I ever get.
  7. Not a chance! Upon second glance, you may be right......Where's Al?
  8. Can you even buy an original spook anymore (sans rattles, and with that basturd front hook hanger) ? Torpedo has to be a decent guess too I think. Rapala minnow? Jitterbug? Those all go back a long ways, and they haven't changed much.
  9. Smallmouth. Ignore that lateral line and go with the chin dimples. I think I see one next to your finger. No?
  10. What do y'all think is the oldest bass lure (brand/model) still in production today that is still in its original form.....in other words, no major changes have been made in it's design since it was introduced ?
  11. Hey! You're a day late and a dollar short, ya old fart! I solved this mystery while you were sawing logs
  12. Well around here it's very rare to get a badge carrier to take the time to decipher the statutes on the scene. He'll just write you up to appease the property owner and tell you to take your rule book to court with you. They don't waste gas, if they show up somebody is gonna loose some money.
  13. Log/rock deflector. Probably real efffective too when retrieved quickly. Kinda funny that Al Foss isn't who gets pats on the back for "square bills". LOL
  14. Pretty sure I could control that situation. But a dock owner with the sheriff on speed dial....not so much.
  15. The bait with the wire on the lip is a True Temper (Al Foss) Speed Shad (introduced 1940)
  16. Around here cripples have private docks to get under. Causes some conflict to say the least.
  17. The Jitterbug came complete with DOPE? Frikken Sweet! Must have been from the late 60's cuz you can't get away with that now!
  18. Gas was .15/gal then. So buying that CC bait for a buck in '27 would be the same as paying 24.00 for a lure today. So what's so bad about 18.00-25.00 jerkbaits? Seems right inline to me.
  19. Can't imagine why it would piss the dentist off. I wish all of y'all would run wide open through a shallow stumpfield everytime you went out. Jus'sayin'.
  20. I'll give ya a dollar for it.
  21. Here's an ad 'supposedly' from 1927 (no nose tie) so yours may be the real deal.
  22. Are the eyes glass, plastic, or brass tacks ?
  23. Creek Chub "Jigger": They were first produced in 1933, made in 2 sizes and 8 colors. Yours seems to be missing a line tie at the nose, or it is a very early production....or a copy (there was never a patent). Later original CC models had two line tie eyelets (one at the nose and another on the chin just forward of the lip) and the chin/belly area was more flattened than yours appears to be.
  24. It was a short ride I assure you. 25° is pretty much my limit for bike riding, boating, standing waist deep in a trout stream, and just about anything outdoors short of splitting wood.
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