I had a really nice collection that I had put together and fixed them up in a 20" x 25" shadow box. One of my customers is a serious collector and he would always bug me about selling or trading certain baits out of it, but I'd always decline because I figured if HE wanted them then I definitely should keep them Among the ones he wanted so badly was a "Brylcreem spoon" (yeah the hair gel stuff), it was from a promo deal in the 50's.
Then one winter day after I had done a pretty costly repair to one of his boats he sat down to write a check and said he was writing the check out for 1500.00 more than the repair bill and he was taking the shadow box with him, PERIOD!
He knew it was Winter, knew that I probably needed the cash....Checkmate!
Then 2 months later my place got destroyed by a twister and all those baits would have been blown all over creation and gone forever. Kinda cool how that worked out.
I started another collection since but really haven't aquired anything very special. Instead of going for truly old stuff I've gone more to collecting conversation pieces like the Joe Camel stuff, B.A.S.S. limited edition crap, and early Bagley/ Smithwick/ Daredevil baits.
Here's one that I haven't been able to identify if anyone wants to take a shot at figuring out what it is and who made it I'd sure like to know. It is a weighted wooden spoon with no ID marking anywhere on it. I suspect it might be an early Moss Boss but all the MB's I'm aware of were plastic from the beginning.