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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. If you have ever worked on an armature electric motor and have an understanding of how they work you can probably restore the motor back to like new as far as "power" goes. The usual culprit is carbon glazing or corrosion on the brushes and contacts, and worn (over-heated) brush springs that have lost their tension. Shine the contacts up nice and bright, put a fresh face on the brushes and back them up with new springs. If there are signs of moisture in the motor you'll have to reseal it. The first one you do will be pretty tricky......after that it's a piece of cake.
  2. Crane has seen alot worse droughts than it'll see this year. In the past I've seen it all but dry, to the point where there was barely a wet spot between puddles....and miraculously 2 years later it was full of trout, including some big ones (16"+). That's why I have a hard time buying the claim that it hasn't been stocked since the horse&buggy days. LOL
  3. 9.2 and only 23" ? That is one FAT bass.
  4. I was big into tourney fishing when every bass boat you got close to reeked of garlic, and I had a theory that strong easily distinguishable scents like garlic and anise could cause fish to shut down. Kinda like when your sitting in your house and suddenly get a faint whiff of smoke..... immediately you are up investigating and nervous because maybe the last tine you smelled THAT in your home you had a really bad day. Obviously if your fishing a private pond that doesn't get much fishing pressure the fish could be turned-on or curious about it. But when they've smelled it before and then been stuck in the face and thrown in a box for several hours, they might possibly retain the sense to avoid that smell in the future. Catching fish on artificials is about keeping a balance between creating positive triggers that matter, diminishing negative elements, and learning the difference between them. Old time crappie fishermen used to bang on the side of the boat with a paddle when the fishing got slow and it actually excited the fish into biting again for awhile, but I don't think that old trick works anymore
  5. Naw! YOU are! When you gonna haul that barge down here ? You ain't afraid to get a zebra mussel or two on it are ya?
  6. Right. It's odd cuz guys will spend a couple hundred a year putting additives in their fuel, but will try to get 3-4 years out of a battery and toast a 200.00+ regulator everytime. Not that I'm complaining
  7. I'm not a fan of any type of additive. I feel like I have been into enough powerheads to confidently say that no additive or engine treatment on the market will remove....or even soften hard carbon deposits. The marketing is certainly working though, because every boat that gets brought to me has a veritable witches brew of s#!t in the tank (70% fuel + 30% seafoam/stabil/2+4/carbon guard/ ect. ect.) to the point that I use a portable tank of just straight fresh fuel to do my running tests, idle mixture and sync settings......then once everything is as it should be I plug their "soup" back in and hope for the best. And as for "stabilizing additives" ability to keep things from gumming up during extended storage....I have a heavily "stabilized" 2005 Optimax in the shop right now that just woke up from a nap and beg$ to differ. But all that aside, WTH, I hear it's on sale for 16.00 a bottle now.
  8. There should be no voltage on the kill circuit until the engine is running, and don't ever touch it when it is cuz it'll hit ya....hard! If it is is not activating the starter solenoid OR the choke solenoid it sounds like a open circuit....Fuse link ? (see if you have voltage on both sides of the fuse link while the fuse is in it. Then see if you have voltage on the relay side of the starter solenoid when cranking. And ditto with the choke solenoid.
  9. Here's your harness color code chart... http://www.maxrules.com/fixyamahawiring.html
  10. Ahh, ok, now we are getting somewhere. So you have 12v at the ignition switch, correct? Now check to see if you have 12v leaving the switch on the crank and choke terminals. (Wire color for reference can be confirmed by looking at the starter solenoid and the choke/primer solenoid)
  11. Did you charge the battery, and clean and tighten your battery connections ? And is your choke working? If not check the fuse or breaker on the motor. Then check to see if there is 12v to the starter solenoid from the ignition switch (green wire I think) when the key is turned to start. Could be a neutral safety switch bad but that isnt going to be the cause of the original problem ( 3000 rpm stall).
  12. .....perhaps one that is looking for an outboard or has one that needs work? I have a 99 Silverado 5.3 Z71 w/ 4L60E that has (I think) popped the sun-shell. I'm a big fan of the barter system and I REALLY don't wanna rebuild this thing myself. I'll pay a local shop to R&R it, but I don't have enough faith in them to properly rebuild it. We have artists, lawyers, architects, porn stars and giggalo's..... Surely we have a quality tranny man, right?
  13. Hell I'm only 48 and already notice that I'm slippin. Balance ain't what it used to be, eyes do crazy s#!t, and I just don't have the drive to stay with it on the tough days like I did just a few short years ago. I'm hoping it's just an adjustment phase.....but I dunno. If I think about it too long I get kinda depressed. LOL
  14. I've never put one on a canoe but I install alot of these... http://www.keelguard.com ...on bassboats. They come in various lengths, choices of colors, can be trimmed to fit and are semi-permanent, which is to say "you CAN remove it... but it ain't easy". The next jetboat I rig is gonna be "enhanced" by full length strips of this stuff, it's way easier to work with than UHMW sheets and flexes with the hull material.
  15. Why do I have this vision of John Turturro beating on your door some dark rainy nite..... "You stooole My bass... and you changed the tail !"
  16. Cool story, Al. How did you find out what their attorney had said to them?
  17. Two Poops, (love that handle BTW) You have a bad connection or damaged wire somewhere that is passing voltage UNTIL there is a load on the circuit. Closely inspect the Positive connections at the switch, at the fuse panel, and at the battery. Then do the same on the Ground side.
  18. Last registered in OK it looks like. The windshield is worth about 160.00 to someone looking for one. Old fiberglass boat hulls are hard to get rid of, cant burn them and can't bury them. They are actually classified as hazardous waste. Folks around here that can't afford to have them hauled off fi d creative ways to use them (dog, chicken, or goat houses, flower beds, ect.) It's the most redneck thing you ever saw.
  19. Yep, Shoe Goo. The trick is to only use a tiny bit of it. If you gob it on too thick it doesn't flex with the material. Just smear it on real thin with your finger.
  20. Good Lord, 2hours ? A common windy local is a bigger turnoff than any outlaw biker group, or clutch of angry moccasins. Hey I'd love to chew the fat with ya there, JR but I ate a bad eggroll and have a terrible case of explosive diarrhea. "Oh man I feel for ya there. One time my sister inlaw made up some tater salad and well usually she makes the best darn tater salad you ever ate, she puts real mustard seed in it and uses irish potaters with the skins on, hell she won awards 4 years in a row at the Fall shindig there at the civic center. But boy one year she made it up a couple days in advance and while she was throwin' it together she realized she was short on onions and left it on the counter figgurin' she'd be back right quick, well that old Dodge dart of hers threw a timing chain and......... " OMG, just shoot me!
  21. Post over on the Mo.Catfish board and have those guys direct you to the parachute cord slinky weights.
  22. There is some wood along the bank, more as you get further downstream from Bagnell. There are alot of transition areas where the bank goes from rock to gravel, or gravel to sand/mud and those spots routinely hold bass. Also anywhere a creek or ditch meets the river are notorious hotspots. Typically if you can find wood cover that is on a transition area you should find a group of fish on it. Google Earth it before you go and you'll have a general idea of where to go after you launch.
  23. The MDC ramp is good, but don't expect a "courtesy dock ". The only navigational hazards would be the BOTTOM DEPTH which you'll have to be constantly mindful of until ypu learn your way around.
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