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Everything posted by lucky13

  1. get em ready for spring
  2. Post is 5 years old
  3. Anybody try these? sent several emails to them without a reply. Are they still in business? thanks
  4. Ill throw in a 12v foot controlled minn kota also thanks
  5. I've got some I'll try and get posted tomorrow Any certain pic you need Thanks
  6. Ser # 1C051832 My brother in law bought this boat and motor new from west plains marine. Im doubting it has more than 35 hours on it. Ive had it about 6 months and going to make a power plant (25hp) boat out of it. Average retail is $2500 and this motor would be well worth that. Ill try to get some pics this weekend. Thanks
  7. Interested in new or late model used. I have a 2007 40elpt for trade or can buy outright Thanks
  8. ill take the topwaters Paypal? thanks
  9. Pm sent
  10. pm sent
  11. How much for the spinners shipped? thanks
  12. pm sent
  13. pm sent
  14. Need some more info Shipped price? Model #? Was it new when you bought it? Ever been worked/repaired? Hub kit included? What size motor did you use it on? Thanks chris
  15. That looks like it. Is that one missing the nose piece? I cant really see if the shaft is mounted in center.
  16. Im looking for a older style "big water" mount. This mount holds the shaft in the center of it, not offset. Does anybody have one? thanks chris
  17. Don't believe he was asking opinions, but what do you expect out of a red sox fan
  18. I have some pm sent
  19. I have a power gator pm me if interested
  20. All pm's up to noon tuesday answered thanks
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