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About blue79

  • Birthday 03/05/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Stockton Lake Stockton,Mo
  • Interests
    Fishing,Metal Detecting,looking for Arrowheads

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Golden Shiner

Golden Shiner (21/89)



  1. We have only picked 2 red tomatoes so far but its not gonna be long.Pulling the biggest sucker branches off up to the first tomatoes does make them grow faster and bigger. These are Omars Lebanese.Supposed to get 2-3lbs. These are the Giant Belgiums.These always get huge but they always grow deformed with cracks and holes and bruised and the branches are huge and always break.This is our last year of growing these. Our x-large cherry tomatoes get the size of golf balls and these are the tomatoes we can.We fill our fish fryer basket with cherry tomatoes and put in boiling water and then dip the basket in ice water and then squeeze the tomato out of its skin into the jar.No dicing and no mess. We are gonna have lots of Romas.Every plant is loaded. Here is our wall of pickles and cucs. This morning Vicki canned 6 quarts of dill spears and 8 pints of bread and butter pickles with a jalapeno half in each jar.Shes gonna make a couple more batches of pickles and then start saving all the babies for a gallon jar of baby dills.She also made 4 quarts of pickled mixed vegetables. Does anybody have ornamental peppers?We have never really tryed to save any but we are wanting to. Last year i traded some canned goods with my cousins wife and she gave me a jar of jalapenos that was called Cowboy Candy and i have to say that was the best jalapenos i ever had.I was thinking about getting the recipe and using the ornamental peppers instead.Or i might dry them and grind into spice.
  2. 1..This spot has some chunk rock and you could have a fire right bye the water.I have caught walleye and crappie trolling these banks.I have caught some nice cats in this area on my jugs with shrimp.You could probably camp here. 2..This spot has a dock with picnic tables and a brush pile in front of it.Its kind of hard to get this spot unless you get there early.Campground not to far away. 3..There are 3 spots on the dam you can fish straight down but you will have to have a basket to get the fish up. 4..There are spots on each side of the river to fish below the dam These were the spots i went to when we first moved to stockton and didnt have a boat.The first spot was our best cause there was alot of spots to fish if there was people around.We catfished at night there and had a fire. These are good spots if your on the north side of the lake close to town.
  3. Its very hard to get permission to hunt for arrowheads because of other peoples actions.I have lost some good fields because of other people digging and littering.
  4. blue79

    Smoked Pig

  5. I need to study up and try them sometime..I always see mushrooms in different places but i only feel safe with morels...I was shown at a young age what morels were and that they were safe,but nobody has shown me any other types.I have looked at books on mushrooms but i wouldnt feel safe unless i was with someone and they showed me when they found them.I dehydrated a bunch of morels this year and just gave my dad a bunch of dried morels and some fresh crappie and catfish fillets for fathers day.
  6. http://mdc.mo.gov/fishing/places-fish/fish-attractors-map
  7. there use to be a good spot on the other side of the lake by the college and the baseball diamonds.And another good area is down mainstreet in grandview to Raytown rd and go north.I think its called mouse creek.There is always quite a few people in those areas.Its the little park areas where no one is around is where someone could get hurt.Lake Jacomo is good to.I think there is some state records in that lake.James A Reed lakes.Missouri river and Blue river in Missouri The Kaw river,Marais Des Cygnes river,Lacygne lake,Hillsdale lake,and Miami county lake in Kansas.Not all of these lakes/rivers have walleye, crappie, and hybrids but they would be good spots to try.
  8. Longview Lake in Grandview,Mo has walleye.Dont leave anything in your car/truck cause the scum will break your windows to get it if no one is looking.Its best to park at the marina in the open with alot of people around.Its about 15-20 minutes from OP.
  9. Nice one..
  10. Nice mess of cats....I picked a different spot yesterday and only caught 4 small ones.Trolled around and got 8 nice crappie.,Every time i thought i had a nice bass or walleye on i would get it in and it would be a big drum.Caught 5 drum on a white crankbait.
  11. Looks good..We cant wait for the blackberries to be ready.
  12. I caught a bunch of tiny ones off the dock last night and they all had fat bellies
  13. I would have parked my car in front of his for the rest of the day or unhooked his trailer but left the chains hooked up..Get a chain 3ft long and run through his wheel and use a cordless hammerdrill and drill a hole in the concrete and then drive a tapcon through the chain into the concrete and then round off the head of the tapcon so it cant be unscrewed.Probably take 1 minute per tire..Or better yet take the tires off one at a time and set the vehicle on the tire you just took off and chuck the lugnuts into the lake
  14. Keep an eye on craigslist.If the thieves live 100-200 miles away they might think it is safe to sell on craigslist....A member here once posted this link. lets you search craigslist and ebay at the same time.. http://www.searchtempest.com/
  15. nope...its open
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