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Everything posted by riverrat

  1. I fish within your 5 county area and do just as well at low lake levels, just have to adjust to the first shoal.
  2. You don’t go often enough!
  3. I have done really well the past 2 years in March, last year March was much better than April or May.
  4. I don't really paddle it, use my trolling motors. I had a 17' 1972 Lowe paddle john with thin aluminum and had to fix leaks every other trip. This one takes a beating with no problem, but is a bit of a barge. I wouldn't trade it for one with lighter gauge aluminum.
  5. Don't know what I was thinking, my paddle john is an 1836
  6. Mine is a 2004 model and made out of .100 aluminum. Don't know what it weighs but me and another person won't be carrying it, especially with all the crap I take
  7. It depends on how it is set up. I have a 1832 Blazer paddle john with a foot control bow mount and transom mount trolling motors, and no one plays "guide". I'm looking for good fishing buddies-worth their weight in gold. Friends are a dime a dozen.
  8. You are only allowed 4 over 18", not 20. Hate to see someone get a ticket.
  9. I think MDC needs to rethink their spotted bass numbers for this river. My unofficial survey says they are in the smallmouth management in increasing numbers. I'm guessing 10% of all bass I've caught there this year have been spotted bass.
  10. I also hit the river on Wednesday, first time winter fishing since my winterfishing guru passed away 13 years ago. I was fishing the ned rig for the first time and that wind was brutal trying to fish slow. Water temp was 40 when we started, did not check it again. Spent 11/2 hours in the1st hole,not even 1 bite. Came to the 2nd hole and my buddy hooked a 12" largemouth on a rogue. At the same time I hooked his twin on the ned. A double and I thought the bite was on. Wrong answer next bite was 21/2 hours later. Came to the 3rd hole and the wind died down for the first slow pass. I caught 2 16"ers and my buddy caught one the same size. We caught six smaller fish in this hole, and decided to take a 2nd pass. That darn wind came up again and we did not get a discernible bite. My buddy ended up with 7 for the day, I ended up with 12,8 on the ned and 4 on a pointer. Anyone have tips on how to fish the ned in wind? Also Al do you think the best winter holes are south or north facing bluffs,or does matter. I don't have enough experience to have an opinion, just something that popped into my head. That wind was rough, but sure beat working or sitting at home dreaming of fishing.
  11. What diehards. Gotta love this.
  12. I've gone to the fabric dept in WallyWorld before and purchased a material that looks like fine nylon mesh. Cheap way to make the hooks Chief is talking about. Had an old salt show me this trick. I was skeptical, but they do work.
  13. Go ahead and paddle through those long deep pools, just means I won't have to contend with enticing sore lipped smallmouth to bite my lure. I believe their dinner table is close to their lair.
  14. I can't answer for them, just from my meager thrashings. I'll be the first to admit that you will catch more smallmouth in and around current in the summer, but I've been pleasantly suprised too many times to ever skip this "dead water." Caught a 22" smallmouth in the middle of a 1/2 mile eddy on Friday. What was she doing there?
  15. They do. Smallmouth and largemouth also inhabit those pools. It is not "dead water".
  16. A spook should work on the James, but I would much prefer the Zarra puppy. My Walmart has some on sale in the discount rack for $1.50. There is a learning curve in learning to walk the dog. I never move the lure with my reel, only with the rod. It should resemble a snake swimming across the surface when you have it right. Don't be trigger happy, let the fish take the lure. If you get a missed strike, just keep running the lure, sometimes they'll hit it several times before taking it, and this time of year smallmouth will run together. As much as you seem to enjoy fishing, one good blow up and you'll be on the dark side forever. good luck PM your address and I'll send you a few that are gathering dust in my basement
  17. Is that the Jerome access?
  18. The owner of the campground just returned my call. Both her and her husband work so the campground is on the side, just gettting started. They don't do shuttles yet. I invited her to this website to answer questions.
  19. The last 7 miles above Boilng Springs is jet boat central on the weekends. Most jets stopped at the Big Piney in years past, that is no longer the case. I floated from Hwy 7 to Schlict Springs the day before Memorial day and saw 22 jet boats. The river was flowing pretty good, but that was just crazy. They actually muddied up the river for 5 miles, never again on that weekend.
  20. Stopped by the campground this morning. Nobody was around, left a message at their number, no reply yet.
  21. I'm making a trip to Waynesville this morning and will check this place out. I put in at Hwy 7 about 6 weeks ago and didn't see anyone around the campground.
  22. What a fish. Come on Scott, give us the story that caused that big grin!
  23. I've dropped off the remainder of the decals sent to me at Toad's Sportsman Shop 12851 Hwy 63S Rolla, Mo. (directly across the highway from the fairgrounds)
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