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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by aarchdale@coresleep.com

  1. Catch Em All bait and tackle in Cape Fair
  2. Modern Outdoor Tackle in Nixa is hard to beat. Extreme Outdoors in Branson West is good too.
  3. i thought you dont need oil until it runs out!!!
  4. What do ya think Wrench got a good deal on this ol girl....brand new 1973. I don't know much about it but it does start and run. The guy used it at idle trolling for spoonbill most of its life. Im just going to rebuild the carb, fuel pump, and water pump and see what happens from there
  5. Brand spanking new, Prop isn't even on it yet. It's a take off from a new boat. I can hook up to prove it works, still has tags on it. Its the 60" shaft so it more for a pontoon or deep V style. They start at around $3600 at BPS. Im going to ask $3000 when I list it on other sites but $2800 for my guys on here. I'm located in Ozark but can meet or deliver within a reasonable distance.
  6. Still for sale, I got a power cable for it so its ready to go. $375
  7. Like new Garmin 73SV UHD with UHD GT-54 transducer and Mossy Oak heavy duty mount. It is missing the $20 power cable, i hooked it up on the one from my boat to make sure it works I'm located in Ozark. I will be traveling the 1st up through St Louis and Springfield Illinois and the next week through KC so I can bring it or I can ship if needed
  8. I agree, Thing is I'm always greasing them and I have plenty of buddys that tow as much or more than me that never grease their hubs. Don't you love the guys when the lakes are flooding and they back in off a gravel bar and just leave their trailers in all day while they are fishing. Water always finds a way in. I see guys at Bull do that all the time but yet I'm the one stranded on the side of the road
  9. Pretty dry after 2 cans of brake cleaner, it was a nasty mess. I'm pretty religious about greasing them too. Had a Convo with my neighbor who pulled his jet skis home and he said he never had bearing go bad. I told him to drive back and forth to the lake twice a week instead of once in the spring and fall LOL
  10. Well its always something. On the way home from Bull I looked back and the wheel was smoking pulled over instantly in Chadwick of all places. Smoked a bearing and it took out the spindle too. New axle on order.
  11. longer and steeper than usual but fine to use
  12. Good or bad I wish more people would post fishing reports. I took my dad today it wasn't great at all. We trolled for walleye. Never had a sniff. Not even a pesky spotted bass. Went to Powersite, Little sketchy, the lake is as low as I have ever seen it since I've had a boat 11 years or so. Stay in the middle of the channel if you guys run up from Shadowrock. I swung a little too wide to give a kayaker a lot of room and I looked down when I cruising at 45 and could see the bottom. Kinda freaked me out. Caught one nice Largemouth on a Chappo and that is it. We threw some ned rigs too but got nothing. Water temp right around 55 from Beaver Creek ramp all the way to Powersite... Beautiful day though , we saw 6 eagles, and so many of those black ducks or whatever they are. Hundreds and hundreds of them. I don't know my waterfowl like some of you guys. I did talk to a few guys on the docks at the marina and they said they probably caught 40 crappie by 11 but only 3 keepers. Kinda makes me wonder about if the scope is affecting things. Usually on Bull I've never needed a bump board for crappie they are just always keepers. I love my Live scope but man this year I have caught more short crappie than ever, especially over at Table Rock
  13. Lots of eagles up there, I saw 3 big nests between Beaver launch and Powersite. The eagles are always withing a few hundred yards of their nests it seems like they always close enough they can keep an eye on their nests
  14. No stink, but i know what you mean, whenever its been high for a while and the zebras grow and then they drop it quick those things smell so bad. I did snag a couple clusters of zebra mussels around 18-22ft
  15. I threw the good one back, she had kind eyes and I just couldn't keep her
  16. Not a great day but not a bad one either. Water temp 66 at Beaver ramp 61 at Powersite. Had some nice Spots too, nothing to take pics with. About as low as I have ever seen.
  17. I have a carbed xr6 and I think it runs better on 87, Mine never sits for more than a week or so. I was told to run 91 when I put Chris Carson Reeds and crank case stuffers but that 87 with Ethonal runs just fine. People freak out way to much about Ethonal. Just use it up and its fine. My truck and boat are the same age and the ole Hemi runs on whatever I feed it
  18. not much to report, we caught a few but nothing pic worthy. My kiddo is 9 and he is in charge of the front of the boat now, I love sitting on the back deck and letting him play with the toys up front IMG_1338.MOV
  19. 76 at the Bridgeport ramp on Monday afternoon, probably 78 on a Bird or Lowrance, Garmins seem to read a couple degrees cold
  20. reviving an older thread, Jon Boat project is coming along. After my last trip when the old POS trailer broke pretty much in half.. Finally got a brand new 1986 skeeter trailer. My brother is finally done with all his sailboat projects and ready to start welding and reinforcing this gem for the jet... I love my bass boat boat something about these little old Jon boats is just more fun
  21. IT was tough Wednesday down there, only 2 or 3 limits weighed in (4 fish limit) i think it was only 10lbs or so for the win
  22. My bubba blade was a lot cheaper being the corded version. Everytime I clean fish I'm next to a plug so I didn't feel the need for the battery one. I also got a bad taste in my mouth after having the Rapala battery knife back before lithium's were a thing. That old battery Rapala I had couldn't cut butter
  23. I always liked my Mister Twister, I have the corded Bubba blade now and it is great, i still use my Mr. Twister blades in it though and keep the Mr Twister under the seat of my truck just in case
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