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Jeff Olson

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Everything posted by Jeff Olson

  1. Thanks D.C. anyone know if tucker hollow is open? thanks.
  2. Hey guys, Anyone looking to hunt snows in MO. the next week or so should be real good in mid Mo. up to the mound city area! I hunted Monday thru Friday am. Monday and Tuesday were slower, then the migration really kicked in on Wednesday. Ended up shooting 50 myself, Had a couple good jumps, some pass shooting, and some over decoys. RECIPIES?- Was wondering if anyone knows if geese make good sausage and sticks, like you would with venison? F&F I have your jerky recipe and are going to try that! I always make mine into Italian brats, they are excellent! Just looking for more ideas! Also if anyone has an area to hunt snows, And is looking to go, or need a extra guy to help out with decoys { I have about 250} " I would like to find a area in the boot heel or down into AR." or anywhere, Please feel free to send me a message! THANKS!
  3. Thanks for the replies guys! I probably was staying to deep most of the summer. Tried to stay at the thermocline. I guess the lead core kept me staying deep and trying different spots, than trying different depths like I should! Looking forward to a good season this year!
  4. Any thoughts on why the walleye fishing was down last year? I am still learning the lake as I have only been down here and fishing B-S for 2 years now. But last year was quite a bit tougher than 2013! My biggest concern was the amount of fish I did not mark compared to the previous year. I troll quite a bit and usually cover a lot of water. But just did not see the #"s! And very rarely would I catch more than 1 fish at a certain spot! they were really scattered out last year. Hopefully this year will be better!
  5. Thanks for the replies guys! Tanderson, I hope that % - # you get will be pretty good. If not I guess I will understand a little better that it really does not matter if those Pre- Spawn females are released or not. RPS, I agree on the info, but I would be curious to know the lower #"s on the 10 lb plus fish, compared to the much-much larger amount of eggs that these big fish carry? I guess like P-D said, I am from up north and old school, and set in my ways. I kind of view it like when I used to fish muskies, if I catch a trophy size fish, if it is not going to go on the wall, I will release it to grow and to be there for another angler another day to catch, and hopefully do the same. To nice of a fish to be put in a frying pan. Plenty of eater size fish and different species out there to eat. Just like QDM- let them go & they will grow!
  6. Good and interesting comments! Bill, or anyone else, I am just curious, has the MDC or AGFC given any natural reproduction percentages on the walleye in Bull Shoals? I know conditions vary yearly, but just a rough average. Also, any other info on the comment of the 15 to 20 inch class being the best spawners? I did not know that. Thanks.
  7. I will 2nd that one Scott. My experiences with rainy fronts is that it is just tough! So far what I have seen down here in Mo. is the same as up in WI. A buddy and I fish a walleye tournament every spring on the Mississippi in Red Wing, Mn. We will pre-fish wed. thru Friday and find the fish and then come Sat. and Sunday, Rain! and the bite gets tough! It is Crazy how this has happened about 6 out of the last 7 years. ( that's just the reason I remember the rainy fronts so well! ) About the only fishing I know it is ok is Trout fishing in creeks when you are using crawlers or worms! I hope the ducks make it your way this week!
  8. Finally got out and tried lower Taney this morning. Still not many birds around. 1 nice flock of gadwell ( 60-70) hanging right in town. But other than that, only saw 5 or 6 small groups. Did have a lone gaddie come a little to close, and a pair of gaddies check out my spread, and dropped 1 of them. So I did get a couple shots off, and 2 come home for dinner. Was just nice to get out, and see a few birds! Wish I could hunt the weekend with this cold snap, but will be out of town. Hopefully you guys will have some good reports!
  9. Thanks for all of your posts B-H, I really enjoy them. And I have not been out down here on the rock, as I just have not seen hardly anything for birds! And have not heard of anything going on down on the lower taney! Hopefully soon!
  10. Thanks for the posts and the info guys! Good to see something going on! Haven't been able to get out myself, but hopefully soon!
  11. Nice hunt John! thanks for the post! Been wondering if anything has been going on, Have not heard anything on lower Taney, and I have not been able to get out yet Hopefully real soon!
  12. Nice pics John, yep, not much around, I fished k dock area today from daylight to noon and never saw a duck or a goose! ( just a little info for you )
  13. I have not been out for about a month, but did fish this am for about 5 hrs. in the k dock area for walleye. Caught 5 but they were all shorts,14-17 in. Very lite bite, and scattered. hard to find and still not marking many fish at all on the sonar! wt was 77.7 thank for the info crappie fisherman! Seeing any walleye anywhere?
  14. Fished from 6:30 am to 1:30 pm today. beautiful morning, but the bite was slow. first 4 hrs only had 2 drum and 2 bass. Then found 2 nice walleye ( 22 & 24 in ) on a deep channel shoal edge. working the 35 ft range. and then only 1 more bass to finish the day. Still not much for show on the sonar? Slow day, but just nice to get out! Good luck!
  15. Thanks Stone, It is something at times when the fish just show up after dark! I am from WI. and did a fair amount of night walleye fishing (usually in the spring ) and the #s of fish were really something at times! But then again these fish will travel a long way to a certain spot! Heading to DC area tomorrow am.
  16. Hey Mike, Good to hear from you also! Pretty much scratching bottom. I knew I was staying close by the amount of snags I had. And most of my fish were coming on the outside rod. Yes I have been concerned by the lack of SHOW also! Seems like overall #s of walleye are down? Hope I am wrong! Stone 9-7=2,I am curious about your post saying that the fish are there! Can you share some info or your opinion on that to build my confidence back up! Thanks!
  17. Got out this am and fished from 6 am to 1 pm, pretty slow bite, as I have been hearing, but did ok. ended up catching 6 walleye, with 2 being legal ( 19 & 21 ) Short fish have been very small this year. Trolling Bright cranks in 30 to 35 ft of water did best. fish seem to be all scattered, as I have not been able to catch more than 1 fish at a spot. And not marking many fish either. Going to try the DC area this week, hopefully find some!
  18. Hunted by Mound city on wed ,thur, & fri am. Total of 14 snows & blues. A lot of birds in the area, but tough to hunt as they were really traveling in very lrg flocks, and very few of the nice sm flocks that usually decoy nicer! Good time and just nice to be laying in a blind seeing the #s of ducks and geese flying!!
  19. Thanks Scott! Found some more reports last night and it looks like there should be huntable #s in Mo. for at least a couple more weeks!!!!
  20. Just saw a flock of about 500 snows sitting on the rock, right at the dam! Anyone been getting any? I have not been out yet, but am heading to mound city on Monday. I have not really heard much of reports of where they are even at? Are they really scattered or mostly still in AR ? I think it has been a pretty slow year so far for most of the guides, as not so much to report. Any info would be Great! thanks!
  21. John, I would have to agree with your trip ending up in Argentina! And finishing it of with a dove shoot there! That would be one awesome trip! I have also thought of following the spring snow geese migration all the way from the south, up into Canada!
  22. Haris, I am not familiar with any lakes in your area as I am from Wisconsin, and live in Branson now. I mainly iced fished for panfish. so I would suggest for panfish use small ice fishing jigs with a waxie (wax worm ) threaded on the hook or a couple hooked through the head, ( try to cover up the tip of the hook) Use very lite line,1 to 2 lb is best. Electronics ( like a vexilar are a huge help ) if not, try different areas and depths. and slowly work those depths from just a few feet under the ice all the way down to the bottom to find the depth they are at. Especially for crappie. For bluegill usually within a couple feet of the bottom. For other species minnows wok good. I would stay away from worms at these temps. If you know of some bays off of the Mississippi in your area that are froze over good I would try them! In WI. there is some great Ice fishing in those bays as the panfish winter in them, usually is good ,safe ice , and are usually shallow ( under 10 ft ) which makes it easier to fish. And they usually border a road, that makes for a nice short walk out. ,Oh, and also, a spring or strike indicator on your rod tip is a big plus as they tend to bite very lite! Good luck, and stay safe!
  23. Hey Mike. Just curious what area you go to for snows? I go up to the mound city area. Might venture down into ark. soon to get a earlier hunt in? I live in Branson ,Would like to find something somewhat closer!
  24. A big thanks to all you guys for all your posts on your hunts! Very enjoyable! I didn't add much to the posts as I just didn't get out very much. timing on other things were just off. did get to scout out taney the last couple weeks, so I am already fired up for next year! nice close place to hunt! I am getting ready to chase the snow geese soon! Any info on where, or reports on them would be great! For now, Happy Fishing!
  25. Very nice Scott! Congrats!
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