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Jeff Olson

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jeff Olson

  1. Quick report. Tried taney yesterday morning again, very few birds around. only saw 3 ducks and 3 flocks of geese. heard 1 set of shots up bull, that was it. Quit at 9:00 and went and caught some trout!
  2. Pretty slow on taney this am also. Heard Some shooting going on the first hour, then pretty slow. only hunted until 9:30, did have a pair of gaddies come in, took 1 out. just not much for #s of birds trading around. water was high! I hunted the lake, maybe I should of hunted the creek!
  3. Very nice pic John! Very slow on taney also this morning. Didn't see much for birds. never pulled the trigger.
  4. Thanks D-D, I think I will. Especially with these winds out here on the rock! no birds came in tonight!
  5. Very nice!. any reports from this morning! I was scouting yesterday afternoon and ran from Roark creek down to the lakeside road area and saw good #s of sm flocks scattered around! mostly gadwell. not sure if I will hit taney tomorrow, or try the Rock?
  6. 3 to 4 inches was my min to walk out on, and 10 -12 before I would drive! but that depended on if it was good solid ice! I always walked or 4 wheeled out until I saw a lot of cars out. seen to many break through over the years to push it! but in the dead of winter we would have 2 to 3 feet of ice easy! for testing the ice I would carry out my heavy ice chisel and stab the ice in front of me every few steps if I was concerned. thanks Mike for the reply! I see your point with the changing levels all the time! that sure would make it interesting! and yes, it is Great to be in the boat year round! I am already fired up for the walleye this coming year!
  7. ok guys, seeing this post now I am curious. I am from WI, but have lived down here in Hollister coming up on 2 years. I really liked ice fishing but did not think it was possible down here! I have never been on Stockton but it looks pretty big. do you get some bays or coves to freeze over good enough to ice fish? I thought a guy would have to go up to Iowa to find good ice usually, but hopefully I am wrong! are there areas in northern Mo that consistently offer good ice fishing? fill me in Powerdive! thanks!
  8. Thanks for the report D-D, I was wondering about lower taney today. I scouted out the rock also this afternoon until dark .it was pretty windy but I thought I would see more than the few divers I saw! and a few lrg flocks of geese flying high. hopefully this area is not coming to the end! Oh well, if it is, I guess a guy can start crappie fishing!
  9. Very nice Scott! touching! they are something special!
  10. Thanks for the info John!
  11. Tried tablerock again yesterday am. beautiful morning! overcast and a light wind, but very few birds around. 1 shot and 1 drake gaddie. just nice to be out! anything been happening on lower taney? wont get out for a while now, as we heading to the frozen tundra ( WI. ) for the holidays. Merry Christmas to all, and to a Great new year. GOD BLESS!
  12. Hey Scott, just curious how you do on beaver on real windy days? seeing it is not as open as the rock, do they still hang on the lake or head elsewhere? I got blown off of the rock this morning and very few birds roosted last night. thought about hitting lower taneycomo, but my mud motor would not start.so I had to take the fishing boat out on the rock. tough morning!
  13. A fair amount of birds must have came in late Monday pm. had a decent hunt Tuesday am. had 2 greenheads and a drake bufflehead.( cold morning though! ) Happy Hunting!
  14. Been itch"n to get out lately, have not seen much here on tablerock when glassing the lake, but then with all the fog and pre-cip lately not to much range of visibility though. so I tried it this afternoon, and saw very few birds. no shots fired! hopefully a bunch will move in tonight! going to try em in the am tomorrow. Hey F&F, sounds like you have a bunch of them just waiting for you down there! shoot em up, and push them back north!
  15. Hey F&F, where have you been hunting ducks already? Kansas or upper mo. zones? have fun this sat!
  16. thanks for the post Luke, first walleye action I have heard of in a while. I have not been out since the end of September. been bird hunting. got he itch for walleye, but don't know if I will get out til spring? I usually chase the crappies in the winter. good luck all.
  17. I get mine made into Italian brats, Very Tasty! and for a variety, don't have them stuff some of the meat into brats, but into patties. makes a good breakfast sausage patty!
  18. Thanks for the article Powerdive!
  19. I hunted the Nodaway valley area on my way home from South Dakota on Saturday & Sunday am. was not lucky enough to draw a blind as they only had 9 areas open because of lack of water, and a lot of hunters. but I did find a spot in a open hunting area and saw a lot of teal and woodies opening morning for the first 2 hours. shot 2 of each and 1 more woody on Sunday morning. Sunday was a lot slower. did not see much for big ducks on Sat. but a few more on Sunday. ( saw a lot of them in south Dakota though ) anyone else hunt the northern opener? now to wait for our opener ! happy hunting!
  20. opening week report. as predicted, bird #s were way down this year. still had a enjoyable hunt ( I just really enjoy south Dakota ). I hunted 6 days and bagged 9 roosters. hunted from Aberdeen to Miller, sd. about the same everywhere we went. birds were thin, 1 or 2 here & there, never saw any large coveys. I would say that over half of the crops are still up, and that is where the birds are. if anyone is going out I would suggest the waterfowl production areas. or any cover around any good water source that would not of dried up last fall . last falls drought really hurt them . hopefully weather conditions will be better and they will rebound nicely for next year! also, I headed back here a few days early to try the northern zone opener for ducks. hunted the Nodaway valley on sat & Sunday. lots of guys and they only had 9 of the 15 hunting areas open because of lack of water. so I did not draw a area, and had to hunt a open area. did ok, Saturday saw a lot of teal and woodies. shot 2 of each, and 1 more woddie on sunday morning. not many lrg ducks there yet. happy hunting!
  21. No walleyes today ? have they been slow there also ? they have been pretty slow on bull shoals the last month!
  22. I also fished for 8 hrs on Saturday, very nice out, but only had 1 walleye, 3 crappie and of coarse quite a few small bass. w-temp was still 83 .
  23. Kramr, like Powerdive said, trolling cranks. it has been pretty slow for me lately, hopefully it will pick up with the cooler weather coming. and a better report by the end of the month! there is a campground at tucker hollow and some cabins.
  24. Well lonkm, here is my 2 cents worth. I have been out once a week lately and it has been slow. usually catch a few eyes, with 1 being legal. and I usually pick up a few crappies, bass, bluegill, while trolling or pulling crawlers. I did have 1 good day 2 weeks ago with a nice limit of 20-21 inch eyes and some nice crappies. I just found a few nice schools of fish that day and hit them. otherwise I have not been marking much . they just have not been up on the flats very much this summer that I have found, they are really scattered around. last week w-t were 82-83 and fish I caught were 25-28 ft range, but I would think they should be shallower now. going to try again tomorrow. good luck to you!
  25. thanks for sharing Scott, looks simple and quick and yummy!
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