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About fishEd

  • Birthday 11/25/1979

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  • Location
    Springfield, Mo during the week and The Rock on weekends
  • Interests
    Fishing, kayaking, hiking, biking....basically anything that involves the great outdoors.

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  1. fishEd


    Sorry, don’t see anywhere I can delete the post. This item is sold. Thanks for looking! Brand new, never installed 1st generation Hydrowave. I won it in a fishing tourney a few years back and never even opened the box. All items checked on the box are included, only opened the box for pictures. Can meet in Rogersville, Springfield, Ozark, or Nixa. Possibly meet in Table Rock area during the weekend. Would prefer not to ship.
  2. Just saw that, didn't realize there was one, but what a great idea! I'll have to see if the fiancé is game, since she catches most more than me anyway. Nothing better than teaching someone to fish, just to have them out fish you every time you go out. Is there somewhere I can see locations, dates, and times for the club?
  3. I have a 2003 G3 HP180 with a Yamaha 150 HPDI. It's a lot of motor for an 18' mod-v bass boat, but it cruises nicely at 35-40 mph at half throttle. I rarely have to go 3/4 to full throttle, but nice to have available if a storm is rolling in. 60+ mph in a tin boat can make you pucker a bit. I always figured its better on the motor to not run hammer down all the time. Plus it's nice to not have to listen to it struggling back there the whole time. As for the G3, I've had zero issues in the 7 years I've owned it. Would not hesitate to buy it all over again if I had to. It gets a little dicey down on the big end of the lake with the wake boats and big cruisers, but I'm sure you'd have that with any bass boat. It sure is a breeze to pull that tin boat rather than a big glass boat. I seem to take it more places because it's so easy to tow. One brand I didn't see mentioned so far is Xpress. The few I've seen in showrooms look really impressive. I believe they are built down in Arkansas. Looks like most of them are Rhino lined from the factory then painted over.
  4. fishEd


    Sounds like you already found a cabin, but in case it doesn't work out I know of 2 resorts that are VERY dog friendly, nice clean cabins, great rates, and extremely helpful hosts/owners. They are both near Indian Point on Jakes Creek Trail. The first is Calm Waters Resort and the other is right across the road called White Wing Resort. I don't have children, so my furry 4-legged son goes everywhere with me. I completely understand why resorts do not allow pets, but I will always give my business to the ones that do. Hopefully that helps you or any others looking for lodging that allows dogs, as there really aren't many left.
  5. I've only had a chance to use the square bills once since I got them, but they seemed to run true. The hooks are black nickel on the cranks, but not sure what brand. They don't seem cheap though. I'm sure there is a better test, but I was told a long time ago if you could take the point of the hook and scratch the top of your fingernail with little pressure, then they are sharp. These definitely do that. There are probably better hooks out there, but I have no problem running it with what it came with. It says on their website that the jerkbaits come with KVD Mustad hooks. I ordered a dozen (6 deep divers and 6 jerkbaits) and shipping was only $3.35. Said 3-4 days processing and 3-4 days shipping. I didn't think that was too bad either. Could have gotten faster shipping for an extra couple bucks, but knew I wasn't going to be able to use them this weekend anyway. I'll try and remember to take a pic when they come in and note if they run true when I have a chance to use them. Forgot to mention earlier, I'm not affiliated with this company in anyway. I'm just a cheapskate and like to help out others if I can. I've certainly gotten plenty of help from all the great anglers here over the years.
  6. Ordered some square bills last winter while they were on sale and just noticed they were having a $5 sale again. I picked up some of the jerk baits (110 lookalikes) and some deep diving cranks. $5 for a custom looking paint job, seemed like a deal to me. Thought I would share. The paint and hooks were nice on the square bills I ordered, hopefully they will be just as nice on the jerkbaits and dd cranks. https://limitoutlures.com/collections/110-jerkbait https://limitoutlures.com/collections/crunch150-dd https://limitoutlures.com/collections/1-5-square-bills
  7. I have a 2003 G3 HP180 with a 150hp Yamaha HPDI Vmax. It's a great boat and never had any problems. I've heard the Bear trailer they come on are problematic, but I've never experience any. G3 is owned by Yamaha, which also owners Skeeter. From what I can tell, they took the bass boat interior layout from one of the Skeeters and stuck it in the G3 aluminum boat. This is just my opinion, I have no proof of that however. Whatever they did was great and I wish they would replicate it, I might consider updating. LOTS of storage with 2 big rod boxes, 2 big tackle compartments, and dual console. I call it the tin rocket, because with that big of a motor on a 18' aluminum boat, it'll get you there in a hurry.
  8. We were at Hideaway last week and had no problems. The biggest issue isn't launching and loading, it's finding somewhere to park. Luckily the Hideaway area is off the beaten path enough that wasn't a major issue. Going down towards Aunts creek there was no debris. Heading up towards Cape Fair you start seeing debris around Piney and Wooley creek. 3 weeks from now it should be better, but since they aren't releasing because of the issue with the Powersite dam, most likely the lake will still be up. The numerous rapid rises in water do seem to have fish off their normal patterns, but I enjoy fishing the shoreline more than deep, so it's nice to be able to fish the bushes. I did notice I had better success fishing the normal pool shoreline, than I did way up in the shallows. I've always had my best luck targeting shadowy areas, so I thought I'd have good success up in the trees, but to the contrary getting 1-1/2 to 2 full cast lengths away from the shoreline was a better bite for me. Obviously keep an eye on here for more current updates when time gets closer, as things tend to change pretty rapidly with patterns on The Rock. Hopefully we stay dry for awhile so everything can get back to semi-normal.
  9. I spend a lot of time in that part of the lake, as I have family with a cabin right above Flat Creek Resort. It's spooky how many times I've seen ski boats with kids being pulled on a tube make a turn right next to that pillar on the south side. When the water level is up, it can be hidden just underneath the surface. If you are not familiar with the area, you'd never know it was there. A few years back I took the dog out on the kayak to walk along the old road bed. Had a couple good ol' boys that didn't realize it was that shallow (even though I was walking on it) who did a Dukes of Hazard jump right over the roadbed. Luckily they were ok, picked themselves up off the bottom of the boat, and headed on down the river. Certainly gave me a good laugh. Really hope the corp does something to mark this better for people not familiar with it. As Flat Creek Resort and James River Marina draw more new people to the area, it's likely to happen more often.
  10. Not sure if its still open today, but Cape Fair Marina posted on their FB page yesterday that the campground is closed but boat ramps are open. The parking lot also got a resurfacing this week. They mentioned that at the weigh-in for the Wednesday amateur tourney there were 2 limits of smallies turned in (3 fish limit). I know where I'll be heading this weekend.
  11. Something I've never understood is why people make the boat launch such a frantic/chaotic environment. You are going out to or coming back from enjoying your choice of watersport on the lake. You should be at an optimum relaxed state at that point. If you've spent several hours on the lake fishing, skiiing, or whatever, then why are you in such a frenzy to get loaded up and out of dodge? I've had several people cut me off or blantantly get in my way to get loaded up, yet the majority of the time I'd be more than happy to let them go first so they are well on down the road before I leave. I certainly don't promote dilly-dallying around, but no need to add stress to cap off what was hopefully a great day on the water.
  12. I've always been a quiet observer on here as I'm just learning to fish "The Rock" myself, but I stayed at Alpine Lodge last fall and thought I might be able to help you out. If I remember correctly they have a canoe and maybe a small jon boat that they will let you take out whenever you want for free. That should help you get off the bank and into some of the better "fishy" spots. Being able to fish from the bank will greatly have to deal with what the water level is at when you come down. Right now with the lake being at full pool, it might be difficult to get around. If it drops like it did last late summer/fall during the drought, you should have no problems getting around to some good spots. There is a nice little arm right next to their dock with some timber that should hold some fish. They are located on Indian Point, so do some searching for posts that relate to that area by some of the great contributor's here. Check back to this site regularly between now and when you come down to see what things are currently working. Take anything Mr. Babler says as gospel, because he definitely knows his stuff. Even better yet, hire him for half or full day to show you around. Worth EVERY penny!
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