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Everything posted by fly2fish

  1. I wade fished around outlet 1 3 nights labor day weekend and Friday and Saturday nights last weekend and was able to throw pine squirrels and hibenaters in both white and black. Caught 23 with half of them browns labor day and last weekend 18 on Friday night with only 2 being browns and 6 Sat night in only an hour with one brown. Good size on both rainbows and browns. One night friend I was fishing with caught one at outlet 1 on a spoon that probably went 8-10 lbs and 25in+ he didn't have a light and the fish was as wide across the back as his hand would stretch. I hooked one that pulled loose after a 5 minute fight, first fish I have had to put on the reel in awhile. F2F I
  2. A River Runs Though It Final Countdown Top Gun Forrest Gump Fandango
  3. When my knee problem started affecting my fishing (couldn't get up the stairs at Taney) I had to bite the bullet and get a replacement. It kept me out for about 10 weeks, that was in 2007. Had orthoscopic on the other knee in 2012 and felt better coming out of the hospital than when I went in. But the worse pain I every had was sciatic nerve pain that started in my right hip and would shoot down to my knee 4 weeks ago and could not stand for more than 15 seconds or walk 20 ft. Went to Arizona the day after it hit and was in misery for 6 days, came back and went to chiropractor and started getting some relief after taking spinal decompressions everyday for 2 weeks and starting tomorrow 2 to 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Getting old is not all that it is cracked up to be but at least now they can replace some parts! F2F
  4. Down about 50 yds below the root wad ever so often turn and make a few cast to the north bank in the shallows less than a foot deep. Lately I have been catching more on that side letting it drift back into the deeper part. F2F
  5. Yes, 1958 was a very good year! F2F
  6. fly2fish


    I fished last Friday and Saturday nights about 3 hours each night and did fair about 30 all together. Fished down below the root wad and most of the fish came from the north side in the shallows. Started with black pine squirrels caught 2 in the first 3 casts then nothing until I changed to white. Biggest Friday night 1 just short of 19 in. and Saturday 1 just over 17 and 1 just under 17. F2F
  7. Last night the first 2 fish I caught were browns, the first I shook off quickly and thought it was a brown and very next cast caught another one and looked closer and it was a twin of the first. The rest of the night all bows, all came on white bead head hibinators both on the fly rod and the spinning rod with 1/8 oz split shot 1unit running. F2F
  8. The small clear plastic casting corks that you fill with water work fairly well also, or if the water is off and you can wade just use the small clear regular corks. Make sure that your line is 4 lb or less or use a leader of the same. Casting corks have a spindle that runs through cork with a hole for your line to go through, you have to tie a swivel after you run your line through and that acts as a stop also. Tie about 5' to 6' of leader onto the swivel below the cork and then your fly. Pull the spindle to fill about 1/3rd to 1/2 full of water depending on how far you want to cast. F2F
  9. I have fished the Rio Grande many times from its beginning below the dam 30 miles or so west of Creede down past the first 2 campgrounds and caught lots of rainbows and a few browns. I always wanted to float and maybe camp the 20 or so miles that run through the wilderness area where there is little to no access except by floating. F2F
  10. A 5" hellbender in crawdad color in a rock quarry, crappie jumped like a bass a couple times. We used to fish large minnows with a slip cork set about 20 -25 deep and you did not know what you were going to catch bass or crappie. F2F
  11. There's trout in some of the streams around Sedona that I want to fish if OSU makes it back to the Fiesta Bowl. F2F
  12. Watch in 2 or 3 years Haith will be in the running for coach of the year and use that as a springboard to some elite coaching job. TU has always been the stepping stone for so-so coaches to move on to better positions. F2F
  13. I have fished Toledo bend a few times but never caught any of these . LOL F2F
  14. I like C also but it would be nice to have a blank space so you could write in your screen name if you so desired. F2F
  15. I know in Oklahoma, a lifetime license is still good no matter what state you move to. F2F
  16. We had a doe that was missing her right front leg about six inches up from the knee. She lived to be at least 12 years old and was the leader of the doe herd for most of those years. She could outrun all of them and the only way you could tell her was when she was walking she had a slight hop. When the herd came in to bed down they would sometimes stop in a turnip patch we had planted in the corner of a bean field to feed a while and if started getting passed daylight much she would jump the fence first and head to a thicket to bed and if the rest didn't follow she would give a low snort. If I was in the tree stand nearby and she caught movement she would work her way downwind until she winded me and then really start blowing. The last couple years we saw her she was by herself and we would jump her quail hunting. F2F
  17. I would use any of the night time flys, pine squirrels, hibenators, bunny leeches, PMS, with a 1/8th oz split shot 8 - 10 inches above the fly and throw it on a light spinning rod. If I have any non-fly rodders with me I use that set up or if there is not enough current to keep the fly moving and the split shot bouncing along the bottom then I would go with a casting bubble and same flys without the split shot. F2F
  18. I have wade fished at night below the dam when it was 17, 19 and 22 deg. and the least number of fish caught was 13. Shortest night was 45 minutes and longest 1:15 got tired of fighting the frozen line. The key is dip your rod right before casting and strip just fast enough so the line does not freeze to your guides but not to fast or you will pull in to much water and get your gloves wet and then they freeze and get stiff. Never got that cold because the water is still upper 40's to around 50 deg. I wear thin cotton or nylon gloves with thin rubber gloves over them to keep hands dry and wool or waterproof gloves over them for warmth. A couple years ago before the felt sole ban I was walking back from Big Hole and they keep freezing to the sidewalk had to walk on the grass. F2F.
  19. I have seen more bobcats than quail the last 2 years. Shot one under my tree stand this year, only thought I had was how many quail did I save. My son had 3 laying on a log last year but didn't shoot any because it was prime deer time in the evening. I will probably do some predator hunting over the holidays, have a new range finder to try out. F2F
  20. I don't know how many trout they stock per year, but one time I counted close to 100 blue heron between the dam and Fall Creek. If each heron eats 3 trout a day that 3 X 100= 300 trout a day or 109,500 a year. Just watching some below the dam they eat more than 3 a day. So how much are we spending feeding the herons. F2F
  21. Until I saw your signature in the corner I thought that was the photo, amazing. I think I told you in the past I found some pocket watches probably at least 20 years old from Avon that had your prints on them. F2F
  22. Here in Oklahoma I get them in the house usually in October but this year had 2 drop out of the ceiling fan within the same week those cool days we had in early July and found one in a bowl on the dining room table the other day also under a ceiling fan. Maybe time to spray the attic. F2F
  23. Same for me, I hadn't had a chance to fish since last August until this past July 5 & 6 even though we made several trips to Branson in between. Next trip is Aug. 16-18. Too much work and not enough play. F2F
  24. Knew those walleyes would start cross breeding sooner or later. F2F
  25. I have rods from 8' 3wt to 81/2 9wt and use a Sage 8'6" 4wt 90% of the time on Taney. In the fall I use a Sage 8' 6wt just in case of hooking a bigger brown. One of the biggest rainbows I caught at Taney was a 25" on the 3wt. So use what ever you have it just depends on how much fun you want to have. F2F
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