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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by *T*

  1. Off-season, of course that is July, August & September, right?
  2. Keep in mind what is legal & not! Just FYI - Missouri Rules/Regs: Culling Any fish you catch is included in your daily limit unless you release it unharmed immediately. You may not replace smaller fish in your possession with larger ones caught later. You need to make a keep-or-release decision as soon as the fish is caught. There is one exception: If, from September through June, you are a participant in a bona fide catch-and-release black bass tournament (one after which all bass are released alive), which requires entrants to have a boat livewell with adequate capacity and a pump constantly adding fresh or recirculating water, the black bass you release unharmed from the livewell need not be included in your daily limit. At no time may the daily limit be exceeded.
  3. Just doesn't happen, in fact the opposite is true. The numbers of gun owners and firearms, Right to Carry states, and people carrying firearms for protection have risen to all-time highs. Through 2010, the nation’s murder rate has decreased 52 percent to a 47-year low, and the total violent crime rate has decreased 48 percent to a 37-year low. The FBI preliminarily has reported that violent crimes decreased another 6.4 percent in the first half of 2011, translating into a seven percent decrease in the total violent crime per capita rate.
  4. I also apologize for hijacking the thread, but can't let it go. There is no real reason to impose those restrictions on COE lakes. Just another "gun-free zone" where criminals know they will meet with no resistance when they terrorize the law abiding citizens. Just wrong.
  5. Good to hear a good story like that about pros. Too often what shows up is only the bad. Thanks.
  6. Good idea! Seems like an Aaron Martens video talked about shallow drop shotting With longer distance between bait & weight as line is more horizontal vs. deepwater vertical.
  7. "CCW against the law on COE lakes"? Never heard that one before. Would (not) like to see that statute. Seems like that would be (another) violation of Bill of Rights.
  8. *T*

    Grub Bite Yet?

    Will check them out, thanks.
  9. The real "crazies" don't bother with a CCW. And if there is illegal, "out of line" shooting going on they will lose their Conceal Carry Permit or end up in jail. Don't start mixing those with CCW and the morons out there into one group. Typically not the case. There are a few but they should be weeded out. But, yeah, you are correct, just moving on from folks of that ilk is the best option.
  10. Dang, that is one serious collection!
  11. *T*

    Grub Bite Yet?

    You're talking real sports, fishing, right? Well, it has started!
  12. *T*

    Grub Bite Yet?

    boston redsocks '12, '15, '16, '18, 2004, 2007, 2013 (that's 7, not too bad) Saint Louis Cardinals '26, '31, '34, '42, '44, '46, '64, '67, '82, 2006, 2011 (that's 11) St. Louis Cardinals (9205-8494 W-L, 1900 - 2014) - 11 World Championships, 19 Pennants, and 26 Playoff Appearances boston redsocks (8551-7977 W-L, 1908 - 2014) - 7 World Championships, 11 Pennants, and 20 Playoff Appearances Saint Louis has as many World Championships as Boston has pennants. Win 4 more & we can talk. This is a sports site, isn't it?
  13. *T*

    Grub Bite Yet?

    Thought the grub bite was nearly year round. Not aways the hottest bait but as consistent as they come. I will always have one on. (STL 11 World Series Championships - at least 2 beating boston)
  14. No trouble seeing all of the anglers on my devices, but there were ocassional slow refresh periods. Dang, they were fishing all of MY spots. What the?
  15. Great win for Mike. Was following his activities all 4 days. He really fought hard on day 4, his toughest day, and deserves accolades for staying strong! Great win! Keep it up. Trip to the Classic 2015!!
  16. Some folk"s oplnlon of Table Rock could be changed prettty quicky. At times this lake can have a mighty narrow pattern for bigger fish. Other times, not so much. Hope a few of the Elites bring in a 20+ pound bag today to make some others rethink their approach and opinion. It is pure hell to have to weed through all those 14-1/2" fish. I realize this is the professional fisherman's livelyhood but I, for one, will never complain about short fish.
  17. Hey there, buddy. Hope you all have a very good trip this year. You guys always catch them. Our group get together is not for another 4 weeks. You get to share the lake with the BASS Elites April 3 - 6. The talk is that it may be more power fishing right now, crankbaits, jerkbaits, jigs and maybe spinnerbaits. As always the grub bite will also work. I'm sure others will chime in with the latest info. Good luck. Let me know how you do. Wish I could be there with you guys. Going to LOZ tomorrow for 3 days. Later.
  18. Dang, LOZ one week prior to this, buddy tourney 5 fish 20.15 shallow jerk bait, 2 - 5 feet, pea gravel. Big change in one week.
  19. I can tell by the detail of you powder paint mixes and flake in the soft plastics that you enjoy what you're doing. Impressive stuff! Thanks for sharing images.
  20. You got it right.
  21. Friends & family had good action on shallow jerkbait bite Saturday. Good number of three to four pounders, plus 5 or 6 in the five up to seven pound range. I want more.
  22. Great shot! Should be shared elsewhere. Classic!
  23. Response form MO Dept. of Conservation: Thanks for contacting us. The privileges covered under the Lifetime Fishing permit remain in effect even if the person later moves out-of-state; they just need to carry their Lifetime card while fishing in Missouri. Privileges such as deer and turkey permits would need to be purchased at the non-resident rate. Sincerely, Julie Love Accounting Technician | Permit Services Missouri Dept. of Conservation
  24. Really don't understand what's "nit-picky" about Map Guy's info. If you're only fishing you are set with permit & trout stamp forever. Sounds fairly fair to me.
  25. As I've mentioned here on other threads, wish I could find large (6"?) Fliptail grubs again. They kicked butt. Big curly, paddle tail, segmented body like their worms.
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