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Everything posted by powerdive

  1. Yeah, let's hurt people when they don't use OUR lake the way WE think they should, even though most of them have no idea what fishing is all about or why we would expect them to keep their distance. Geez.
  2. I think the FREE seminars Phil put together last winter (and the quality presentations given) were the frosting on the cake. Thanks again, fearless leader!
  3. Now THAT is hilarious!
  4. Nice, Champ. I agree. These can still be the good old days, with adaptation. I believe the overall bass population is quite strong for what the lake can realistically support. Just have to take the changes into account--for instance, the rise of the smallmouths...nowadays, there's enough of 'em to even see the occasional genetic deformity or mutation. Got meanmouths, too. Meanwhile, the largemouths and Kentuckies are getting scaled back through natural attrition.
  5. Oh, come on. Everything around here is bass this, bass that. You can't fish for other species without catching bass, and you usually catch more bass than what you're targeting. That's not enough bass for you?????? In 1980, the lake was just over 20 years old. Now it's pushing 60 and there have been a heckuva lot of changes in lake makeup, technology, and lake usage. The old guard can grumble about the glory days all they want, but the truth is that despite all the changes, Table Rock is still regarded as one of the best bass lakes in the country.
  6. Awesome info. Thank you!
  7. Please put some time into reading past posts on this forum, and on the Bull Shoals forum. Keyword: walleye. Go back several years. You will learn seasonal patterns, types of water to look for, productive techniques and baits to use, etc. Tip: Most years (not this one), what's working on lower Bull Shoals translates directly to Table Rock--depths, techniques, etc. The exceptions are the upstream/skinny water areas.
  8. Attaboy, Terry! Have you got a new partner now?
  9. See that with walleyes too, esp. on Stockton. Did catch one 19 incher at Baxter a couple years back. Pretty sure it's a genetic deformity--but I like your suggestion, Champ!
  10. We trolled cranks for walleyes, scratching bottom at 20-25 feet on the edges of the Point 7 flats and at the buoy across from Ruark Bluff on Wednesday (weather was cloudy and cool). Caught a number of walleyes (no keepers, whazzup with that?) but also several 15 to 17, maybe 18 inch bass. They're "nuisance fish" to us, so please go out there and clear 'em out, eh? It was weird. We tried crawler harnesses, but only bluegills would bite 'em. Seemed there was an intermittent thermocline at 40 feet...couldn't get the deep fish to go. This is a very odd year. Also, there were some 1" shad around, up high, and fish were breaking the surface in ones and twos. No big blowups, but steady activity. For what it's worth.
  11. I was a little surprised by how slender the walleyes were. Not nearly as chunky as TR eyes I've caught in the past, this time o' year. Meanwhile, the bass were footballs. Any thoughts?
  12. Been there. But c'mon, it's a great way to review your entire life in just a few short seconds.
  13. Why would anyone fishing highland reservoirs waste their money on those shallow water "anchor systems?" Oh, wait--I know the answer. Yah, rps, it got pretty wavy out there after 10 a.m. or so yesterday. The fish stopped biting about that time also.
  14. Trolled cranks for walleyes downstream from Big M this morn. Caught 4: a 21, two 18s, and a cute little 10" cigar. Of course, a few bass came out to play as well. All hit a Deep Rogue on leadcore in 31 feet. Never had a hit on the flatline. Water temp 81. Thought about going for the limit, but was getting tired of the wakes. Sorry, no pic. It's been such a lousy year for me, I've had no need of my camera. Batteries were toast.
  15. I worked with Jack, and he was "good people." He actually enjoyed talkin' walleye (not so common at BPS). Best wishes to his family.
  16. That's a myth (the fisherman, not the bass). There is no such thing.
  17. kjackson, did you know Cal Burkhardsmeier (old Walleye Central screen name eye_chasr), Larry McClintock or Brian Henton from the Western Walleye Club? They're old friends I've never actually met. Cal exchanged some things with me--I sent him some of my brother's hand-tied jigs and harness rigs (stuff used here), and he sent me some blade baits with modified hooks, Mack's spinner rigs that Larry tied and extra smile blades (stuff used there). That was back before the smile blades came into play farther east. Definitely a bucket list item, to fish the Columbia for walleyes someday! Nice to see some beef on that Mustad. Wish they'd strengthen their regular Slow Death hooks.
  18. Good report, Jeff. This was outta K Dock, I presume. The lack of "show" on sonar concerns me. Question: Were you scratching bottom in 30-35 feet, or were the fish up a bit? Thanks--good to hear from you. Mike
  19. That is a fantastic story. Keep the faith, boys!
  20. Interesting about only seeing one walleye. Makes me feel a little better on a personal level, not so much otherwise. Rangerman and Packersooner were down there last weekend as well. They struggled on walleyes also.
  21. Thanks for the good intel, 24/7. I'm afraid we're gonna have to go to more finesse-ful approaches much of the time. We've been fishing around Diamond City, which has given up plenty of fish for us over the years. What little activity we've found lately has been at 25'-30' but it's all scattered stuff. SWMO, they've definitely cleared out from the old spots, but they've always been there during higher water in the past. ???
  22. I'd imagine they're there already, Quill. We've pulled up bunches of them on Bull this past year, so the colonies are well established and probably starting to affect the water clarity down below. Would be interesting to hear what your diver friends have to say about clarity and fish movement, Ham. Also, maybe Mojorig will have some info.
  23. Had not seen any of that (sorry to say, this is the first time I've looked at the Beaver forum). Thanks for the resource, FnF!
  24. I'm done fishing Bull Shoals until I can come up with a new strategy or two. My stuff (trolling cranks, bottom bouncing, jig/crawler) has not been working. The usual depths/locations that I fish are NOT loaded with show on sonar like they have been in the past. I fear there are changes underway. Possible factors: Hard winter Late spring Cool summer (water temps are lagging) Winter shad kill (shouldn't that make fishing better?) Zebra mussels (there are tons of 'em down there) Stuff I haven't thought of yet As the old walleye fisherman said, "They don't have wings and they ain't got shovels. They're out there somewhere." Anybody got any ideas?
  25. I don't. However, the best article I've ever seen on tying harnesses includes a section on using Aberdeen hooks that you might find interesting. Keep in mind that the article is quite old in internet terms, written back when there weren't a lot of pre-tied rigs on the national market, but its info is still spot on today. I still tie according to the author's (Mike Giamportone) examples: http://www.walleyesinc.com/walleyeinc3/howtotie.html If you prefer the pre-tied, Bass Pro's "house" rigs use Aberdeen hooks: http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-XPSWalleye-Angler-Walleye-Rig-Double-Hook/product/1208070512108/?cmCat=CROSSSELL_THUMBNAIL
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