We trolled cranks for walleyes, scratching bottom at 20-25 feet on the edges of the Point 7 flats and at the buoy across from Ruark Bluff on Wednesday (weather was cloudy and cool). Caught a number of walleyes (no keepers, whazzup with that?) but also several 15 to 17, maybe 18 inch bass. They're "nuisance fish" to us, so please go out there and clear 'em out, eh?
It was weird. We tried crawler harnesses, but only bluegills would bite 'em. Seemed there was an intermittent thermocline at 40 feet...couldn't get the deep fish to go. This is a very odd year.
Also, there were some 1" shad around, up high, and fish were breaking the surface in ones and twos. No big blowups, but steady activity. For what it's worth.