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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I just got my second pfizer vaccination. Go easy on my while my symptoms develop.
  2. Call me crazy but I don't like to walk through snow that gets in my shoes/hiking boots. And the dogs don't like to pee in snow that is belly deep. So I took care of both of those problems in about fifteen minutes of walking behind the machine. Not sure but I think it's a Toro too. We have an honest 8 inches on the ground here - which is a PITA to shovel but no problems with the snowblower. Not sorry.
  3. I figure if I only miss one heart attack from shoveling snow it was probably worth the $600 the snowblower set me back.
  4. I'll get mine out tomorrow after this second round has it's say. Don't use the thing often - but when I do I like it a lot. Had a bit of a time getting it started Saturday - but I did and it's fueled up and ready for deployment.
  5. Truth. Same with the hips.
  6. Things were different then. Better different if you ask me.
  7. We were walking our usual trail the other day behind the Ozark Community Center. It was in the upper twenties and there was a woman sunning in her bathing suit on the deck outside the pool.
  8. PSC regulates investor owned utilities. Co-ops are member owned and governed therefore not under PSC authority.
  9. This was in Texas and they have summertime peaks that are a lot higher than what demand is now. They've got a lot of capacity down for planned maintenance and others are down due to problems that are weather related. Seems they were a bit over optimistic in predicting demand and didn't leave enough reserve for a situation like this one. Heads are going to roll down there.
  10. I was just reading more about Texas' problems. Their stand alone power system had to buy power on the open market. Normal price is around $18 per megawatt hour. They had to pay as much as $4000. Ouch.
  11. I had a glass of champagne slush yesterday right before supper.😎 It was totally liquid no sign of ice until I popped the cork.
  12. I wrote that song too,
  13. Bill: So glad you got the positive results. Totally matches my experience with both knees TKR and both hips THR at the Mercy Orthopedic Hospital. When you say life changing those are the two words that say it all. I now walk three miles or so four to five days per week and totally pain free. Chronic pain is life changing too - and not in a good way. Modern medicine is as close to miraculous as any of us are likely to experience. We should all be thankful.
  14. Webster Electric Co-op says no blackouts at least so far. Thankfully the trend is warmer.
  15. -18 at my house this morning. That's cold by any standard. 5" of snow with it and more coming tomorrow. Nice.
  16. You may not realize that coal fired power plants are closing fast because natural gas fired generation is cheaper and cleaner. But it's true.
  17. Good luck. Nobody needs that to happen to them.
  18. That order was lifted shortly after noon. But. Subject to change. This is seems to be different than peak times I've ever been around.
  19. I used to work for one of the Electric Co-ops. The reason they want you to conserve energy is simply money. The total cost of electricity to distribution co-op is based on both demand and usage. The rates to co-op consumers don't fluctuate with actual cost so the incentive is to keep cost down by shaving peak demand. Wholesale power providers do experience higher costs to meet peak demands. Have to fire up gas turbines, use available hydro and in the olden days even old repurposed submarine diesel fired generators. And peak demands require them to keep their reserve generation capacity ready to go which costs money, and operating costs for peak generating capacity is usually quite a bit higher than operating costs for base generation capacity. So in the end, it makes sense and it's really only fair.
  20. Seems like it's been quite a while since we've had a cold snap that lasted as long as this one definitely is.
  21. Semper Fi Chuck. Enjoy the area, it has a lot to offer. Definitely not much like DFW.
  22. Same here with the wants and wishes. # 2 Pfizer is going in my arm on Wednesday.😎
  23. If it was me doing the ordering it would be at least 18' and would give lots of consideration to 20' The longer boats will draft less water with the same load and there are times and places that's important.
  24. I agree with Kelce that the crew chief should never be in a striped shirt again. Not even if he gets a job at footlocker.😎
  25. Same crew gave Brady that playoff game two years ago. And gave him that TD before halftime yesterday with the worst pass interference call (pass was ten yards overthrown) I've seen lately. Read about their history with the Chiefs. But even so, that was just one part of the story. Chiefs didn't play well in any phase of the game except field goal kicks.
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