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eyedabassman last won the day on May 26 2017

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About eyedabassman

  • Birthday 09/12/1951

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Blue Eye,Mo.
  • Interests
    Bass fishing ,Old Cars,Bowling,My Boat!

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eyedabassman's Achievements

Longear Sunfish

Longear Sunfish (28/89)



  1. Jigs $3.50 each ant the Mad Man Craws and Tubes $3.25 per bag.
  2. Anyone know who paints crankbaits ( Mud Bugs) and does a great job at a fair price in the Branson area? Tim Hughs is retired.
  3. Has anyone fished the Smash Tech worms ? Are they worth trying to find?
  4. Thanks, but I am looking for more summer rain gear.
  5. And did you buy one size bigger for comfort?
  6. Thanks guys , and info on there Rainy River gear?
  7. Thanks guys! I am looking for more of spring summer? I would die in that Gore Tex 100 mph gear- !
  8. Is the one you have the Gore Tex?
  9. Thanks for info. I did read online that in a heavy rain that they get saturated and leak?
  10. I am looking for a Bass Pro Brand rain gear that will keep me dry. From spring to fall? Any info would be appreciated.
  11. I have a Garmin 240 with transducer and power cord. What is it worth? I know it is a old unit but works great.
  12. I am thinking of buying the Live Scanner Pro or the Elite. Does anyone have one ? And any input would help? To get the Elite it is 10 to 12 weeks out and the Pro is Two weeks out. Thanks
  13. Ok Thanks MrGiggles!
  14. I will be running a dedicated lithium battery for the live scope and a Garmin 126 ultra ! So do you think 10 or 8 gauge?
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