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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Tanderson15

  1. Thank you sir
  2. Nathanhooper what was water color and was there many floaters.
  3. I'm going to try BB tommorow PC to the dam. About mid March has been good to me in the past 3 years according to my fishing log. I'll like ya all know it went. Probably should not have posted this now but now I'll fish harder. J-Doc I have that chartreuse stuff you use.
  4. You are!
  5. J-Doc I guess you want to make sure you can see it on structure scan. I track mine on downscan that's on the transom that way I know when to lift it over brush and snags.
  6. Speed is important. I normally go .8 to max of 1.5. I currently add 2 floats when fishing southern lakes, snages. I never go past 3.5 feet with spinner leader because of snags. I'm hung up on gold and copper unless muddy water. I always have one with slow death rig with peril gulp minnow and one with crawler. Just tick bottom. If you drag bottom you get a mess. The lakes around us ar friendly for BB.
  7. I use BP bottom bouncing rods, med action 7 ft rods. I use flipping reels, one left hand and one right hand. That way I can hold two rods at one time. I lower the bouncer with flipped switch and if I have to raise it I crank with my knees. Even though they say one oz for ever 10 ft, even at 30 to 35 I never go over 2 oz. if I am say fishing 20 ft, I use 2 oz and my wife uses 1/2 or 1. That way even sharp turns you can avoid tangles. I use 30 # power pro with 12 to 15 # fluorocarbon spinner leaders. Always make my own. Some people use medium HV rods but I like the the rod to stack up ( I think that's what it's called) when a fish grabs the bait. Sometimes they will grab the bait and hang on for 15 to 20 feet before you get a chance to set hook. Many opions but this what I used up north for 33yr and 7 yrs here. Love my walleye. Fish for them 98% of the time. Sorry for the book.
  8. Nothing like new boat except happy wife. Congrats
  9. Yes it is for walleye for me. I normally fish TR this time of year, but my fishing log has me catching them out of lost bridge south for the last 2 years mid March. So it's close.
  10. Or maybe other reasons
  11. Any boat that fits your habits and wants is a good boat no matter the cost or looks. Just be happy with the boat you buy and enjoy it. You will find one that fits your needs. Have fun.
  12. Beaver is not a lake to fish. Please do not waste your time, TR is closer and better.
  13. After living and hunting elk in CO for 30 years I loved it. There is no better experience than calling in a bull elk. Miss it but a lot of work on foot and 4 miles or more from vehicle. Can not beat the meat. You will truly enjoy it. What area are you going too?
  14. It was in the paper today.
  15. Be careful on the boat ramps today you die heart fishermen/women and put antifreeze on your guides.
  16. I did go to lost bridge south. Ramp good but narrow as F&F stated. No fish as a matter of fact I did not mark much bait or fish. But I had walleye anyway, from the freezer. Only saw one boat and I did not dress warm enough.
  17. You won't catch any crappie on those jigs, I think a little big. Now I know why you gave me those little crappie jigs so I wouldn't catch any stripers. It had to be fun from shore. I remember those days also. I'm impressed.
  18. For 5 years I fished with my friend every Tuesday and Thursday. I fished with my wife all the other times. Since my friend passed on I fish mostly with my wife or alone. It's hard to replace a great friend and fishing partner, especially when you both think alike and enjoy the sport equally.
  19. I very seldom fish the south and never in the winter this is the first year in 8 years that I fished beaver in the winter and then in the south. Normally my limits have come in the second week of March accordingly to my log. But with mild winter this year maybe sooner. 3 times this year up the river 0 walleyes. But is lost bridge south a good ramp for one person?
  20. Do stripers have cheeks also not just walleye?
  21. Maybe I'll have to quit thinking walleyes. Really looks good. You can get some nice steaks off those fish you caught. Thank goodness I have walleye in the freezer I got blanked today. Going north tomorrow, they have to be someplace.
  22. Is the boat ramp ok with the low water, or do you have have to back the truck way in as you do at PC. Thanks in advance
  23. I guess you did not go crappie fishin today. A great catch today, way to go.
  24. If it doesn't warm up pretty soon I won't have to worry about cleaning and freezing fish.
  25. I place my fish in a quart freezer bag partially sealed then place it under water and force all air out and complete seal while under water. Works good for me even though I have a vacuum machine.
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