I use BP bottom bouncing rods, med action 7 ft rods. I use flipping reels, one left hand and one right hand. That way I can hold two rods at one time. I lower the bouncer with flipped switch and if I have to raise it I crank with my knees. Even though they say one oz for ever 10 ft, even at 30 to 35 I never go over 2 oz. if I am say fishing 20 ft, I use 2 oz and my wife uses 1/2 or 1. That way even sharp turns you can avoid tangles. I use 30 # power pro with 12 to 15 # fluorocarbon spinner leaders. Always make my own. Some people use medium HV rods but I like the the rod to stack up ( I think that's what it's called) when a fish grabs the bait. Sometimes they will grab the bait and hang on for 15 to 20 feet before you get a chance to set hook. Many opions but this what I used up north for 33yr and 7 yrs here. Love my walleye. Fish for them 98% of the time. Sorry for the book.