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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. Ranger boats. Game. Set. Match.
  2. Does anybody have some good underwater camera pics they would share? I've toyed with getting one but just wonder what it looks like.
  3. Are there any good Swepco maps out there ?
  4. I fished the White River arm w/ a buddy and we had 15 between the 2 of us. Mostly LM as well. Everything on cranks around shallow wood. A couple keepers but nothing to write home about. Beautiful day. Did spoon a couple small stripers up at the mouth of War Eagle.
  5. Is the ramp there at the mouth of sweetwater open?
  6. Thanks Ranger. I'm hoping to find something in NW Arkansas/Fayetteville area. I will keep you in mind. Thanks again.
  7. The state federation tournament is a 2 day event. I think both are out of Hickory Creek.
  8. Anybody know of any good clubs in NWA? Not looking for any high rollin' d-bags. Just looking for some good ol boys. NWA Bassmasters website hasn't been updated in 4 years so I'm guessing they aren't around anymore.
  9. I fished the White River arm yesterday from 1000-2. Had 8 total, one being a white bass. Only 2 keepers. Square bill and spinnerbait in less than 8 FOW. Leaves starting to fall. Beautiful day to be out. Water temp was 76-78.
  10. What depth were you throwing the c-rig? Sounds like the guys with the biggest bags were fishing DEEP. I saw lots of baitfish shallow. I expected to see a shallow bite pick up with the wind yesterday but I never found it.
  11. I fished a club tourney out of hwy 12 bridge today. About like I've heard, pretty good top water bite during first light but it got tough once the sun came up. Biggest bags and most action came from the boats fishing around Rocky Branch to the dam. Quite a few good smallies weighed.
  12. Dynamite? That's what I was afraid of. What area(s) of the lake is the algae the worst?
  13. Any new updates? I plan on hitting the water this weekend. Hasn't been much action on Beaver that I've heard of.
  14. My toys......
  15. The RiverBassin Trail was set up pretty good. There was a meeting the night before where everyone was given an official measuring board and a "secret" item that must be visible in the picture. Ours was a sticker. A valid fish had to be photographed on the ruler, with that sticker, as well as our boat number visible in the pic. Check in was at 1600 and at that point you turned your SIM card in to the tournament director. They downloaded your photos and returned your card.
  16. Yeah I don't like the weigh in process there. Not many creek fisherman are equipped to keep a fish alive all day. I fished a RiverBassin Trail tourney a couple years ago. It was a blast. Anybody familiar with it? Unfortunately I think the main guy ran out of time and/or funds, so it ended.
  17. Anybody know anything about this?
  18. I had a best friend drown on Bull Shoals 3 yrs ago. The search team told us that usually a body will surface in around 3-4 days. Really makes you wonder if he got hung up on something. Weight belt could be causing issues as well.
  19. Are we talking overall or just lake or just stream? Give me a gitzit and I'm done.
  20. I've wanted to go to this for years. It is by invite only?
  21. Weightless worm or Tx rigged?
  22. Anybody know how the night bite has been with these cooler temps? I plan on getting out later this week in the DC area.
  23. Anybody know how the night bite has been with these cooler temps? I plan on getting out later this week in the DC area.
  24. Hojo


    In my experiences, my best fishing has been in April-early May depending on Spring weather.
  25. Hojo


    We did the next float up. Rockhouse to Trigger. Fishing was decent. Lots of traffic. We shoved off just after 0730 and had a couple big groups catch us within the first mile. We had better luck in the current than other water. Low water.
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