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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Have any other OAF members been fly fishing for trout in the black hills of south dakota? Or anywhere in SD for that matter? I'm interested in doing a family trip there and doing some fishing. What info I can find online looks interesting. Thanks, Greg
  2. I like the Orvis brand of fluoro tippet the best. For some reason it seems to hold up a little better for me than the Rio and it's a little cheaper too. Greg
  3. I wonder if they could have been bows that were recently caught and released that couldn't quite handle that stress along with the low DO? Greg
  4. Actually at one point shakespeare did make an ugly stik fly rod. I'm not sure if they still do or not? I remember considering buying one years ago. I own a couple of ugly stik spinning rods and I really like them both especially the ultralight. I've put my 2 through all kinds of abuse with no problems. But the ugly stik design and materials did not translate well to a fly rod. It was heavy with a very slow action. Pretty much a dog really. It may have been tough but it wasn't a rod I'd want to fly cast very long. Greg
  5. I haven't been able to fish much this past spring and summer due to some family issues (aging parents), work issues, etc. But my 15 year old son and I made it down late morning today. We had a wonderful 3 hours fishing at the rock area on the upper lake. We probably landed 35 to 40 fish between the 2 of us. Lots of smaller bows but quite a number in the 14 to 17" range too. We tried a variety of flies but the zebra midge was the most productive. A lot of my takes were at the very end of the drift. My 15 year old son Ryker is becoming a really good fishing partner. In most ways he's as good a fly fisherman as I am. He definitely has quicker reflexes. I was surprised at the article regarding low DO in the news-leader today. ALL of the rainbows we caught were very healthy looking - fat and colorful. All of them fought well and seemed to swim away strongly. I think I agree with Lilly - it's nothing new and not a doomsday thing. It is a concern as always and maybe something could/should be done. But most of the fish will be fine (IMHO). Good fishing everyone, Greg
  6. I agree with most of the others. The food is good but not exceptional. However I really like the old lodge building. It looks like it's relatively unchanged for the last hundred years. It obviously has a lot of history and a very "fishy ambience". I love it. Greg
  7. On a recent trip to FL my sons and I used circle hooks for the first time. It was on an all day deep sea fishing trip out of clearwater. They worked great. They are mandatory for charter fishing boats in FL now - or so I was told. That's a great idea to use them with power bait or live bait in MO. Whenever I've used power bait in the past I would end up with a gut hooked fish about 90% of the time. Greg
  8. I know what you mean about your hands. Below freezing I just can't keep mine warm. Greg
  9. I've not heard of the brand Terry is recommending. But I'm sure they are good if he's recommending them. I've had my Simms for 7 years now of hard use. They work great. Regarding boots whatever you get be sure they are big enough. I wear a size 13. My first boots I made the mistake of buying a 13. Big mistake. I actually need a 14. For most people it works best to size up one or even 2 sizes. The less cramped your feet are the warmer they seem to stay even beyond the comfort factor. I've got Simms boots too and they've lasted me well also. Greg
  10. I agree with the other posters. Regular breathable waders are much better than neoprene even in winter. I almost always wear fleece pants under my breathables and I've always been pretty warm and comfortable. Greg
  11. I think for versatility the solo canoe is definitely a better all around fishing craft. But.............even a cheap kayak is pretty good too. Last year I rented a cheap kayak of the sit in variety for the north fork of the white. It was really a bit small for me. But it performed amazingly well. You can buy a kayak like that for less than 300 bucks. Greg
  12. I'm in Springfield too. Lived here all my life. It's a great place to be located. 45 min to Taneycomo. 60 min to Bennett Spring or Roaring River. 30 min to Crane Creek. 2 hours from the Current. 2 hours to the north fork. Can you tell I'm a trout fisherman? You can do just fine without a boat. In fact I much prefer to wade. The only time I miss a boat is when they are non stop generating at Taney. But then I just pick somewhere else. Welcome to the forum. Greg
  13. I totally agree that it should be illegal. Unfortunately I've seen shufflers at times catch one fish after another. Especially the ones (shufflers) that do it in groups.
  14. Good article and I enjoyed reading it. But I do agree with most of what Phil Lilly posted too. I don't condemn those that use bait. But personally I just couldn't bring myself to fish that way. Back when I fished at Taney with bait I know for a fact the fish I tried to release mostly died. They were just hooked too deep. Fishing with flies I'm pretty confident most of my released fish survive. Greg
  15. Eight or nine years ago while floating the gasconade with my family I caught a smallmouth that was right at 21". I knew it was a big fish. I didn't realize it was that unusual though. Interesting discussion. Greg
  16. Good luck Terry. I recently read your book and really enjoyed it. Greg
  17. There are a few reviews on it. Most are pretty good: http://www.kayakanglermag.com/forum/20-sit-inside-kayaksdecked-kayaks/1592-ascend-kayaks.html http://www.kayakfishingstuff.com/community/showthread.php?t=77365 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_10213817_325014000_325000000_325014000_325-14-0 Greg
  18. Did you end up getting that 10' ascend? If so do you like it? Greg
  19. I do see the point. But for myself and I'm sure some others - if they stock fewer fish - I'm fine with that. With lower crowds it wouldn't be necessary to pack that short section of stream with thousands of fish. As long as I have some trout to cast to - I'm fine. I know it'll probably never happen but I think Bennett would be great if that whole upper section was managed for catch and release and just stocked a few times a year. Greg
  20. There's an optimistic attitude. I have trouble believing a long standing MO state park will go "belly up". Montauk has for years had a pretty limited attendance/tag sale compared to Bennett and Roaring River but I've not ever heard that MO was thinking about closing it. Greg
  21. I agree with your upside. Reading this thread actually makes me want to go to Bennett all the more. I'm all for less people. Bennett is a beautiful place to fish except for the crowds. I've had many, many 50 or 60 fish days there with high crowds - but I'd gladly swap that for a lot fewer fish if that means less people and more solitude. Greg
  22. Yep that was it exactly. Sorry about that and thanks for the great report regardless. Greg
  23. That's a great report Terry. I think I may sneak down there next week. Thanks, Greg
  24. Is a comment like that really necessary on THE Bennett Springs section of the forum? Bennett is not my favorite place to fish but I have many fond memories there and still enjoy fishing there from time to time. Greg
  25. I thought Teton had gone under? If they are back in business that's good news. I have a couple of their reels. Some of the best I own. Greg
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