I haven't been able to fish much this past spring and summer due to some family issues (aging parents), work issues, etc. But my 15 year old son and I made it down late morning today.
We had a wonderful 3 hours fishing at the rock area on the upper lake. We probably landed 35 to 40 fish between the 2 of us. Lots of smaller bows but quite a number in the 14 to 17" range too. We tried a variety of flies but the zebra midge was the most productive. A lot of my takes were at the very end of the drift.
My 15 year old son Ryker is becoming a really good fishing partner. In most ways he's as good a fly fisherman as I am. He definitely has quicker reflexes.
I was surprised at the article regarding low DO in the news-leader today. ALL of the rainbows we caught were very healthy looking - fat and colorful. All of them fought well and seemed to swim away strongly. I think I agree with Lilly - it's nothing new and not a doomsday thing. It is a concern as always and maybe something could/should be done. But most of the fish will be fine (IMHO).
Good fishing everyone,