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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. Myself I woud pick the streams. The water is comfortable.lakes might be full of boats
  2. I used that kind if thing on streams and creeks 50 yrs ago. its is not new. About the earliest lure used in that manner was a Bettie Spin or a 4 inch plastic worm. I have not used Z-MAN bait much but I do not want anything to do with them in any way,shape or form. They are real good at preventing hook ups and the bouncy changed in the trick type baits I used.
  3. GRiZ--Had they been given their druthers they would have done nothing. BP is not even an American Company. Had it not been for government actions they would not even have got caught.
  4. Wrench. I do not like the water alliance either. They do not git things right. But the water quality is going to change. Morgan County Sewer District put 500 homes on line last year and did not cost anyone a penny. But it does cost me $50 a month. It is better than the constant worry about the septic tank. The people on the other side of the Gravois voted it down. That was a mistake on there part. The state told them in time it is going to happen and they will be forced to pay for it. I was told by a board member that there was talk that the state wants a lake wide sewer district that would cover all the counties around the lake and would extend back some distance from lake. I have mixed feelings about that. But there is one thing for sure change is coming. We had resistance to sewers even in my area. But you cannot resist. What they were going to do if it could not be resolved is go ahead and install all the other sewers then come back and install a sewer where those people who refused it were. Those people would have had to pay the full installation cost ($10,000+ ) and the property restoration would not be responsibility of the district the way it was with ours.
  5. Been years since I fished rivers. But if I was going to now I would choose plastic worm number one that I would use to roll over things. I would also want a small hair weedless 1/8 oz jig or the plastics that can be put on a jig like tubes that came after my time. This I would cast to up side corner of a root wad or other pocket forming obstructions. Then a topwater. My colors in everything would all be natural in the veins of brown with maybe some pink stuff. Top waters I could care less what color. Since I make some of my own now I guess they would be either light colored cedar or dark colored. Painted with poly to preserve them. I do not think I would have a need for anything else. Since I have been on here I have had the urge to return to some creek or little river. But I might not like what I see. That would upset me.
  6. I wonder what these kids being bussed feel like. You walk up to a place that there has been trouble because you have to come there and its no fault if your own. The parents of your classmates have badmouthed you as well. I would be on guard and defensive before I got in the door. It would make you paranoid. You will be treated like a leaper. Rejection is something very hard to deal with. It will turn them into exactly what you think they are. But thats all ok isn't it. Were better than they are right. Its not our fault they are poor, live in a drug culture or come from a bad area. Well its not there fault either.
  7. I just looked at them and the thing I see that is sny different than most treble hooks is the eye is very smooth. That is a really important point to me. I am sure many fishermen get break offs because the hook they are using have crimp shut eyes.
  8. That is right got muddy as pertains to natural disasters. Then we can help those things along. Then you have plain human nature a rolling disaster. Wars and more wars since the days of the cave man. And they keep getting bigger and more destructive.
  9. Most public accesses here have fishing docks. If it is public access like Coffmens Beach on the Gravous Arm you might have sone luck because there are numerous tournaments and I have heard of people catching bass there. Other than that I do not know much about those areas.
  10. This is a very complicated definition of the federal law. I imagine it was written by some government agency lawyer. It appears to have a lot more to do with commerce than with recreation. Geeeezzzz it has been 25 yrs since I had to mess with this kind of gobbly goot. This is the second post this morning and I already have a headache. You younger people take the ball and run. This federal definition cannot be understood until you read each and every one of those sections that are quoted here. Well Wrench this is how I got the way i am this is deep fishing here too.
  11. The chief is right. The is a amendment to the law on the books. I think it is going to give a break to the coal operators. Sec 2 sec 4011 there is one of those little words congress likes to throw in where you might not notice them. MAY. I am not going to go back and dig through the law for solid waste management. But I smell a business controlled congress rat. I have had to read proposed actions by congress because the job I was involved in was very unique and there were just a few people administering the part of the program covered by the part of the goverment I worked for. Even lawyers used to come to us on occasion for clarification on this program. I could tell you some stories. I have no faith in a congress what so ever. Either US or State.
  12. Europe has gotten way ahead of us in engineering. They have mass transit. In spite of the recent accudent it is far superior to anything we have. They build real good cars. I drive Fords alway have over the years i have had fords that were more Volvo than Fords.
  13. JEb---something will happen. I guarantee it. We may not live to see it but it will happen. NEVER has man gone without war and Never has the planet gone without some sort of world wide natural disaster. Just goes in cycles.
  14. Garden work and weeding huh. Boy do I know something about that. I spend several hours a day everyday in the garden in season in the garden we have. It is all ornaments. I have a small hosta plant collection( by hosta collection standards anyway) that I really enjoy. It is one of the small attractions for some boaters on the Gravois Arm and I take a lot if pride in it. But it sometimes bugs me something awful to have to be in the yard watching watching other people fish.
  15. Our family is kind if splintered. My nephews are ll approaching are all in there 50s and i rarely see or here from them anymore. I have two grand daughters. If they will ever fish i have no idea because they or young yet. It sounds to me like your nephew will be going to college on that hockey playing. I have to grand nieces went to college on softball scholarships. It is a good thing. The big thing is you are forming a relationship with him that may last a lifetime.
  16. That is exactly it Al.
  17. I tried it one tine with wacky on a sinko type retrieve I had trouble right off the I had trouble being able to get the hook set through the balled up plastic because it stretches so much. Later on I had trouble with it changing bouncy. To me it is not worth the effort.
  18. I hope your right Mitch. But i would not bet on anything all the countries keep provoking one anther. This whole polar race thing has already started and it has not even melted. I seen on TV this morning where Russia has sent a robot sub under the ice to the north pole and planted a flag. There is also countries from all over the world getting ready to go in there and grab the natural resources. All this sounds like the makings of a world conflict. Of course by that time we will be much smaller nation. A lot of our coastal regions will be gone. But I believe something else will get us first. I just hope it is fast. THIS IS A TERRIBLE POST AND I HOPE NONE IF IT HAPPENS. But
  19. - none of it works with other plastics - turns into a gob of - well, a mess. it sure is
  20. There is nothing really like a buzz bait. I was bass fishing with friend one time and the skirt on his buzz bait was falling apart he finally took it off and threw it on he floor of the bat and jut kept on catching fish. Even in the hot weather early in the morning if you can find a spot you might catch a lunker all summer long on a buzz bait. I do not use them very much are for very long because it takes a lot of casting that will get the arthritis in my shoulder going. But they are surely among the all time great lure
  21. Yes your right. I was thinking in the vein of reeling. I do use suspending baits, top waters and wake bates plus a few others. Also I do not want the worm to suspend. I want it to fall very slowly most of the time. But I do a lot if jerking and dancing between the falls . As far as it ever standing still at 30 ft i would not say it is not possible. It would depend on things like the the buoyancy of the line and the worm. Basically I personally put my faith in plastic worms and grubs.
  22. There is a other factors. I do use hard baits but soft plastics give me all sorts of option in presentation. For example I can add different weights to get a different sink. I can fish a 11" plastic worm slower than you can a crank bait anywhere in the water table. I can change color faster. I know of someone who fishes unweighted plastic worms over deep water and out in the middle of channels. Done at the right time and place it is a hot ticket to king sized bass. I just like the plastic flexibility i suppose more than anything. The other thing is i do not like to be sold a line. I feel like that is exactly what these tackle manufactures and others are doing is fishing for fishermen. We git a local writer here that spends 1/2 of his column sometimes pushing lures. A couple of these TV Pros do some if that. But Rolland Martin sounds like a darn Used car salesman. The prices they ask for this stuff bothers me. I think it is inflated to the limit. I do not understand why any lure should cost $12 a rod should cost $200 or more and and a reel way more than that . Does it really make you a better fisherman.? I do not think it does. I almost exclusively fish Ugly sticks. I have since the first year they were made. As a matter of fact I still have and fish with the first one I bought.
  23. Yeah i gt about $75 bucks worth of plastic worms right now in my locker.
  24. Al I have never paid $12 for single lure in my life. I am not about to either. I do not believe this thing is some kind of magic. I was told as a young boy when I got all worked up over some lure I seen in Sports Afield that you can catch fish on about anything. I have seen it done. I myself have caught a few bass on a bare hook. I was dragging it over the bottom of clearwater lake in back of a heavy weight searching for hidden brush piles. This was in the days before electronics. They were thinking the hook was part of something to eat crawling over the bottom. Some people fish for fish but I think a lot of people fish for fishermen. The design off this thing makes it appear as very easy to snag up.
  25. Fishskayer you do have a point it is a pin but the water patrol catches drug dealers and everything else out there. I have a friend who was a Lt Col in the water patrol. There is just no end to some of the stuff goes on in the rivers and lakes.
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