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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. The cove i been fishing in is Mill Creek on the on the Gravois Arm of LOZ. There are several spots. I caught a 48" at another spot.but i just cruise ariund and watch for schools rolling. The spot in my cove the smallest i have caught out of that school was about 30" Other than that they have all been over 40".
  2. Wonder if any of you have ever found a drug needle. I have found a couple by my dock here on LOZ.
  3. Nice ad but I know what brings the fish to the bait is the surface action. The concept is nothing new. I build my own on a lathe. They or made from eith light cedar are made from either light cedar or dark cedar. Only paint they have is a couple of coats of poly to shed the water. On eye no fancy colors. They work.
  4. Justin in my last sentence you see nothing that can be could might or anything else. That is because i am absolutely convinced we will do it.
  5. If the ice melts the water has to go somewhere. That is if it gets warmer. On the other hand the atlantic current belt is suppose to be slowing. If it stops as it has before in history we will have ice mountains right here. Myself i never seen a live armadillo until a few years ago. They were always out in Oklahoma and warm western areas. I have killed several though in just the past 2 years. I and my wife went to Springfield year before last and along 44 between Lebanon and Springfield we counted 42 dead on the road. So that seems to me evidence that something is changing. But there us other things. Astroids,volcanos like yellowstone park,and other natural disasters that have been present since day one of the planets existence. Then again the human part if the world is getting so fouled up. My guess is we will beat all the natural things to the conclusion.
  6. Mitch the IPad works a lot better at my sons in St Charles. Works well in Hermann also when I am working on my daughters home. Of course I have a hard time using it in St Charles since my 3 yr old granddaughter takes control of it.
  7. I am 74 i carry things
  8. I was just out about a hour ago. Wanted to try something with a new rope lure I made. I caught a 42" longnose. This area up my cove has a awful lot of good sized gar there in the evenings. Nobody ever fishes for them. I got a damaged rotary cuff so took a 6 ft light action rod with 8 lb test on it with instead of my bait casting gear. Made for a longer fight and pretty sore shoulder. I had no business doing that. There is going to be more punishment when my wife discovers that the gar flipped a bit and got some teeth stuck in a almost new par of jeans. I think I will just not say anything and when she starts I will say " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY NEW JEANS. HOW COULD SUCH A THING HAPPEN". Think that will work huh????
  9. From Johns post it looked like he was being threatening he did use the term verbal woopin and said it was a good thing he was a old coot are he might have been in jail . That seemed threatening to me. That was my only objection. Calling someone is one thing threatening like is sounded to me is something else. Had the guy felt threatened by a younger it might have ended in another way. I am not interested in it anymore john made another post I read it and its fine with me. So that is the end of it.
  10. Yeah I am with Al. I think the fisherman could be big losers in this stuff go to either legislature or through the courts. Everyone should try to watch Jefferson City closely. Especially any kind of Omnibus act where they through a whole bunch of bills into one and vote on it.
  11. You know before you get into a lot of law discussion and what it SHOULD DO. You need to read the law and its precedence history. Then you have those little things like passages and words that cause big problems. A example might be one I know first hand. The difference between the words into and in and how it relates to the wording of other laws that can be effected by those two words. Those two words have been the subject of many high level court actions over the past 68 yrs.
  12. When he reached for the guts arm he made a terrible mistake. The shooter might have thought he was going take the gun. Remember he had other people there with him. I wander about the trying o calm him down. There was threats being made and rocks. No telling what happened in thatv last minute. Let the sheriff and state police figure that one out.
  13. At $100 bucks they are over my head. I have been fishing ugly sticks since they were first made. I have never broken one. What mkes these rod worth o much.
  14. I found it and changed it. Now we will see. Would you believe I fathered a girl who is a top level programmer and her husband has a PHD in computer science. And here I am I cannot program the coffee maker.
  15. I am not on bull shakes but what you need to do is look for them rolling in the evening. I have a large school right up from my house about 1/2 mile.they are there every evening. You just get next tithe school and cast into it. Do not expect a strike right away. When I fish for the I fsh for a couple hours and usually catch just 1 or 2. Usually 2. Do you have the proper lure and equipment. They have to be handled very carefully. Not that they are vicious it is that if they shake around those teeth could do a lot of damage. I would advise a very heavy glove. They have 2 rows if teeth one row is upland down the other row sticks out at a angle. I have had the angle teeth go right thou your average work glove.
  16. Ahhhhh Wrench right down there in my old stomping grounds. I had many friends down there. All gone now except one. I was wondering what route you took down there. A big part of SE Missouri is all that is left of the real Ozark's and the culture of the people. That river used to be known for big walleye as much as the Black. I never been on the river up as far as Sam Baker. The Greenville bridge is about as high as I have ever been.
  17. One thing John. From your post it sounds like you just walked up and started shouting at that man. Sound like you got something against old people as well. I do not know why he felt that way and it is clear you never had enough common sense to approach it in a civil manner. You had no idea why he felt that way.
  18. I do not eat a lot of fish and rarely keep any. I have never been a fan of walleye. I confine myself to a couple of meals off cold water black crappie I catch off my dock in the spring.
  19. Anyone on here use a IPad. I hate the thing. Mine is super sensitive and my wifi is very inconstant. You couple this with the fact I type slowly and have to look at the letters. Well this thing has a mind of its own it decides what I want to type because I am slow at getting the word typed. Then have a lot of tiny interruptions on my wifi that I did not realize were happening. I have read what I typed and it is so fouled p sometimes I just cancel the post.
  20. Mitch myself I am not talking politics. I talk about the general leadership and be me after several years in positions to look into what gets on with our congressional leaders I do not believe anything they have to say.
  21. I have heard that also. I heard it will about bounce after it cools from cooking. But I also seen where your suppose to soak the stuff in salt water over night.
  22. I do not think most land owners worry about fishermen. But none of us like the problem that comes with some summer people. But the core of the problem wrench is the law. It has been on the books different ways and where there is no law there are things like directives. if you go into the courts you would get different interpretation in different courts. These guys on here seem to be looking for a legislative action in the form of a law. I have no idea what is on the federal books about this. I don't think it would matter anyway in this state. These guys in Jeff city think they can pass something that trumps federal law.
  23. Boy a spence scout has been around for many years. It was the first type lure I can remember that was created like a wake bait.
  24. I think it will end up as a manslaughter conviction. Sound to me like everyone landowner and floaters had too much to drink. If this river rights stuff winds up in the current state legislature I would not hold out much hope or floaters.
  25. Phil I thought this last year are the year before the mo legislator gave game wardens the same authority as all other law in forcemeat officers of the state. I know it happened but do not remember when
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