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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. Well MIC do knot hold your breath. Also do not wait for anything that might benefit floaters and fisherman on the streams. If anything I think the current legislature would enact something much more favorable to the land owner.
  2. In Missouri they have always been wble to arrests drunk floaters. They are just not enforcing it. They can nail you ith drunk and disorderly.plus littering. And if you have a child in you tube with you they can add child endangerment to the list.
  3. There is something in today St Louis Post Dispatch on line.look it up. They will not reveal much more because it cause problem in the prosecution.
  4. I have only Ben fishing for gar less than two weeks. You can check out several videos on you tube on making them. I have been using mostly 5/16 braided nylon to make mine. I also made one from a piece of nylon strap given me by fishinwrench. The later seems to out last the braided. I would think the variations would be limitless. I have many ideas but have not made anything I can show. I used 4 braided nylon lures last week on 8 fish. They were a bit larger fish though than you seen in the river they were all 40 to 41 in long. Really the best thing is to look at the vides and use them as your starting point.
  5. Justin it is not the Wild West YET. Unless we all learn how to co exist we are going to have a class war in the country that will make dodge city seem like romper room.
  6. I have been trying to. But I was in St Charles with the grandkids ,then in Hermann helping my daughter. I need to sit and mend a bit. I have arthritis in my shoulders. But outside it look dark and it is suppose to be rainy most of the day. You cannot keep me off the water on a rainy summer day.no matter what hurts and is on TV.
  7. If I do take a pic of a fish it is usually laying on a large lettered 36 inch rule I have for that purpose.and also a folding rule for larger fish like blue catfish.
  8. Gar fishing is new to me. It all started because a week or so ago i caught a big one on a plastic worm. I think it is really exciting but I do not want any to eat. I caught 2 every evening Monday thru Thursday last week. There seems to be a school up the cove all about the same size from 40 to 41 inches long. They have really made my day during this slow period. I used a bait casting outfit with 12 lb test. Next week I am going to take a light spinning rod up there with 8 lb test and have even more fun. I know there is at least one larger than what I have been catching. I have seen some arches on the depth finder that indicate that. Also a few rolls that appeared to be a much larger fish. I hooked onto a big one Thursday evening and the initial run was about 40 to 50 ft. Before it pulled off. I never seen it but I sure wish I had. I have been thinking about using some kind if attractant on the nylon.
  9. Justin do you catch any really big one over 20 lbs. I would like to catch them if they are hard fighters.would be a good challenge on light tackle.
  10. It could i end in manslaughter. There are many things involved. Some of these prosecutors and law enforcers in rural ares are anything but efficient.
  11. In Missouri self defense is pretty hard to prove. About the only way you can really get away with it s a clear home invasion. Everything else is subject to investigation. I carry a canister called Sabra. It is pepper spray. They are made in Fenton and are sold to police departments all over the world. They have a range of 12 ft. I noted it said there was a subdivision along the river. It also said something about a thrown rock. Sounds like there might be something between property owners and floaters. Summer people can get on property owners nerves at times. I can remember in the past boats bing shot at around here. Seems to me almost all of it is connected to drinking or drugs.
  12. A scorpion will carry her young the same way chief and is usually in a real nasty mood when doing so. Turned over a Rick in the garden few years ago and there was a mommy and babies under there's. She rared up like that crawfish but she charged as well. Babies flying all directions. I beat a hasty retreat.
  13. I was kind if hoping you would see this subject I thought sure you would know. . Isn't there some breed of Asian carp that looks like that. Could it be a grass carp. I know I have seen a picture of this thing but do not know what the hell it is.
  14. That is not surprising that you catch them on natural colors. I tend to go with either light or dark colors when buying a lot of my stuff for lakes. I just try to get something That has amore natural color in appearance than stark bright colors. I have close to 200 -10 to 12 inch plastic worms in my locker. They are all in some shade of mostly brown. On the other hand I have most of my trick type worms in lighter or natural colors . The bass pro shops Houdini color is a good example of what I mean and has been especially good to me in trick type worms About the only wild color use is pink. There is something about Pink. But like anything else it is no miracle worker. I think a lot if the color mania is to catch fisherman mostly.
  15. I do not know what it is for sure.maybe it is a big head carp I think I recall seeing pictures of them.
  16. That lookalike a flying carp to me. I guess they are up in the that river as well.
  17. Geezzzzzzz Mitch you lost me after the word doing in the first sentence.
  18. I would say your Dr Evil might be a good piece from where you caught him before are else his or her feeding pattern has changed. I would not look in the same area if there has been a temperature or weather change. It might come back when the conditions are the same but I would not bet on it.
  19. On LOZ the gloves are off. Anything might happen with brush piles and I am about sure already has.
  20. Fins--- you sound a lot like my niece. she is a principle in a school district in the St. Louis county. Like I say my grandkids are going to go through catholic school from k to 12. They have smaller classes more discipline and a lot more family involvement. It is expensive but I can guarantee you if the cost puts a hardship on my son and his wife I and the other grandparents will step in and take up the slack. I am not rich either and I would starve for their education if need be. I really hope they grow up and enter fields that opens the whole world to them because I do not think there is going to be much left of this country by the time they are adults. I no longer look for answers to our problems. It is way to late to solve this complex mess we are in.
  21. I like prop baits with either single or double. But I will never be paying $12 bucks for one. Is kind of fun to make your own if you happen to have excess to a lathe.
  22. Well I am glad my grandkids will be going to catholic schools.
  23. I do not think it has ever happened that a gar attract or bit a human. At least not unless it was caught and not completely played out. I had one last week was pretty snappy. The only thing about those gar in LOZ is the landing of them. If you use a net they get the nose tangled up in the net. Someone on here told me he uses a welding glove and grabs them by the noses think that may be the best way. Landed mine In a net this evening and put on a heavy work glove to untangle the nose in the net. The fish was not moving but a couple times those teeth got me right through the glove. They also have a sharp edge along the sides of that nose. I would not dare want pick one up bare handed.
  24. There is ome holes higher up but there are land owners up there that are beyond belief. Wrench has had trouble with one if them. They call the sheriff for almost anything. I do not go up there. I could not get out of a kayak if I got in one. About as far as I go is the shallow brush area where the creek turns into the lake. And then only rarely. I m not even fishing for bass right now. It has been pretty terrible bass fishing in the lake. I have been fishing for gar. I just started doing that and it sure can put the excitement into summer dole drums. I caught 2 40"long this evening that really put on a show. Had a couple tarpon like jumps and a couple of very splashy runs almost like a tail walks right by the boat.
  25. I was teasing you. You said you went up spring branch from the pictures it looked like you were going up gravois creek. But yes a lot of the best places are converted. At least while they are producing.
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