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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I have had trouble messing to much with the depth finder when I was younger. They can mislead you a bit because they are no guarantee those fish your looking at will bite. I have fish the same area for 20 yrs. so I just go with my experience. At my age it is the fishing experience I enjoy catching something is secondary.
  2. Up here on LOZ those big long arches most likely mean Gar. We're about over run with them this year.
  3. There have always been walleye in the Meramec. But they have not always been very abundant. Makes me think they do not do well in the river. I have caught a few between birds nest and Onandaga. Used to fish it regularly about 45 yrs ago.
  4. That was not Phil made that post. Your not going to like Farmington either.
  5. One thing wrong with Sea foam it can dissolve plastic if used wrong. I have used it on my 115 Merc that is a Yamaha in disguise.
  6. You got that right wrench.law Enforcement in this county is suspect at the best, I remember that woman that ran over those two guys with a cruiser some years ago. You remember that woman that ran over those two guys in a small boat some time back real close to my house and ran off. One was killed and the other was left in a vegetated state. Remember she went home and they did not ind her till the next morning and when they did she had a big city lawyer in there waiting with her. I ask that prosecutor how much prison time she grand she told me none. Her attorney said she fled because she felt she was injured and needed medical care. I said well what did she get and she said a citation for failure to use prudent care. I bet your she was drunk and fled for that reason and that reason alone. It was totally unbelievable tome at the time.
  7. Maybe that is it chief. Then again maybe he disobeyed his mother and she took away his computer. .
  8. Yeah you will be just fine wrench. What with all the climbing trees and things you will get a lot of exercise.
  9. Only canoe I ever had was a 18 ft semi freighter they called the camper model. I think alumna craft made it. I do not think I could have ever been comfortable in a small canoe.
  10. No need to apologize. I lived in your area before I retired I lived a place called Saddlebrook Estates. On O Fallon rd. was the first subdivision built on that rd. My son lives in that subdivision now and drives a green truck with blue water pools written on the side.
  11. If your health holds you will be fishing at 74. You just will it be doing it with as much intensity. But you should try motto become a couch potato. I think that s about the most dangerous thing for a senior.
  12. You know what boy you drink too much cool aid.
  13. Nope my 16 yr old doggy is no problem. She does not wonder more that 100 yards from her bed. Hmmmmm do they sell them for spouses.
  14. It can be bad to use a firearm outside of a home invasion or high jack attempt on your car. Everything else is subject to many legal determinations and suits. You just need to watch what is going on in Fla with the Zimmerman case. I would not hesitate to use my 38 special in in a home invasion knowing that the defense loads in it are real killer things. But I have another thing I carry all the time. I have a 110 gram canister of law enforcement pepper spray its called Sabre Red. It has a effective range of 12 ft and it will make you think somebody pored gas on you and lit it off. They are made here in Fenton Mo by a outfit called Security Equipment Corp. The only problem is they only have a life span of about 4 yrs. but I think it is longer.i have one that expired two years ago and I tested it to see if it still worked. I sprayed a tiny bit on a cotton swab and touched it to my cheek. I can verify it really burned.
  15. I have not used them around the docks much. I really need to go out there and give it a shot. This years have been playing with one of the real old timey spoons called red eye if you know the one I am talking about. Have not done much on it yet ( few small channel cats) mostly because I have not been giving it a real shot. It looks like something that would be good or those docks down there on TR.
  16. There was a long period in my life where I spent most of my time night fishing for bass. I am now in my 74th year and it had been a couple years since I had been on the lake late at night fishing till very recently. I woke up about 2:30 in the morning the other night wide awake. I have been missing night fishing and decided now was the time to go again. I got all set up and started out. The area of the lake I was going to was about 3 mikes away. I have made that trip god only knows how many times in the past 20 yrs both day and night. I rounded my point and started in that direction. Right away it became evident my night vision was not what it used to be. I used to to be able to make that run almost without looking. But I could not really make out the ridge lines against the sky as I used to. I was headed for area where my arm of the lake blends with the main channel. Before I was always able to tell where it was because it appeared as a dark spot with no dock lights. Well I was going slower than normal because the dock lights just did not look the same along the shore. But I was sure I was on course. To make a long story short I had got disorientated. I was better than a mile from where I thought I was and the dark area I was headed for was not the mouth of my arm in the distance. It was a bluff hole dead ahead. I have never had anything like that happen before. The only thing that probably kept me from running into that bank is we had a good steady 10 mph wind that night and I noticed it was hitting me in my left side when it should have been coming from my back. After some investigation I figured out where I was. But it serves as a warning. When you get into your senior years your mind,memory and eye sight may not be what you think they are.. Be careful out there with what you think you can trust.
  17. There was a long period in my life where I spent most of my time night fishing for bass. I am now in my 74th year and it had been a couple years since I had been on the lake late at night fishing till very recently. I woke up about 2:30 in the morning the other night wide awake. I have been missing night fishing and decided now was the time to go again. I got all set up and started out. The area of the lake I was going to was about 3 mikes away. I have made that trip god only knows how many times in the past 20 yrs both day and night. I rounded my point and started in that direction. Right away it became evident my night vision was not what it used to be. I used to to be able to make that run almost without looking. But I could not really make out the ridge lines against the sky as I used to. I was headed for area where my arm of the lake blends with the main channel. Before I was always able to tell where it was because it appeared as a dark spot with no dock lights. Well I was going slower than normal because the dock lights just did not look the same along the shore. But I was sure I was on course. To make a long story short I had got disorientated. I was better than a mile from where I thought I was and the dark area I was headed for was not the mouth of my arm in the distance. It was a bluff hole dead ahead. I have never had anything like that happen before. The only thing that probably kept me from running into that bank is we had a good steady 10 mph wind that night and I noticed it was hitting me in my left side when it should have been coming from my back. After some investigation I figured out where I was. But it serves as a warning. When you get into your senior years your mind,memory and eye sight may not be what you think they are.. Be careful out there with what you think you can trust.
  18. It is vertical for most I believe but in my case I fish it in places you might fish a Carolina rig. I also Do a lot of pitching with it. I hold the weight in my fingers and pitch it out like when your flipping.it will go a real good distance with the right outfit. Yes you are fishing drop shot on the bottom. Your lure is off the bottom giving it a more natural look. You can also impart a lot more action to the lure your using. I would imagine your going to get a lot more good advise on here than you will from me. My drop shot fishing in no way follows the norm. I use heavier lines, bigger hooks and larger lures than you would normally find on a drop shot. Bill the baby brush hog is about my favorite on my drop shot along with a small dead ringer. I have tried plastic worms like shakes heads and large worms. I did not do much with the shakes and the large worms tangle in the shot rig. But I caught several bass 4 lbs last year on those large trick worms they sell at PBS rigged texans style. They stay out of the rigging and have a pretty good bouncy action to them.
  19. I never heard of the hooks you refer to as Death Trap. Who carries them ??? I am always looking for good hooks for my spoons.
  20. What you just described Bill sounds a awful lot like my drop shot rigs. Only differences are I usually use 10 or 12 lb test all thought the rig and I attach my hook about 3 " or so below the swivel then place the sinker 12 to18. " below that. I sort of stick with bait type bell sinkers of around 3/8 oz. The. reason I rig my hook do high above the sinker is it gives me more room to work the bait. Sometimes this rig can be a real pain. It might seem like a outlandish rig but I catch many bass on it every year. Have not tried it for catfish. I will have to take it down to one of my deep humps and try that. I have no doubt it will work.
  21. If i was you I would not limit myself to the finesse stuff. You can use a heavier line larger hook and heavier sinker with larger plastic worms and it might surprise you. I do this and can also pitch it a long ways a. You can stop the bait. Above the bottom ( mine about 18") jiggle it in place are retrieve it anyway you wish. It works for me.
  22. I posted a little bit ago but it never came through. Must be the weather and my IPAD. Anyway if any of you are convinced GY is the thing then more power to you. Being confident in your bait is a big part of success. But I fish nearly every day for at least a few hours from March thru October. To be using a over priced bait like GY would get expensive very fast. I look for durable baits and do like those with attractants. But the durability comes first and GY just does not measure up to my standards. I learned long ago that the presentation is what catches the bass 90 % of the time. All that scent and salt stuff does help but it certainly not all it is cracked up to be as sales gimmicks claim. As an example I have caught a bass on a bare hook on two different occasions while searching for hidden brush piles. If I had one brand that I would rate at the top of my list it would be Net Bait.
  23. What is it that get everyone excited about Gary Yamato stuff. I just feel it is price way over its value as a fishing tool. I have not found it will not beat most other baits of any given type either.I use a lot of Pro Bass and Zoom and Net Bait for large plastic worms. Last spring I ran out of pink wacky worms and all I could find was Gary Yamato type at over $6 buck a pop. They did work but I was nothing any different than Pro Bass,Zoom are some others I have used. Later that week I was able to get some Pro Bass type and never votive any difference. I think what was left of the Yamato stuff is still in my locker somewhere.
  24. Hmmmmmm MORONS at night.such genial words. Come to LOZ I can teach you some you never heard. I wanted to some electric on my dock this past week and made it a point to get stared on it at 500 am to avoid boat traffic wakes that might have knocked me off my ladder. Second morning it was very first light and what should appear but a big ski boat with running light on towing a skier. I to am scared out on the lake at times and it sure does not have to be dark.
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