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Everything posted by capndan

  1. Getting on this late but love the Flicker especially the perch during spring on spawning banks for bass it is deadly. For the lure retriever add some good frayed nylon near the chains and many times that will pick up the treble hook. I to have saved hundreds and always have it in the boat. Saved many a favorite lure from certain anguish on a lonely tree limb in the depths watching fish swim by and smirking at them
  2. I have had my pin pulled twice this past year at Aunts Creek. Discovered one when I got home, it was about half inch from failing and would have been a disaster, thank the good Lord I live on top of Joe Bald. The second one I discovered before I left the ramp. I pull my pin now and put it where I am reminded to put it back before I take off. It is getting worse. I teach and coach and love working with kids but manners and down right decency are disappearing. I hate to say it but it is not just the generational thing anymore we are losing our way. So I encourage all of you to invest in a young person and do your best to make a difference!
  3. Kind of what I was thinking, but I would rather hear it from you than me that's for sure. One of my basketball players and his dad from when I coached at Shiloh Christian back in 2000 have an awesome riverboat and they got me into jig fishing on the white. They gave me a ton of awesome hand tied jigs and over the last three years I have been learnig from you guys and getting it somewhat figured out on Trouteliciouscomo. I sure appreciate all the videos and posts I am still a paddawan but gaining speed and having a blast on an awesome fishery we are blessed with! I might zoom down from cooper you open at 7 is that correct? Thanks again. Hope your tournament goes off without a hitch and someone catches a new state record!
  4. Small window to fish tomorrow putting in at Cooper. Thought I would hit from just above the narrows back down to Fall creek. Is white still the ticket I was throwing that two and three weeks ago. read that was good a few days ago still. I have three white maribou left, I have a few blacks and some lighter weird colored greenish olive. Schedule says just 1 unit tomorrow. Have they been staying with that? Last Sunday the schedule said two and they ran 3 and we caught about 40 on brown with orange and brown but I am totally out of those as well. I switched to my last olive and hooked up with several before I lost it. Also had a monster well over 6 lbs chase it as I pulled it in from under a rootwad. About had a heart attack. I waited for the bight but still struck a half second early. Going to garage to hook up. Will check back in a little while hoping to hear some good advice.
  5. A university of Pennsylvania study in the 90s published that it is just pigmentation that some bass carry.
  6. Agreed and his brother Dennis works on mine. He is the marine teacher at Reeds and is the real deal. Since my wife still works there he works on mine for cost of parts and guided fishing trips from me. I am one lucky guy! Not sure if he does side jobs I will ask him and post back but in the mean time Ulrich's Marine, I concur will do good work for you and they know what they are doing!
  7. Yes stick to plastics, hit brush piles. Fish are moving into fall pattern. Caught some pretty nice fish lately from about 5 feet down to 20 in 10 to 30 feet. Hit piles when sun is bright, if cloudy then it is spotty, also hit piles if it is windy with wind blowing straight onto them or perpendicular to the shore. Good luck!
  8. I know could have killed me on a couple of those curvy spots right! May have been a kids prank but 2nd time in a year not good! I am going to go get a locking pin cause shoot I will Put it in my driver seat when I park but when I get back in probably sit on it ha! Took my basketball team for a run at pioneers point and there was a school of whites on the secondary point by the neighborhood ramp where I had them doing pushups! Man I wish I would have had a rod! Truck is down with bad fuel pump so cant go catch crappie tomorrow uggh! So, those of you out there catch one for me! Ken they offered back and came up 5 k but need to come up 10 more don't think they will but that just keeps me closer to my fish ! SHHHHHH don't tell my wife I said that!
  9. Was fishing Aunts Creek Sunday and when I got home on Joe Bald (thank the good Lord I live close) someone had removed my pin that holds my steel bar in place for my breakaway tounge. Luckily the bar had not moved. However this is the second time this has happened at Aunts Creek. Last time my bar was a half inch form disengaging and that would have spelled disaster! What is wrong with people! So now I am going to remove the pin every time I go out and put it back in again. I will put the pin on my drivers seat so I wont forget to put it in myself. Also I am positive that I put the pin in place because of the system I use. Meant to post this right away but was busy cleaning crappie and forgot! One of them was a 15 inch bruiser that weighed 1-12. Better check things out at Aunts now right in the heart of civilization pretty sad huh? Hey Ken we had an offer on our house and it was a joke!
  10. Was fishing Aunts Creek Sunday and when I got home on Joe Bald (thank the good Lord I live close) someone had removed my pin that holds my steel bar in place for my breakaway tounge. Luckily the bar had not moved. However this is the second time this has happened at Aunts Creek. Last time my bar was a half inch form disengaging and that would have spelled disaster! What is wrong with people! So now I am going to remove the pin every time I go out and put it back in again. I will put the pin on my drivers seat so I wont forget to put it in myself. Also I am positive that I put the pin in place because of the system I use. Meant to post this right away but was busy cleaning crappie and forgot! One of them was a 15 inch bruiser that weighed 1-12. Better check things out at Aunts now right in the heart of civilization pretty sad huh? Hey Ken we had an offer on our house and it was a joke!
  11. Was fishing Aunts Creek Sunday and when I got home on Joe Bald (thank the good Lord I live close) someone had removed my pin that holds my steel bar in place for my breakaway tounge. Luckily the bar had not moved. However this is the second time this has happened at Aunts Creek. Last time my bar was a half inch form disengaging and that would have spelled disaster! What is wrong with people! So now I am going to remove the pin every time I go out and put it back in again. I will put the pin on my drivers seat so I wont forget to put it in myself. Also I am positive that I put the pin in place because of the system I use. Meant to post this right away but was busy cleaning crappie and forgot! One of them was a 15 inch bruiser that weighed 1-12. Better check things out at Aunts now right in the heart of civilization pretty sad huh? Hey Ken we had an offer on our house and it was a joke!
  12. I will check them out when I return. I am good to go! Thanks for the advice! Wisconsin or Bust!
  13. I have been using the 3/32 head sold at the Kimberling City bait shop but want to try something different, even though I have been doing really well with the 3/32 which is also 1/11th. I am headed to Door County Wisconsin Friday to smallie fish as I do every year with my brother-in-law. Love it up there and looking forward to taking NED with me this year. Target depth will be 3-6 feet in the northern door county area and in sturgeon Bay area will work it down to about 12 feet. I have read some members on here make jigheads and I am wondering if I can get some sent to Wisconsin. I can make due with what I have until Wednesday when we hit the Greenbay waters. would need them by Tuesday. Of course I would pay shipping Probably looking for around 50 jigs but of course need to know what you might have and what the cost is.
  14. You are spoiled aren't you ha! I need to go get some and keep in my ornamental pond but makes my wifey kind of mad. I will have to get crafty and hide the cage under the waterfall this time! When we Gonna do the May late Crappie haul?
  15. My Late Aunt Mary and Uncle Jim had a farm at a low water bridge on the Huzzah. Don't remember where but they used to drop trout at that low water crossing right by the house. Swam that hole with those trout many a time when it was way to cold to swim. That was about 40 years ago man was it that long ago? My Uncle Bill used to fly fish there all the time. He is the only one left now and 93. I call him often since my dad died about 2 years ago they were very close as brothers and used to fight without making a noise cause if their dad new they were fightin they would get a wippin. The whole family would meet at Aunt Mary and Uncle Jims and have the best dinners you could imagine ham, mashed taters, green beans, fresh yeast rolls and all kinds of other stuff and Pecan pie. Before and after dinner I was always on the creek. Saw a loggerhead that was the size of a car tire once(he could still be alive but probably long since was poached and stewed up) and that was the first time I saw Uncle Bill fishing a flyrod I thought what a pain compared to my zebco 600 and matching brown whippy fiberglass rod with stren 8lb but boy did I tear up the fish on homemade dough balls that were just rolls smashed with some spit and worked into a small ball on a number 4 hook. I used to out fish Uncle Bill who was quite an accomplished fly fisherman and I couldn't figure out why he wouldn't take me up on my offer of my other rod. Not until I started fly fishing myself later on. Man oh man could I tell you some stories and mostly true. Those were the days!
  16. Thru Sunday morn sorry
  17. Hey Brownshoe, Bro Dave sir bargealot and I going to Truman Friday night thru Thursday morn for crappie and turkey hunt gonna night fish too you want in?
  18. What does the water look like above Bridgeport? A friend of mine lives on the James and he said the water has come down significantly and looks good around Hooten Town. I have been fishing around Aunts and Jackson Hollow to stay away from propbusters and all the traffic, Aunts is a nice green with some visibility. Jackson is clear Green with good visibility. Catching bass late in the evening in the backs of coves. Jackson is full of shad and you can see massive schools just under the surface. Some of the schools are the size of a house. Hope we don't get too much rain...
  19. I was there Saturday too and it didn't turn really muddy until later in the afternoon. Crappie fishing was off the chart good until later in the afternoon. Accidentally hooked about a 60 lb spoonbill with 10 lb test took about 30 min to land. Went to Aunts today water was in pretty good shape caught several bass this evening. wondering what james and flat at point 15 looked like today? Anyone catch meany whites there today?
  20. no its just getting ready to get good!
  21. Sad to say we can no longer use it. I live in Kimberling City.and since the Tornado that I could see from my back deck< the ramp has been closed. They have decided to close it to the public. Sorry
  22. Schools out again and I have a new stick I want to try out. Its the St Croix Panfish series 7ft lite with a fast tip. Itchin to fish and looks like a small break in the weather
  23. Well I appreciate all the comments even the really negative ones. Maybe some of you should go back and read the spirit of my post. DD wasn't offended because he read the post as it was meant to be read. And Phil I have huge respect for you but your post back to me I thought was a little more than observation, but didn't offend me in the least. Just so you know we obviously did not keep 150 and in the subsequent trips threw back pretty much everything. I love OA and what you and others share with us. I will leave this last thought for anyone not tired of this thread. If I happen upon a brush,pile or a certain contour, our feeding highway that is relatively unknown and believe me they are out there and you good fisherman know it, they aren't unknown to everyone but I know you are happy to read I wont be putting that out there. I know most of you are saying thanks. I messed up once and I have learned from my mistake. I hope you all have great success this weekend and you share a secret with someone and a great technique. Phil and others thanks for OA, and to a couple of others I am going to try and go get a life and invent Tom Mann Grape Jelly worms with a pink fire tail on Stren 8lb test and a whippy zebco rod with a 600 fastened to it walking the peninsula of Mill Creek . Man I miss those days!
  24. Ducky and others, I enjoy Ozark Anglers and love learning new things but I do have a comment, a question, and a request. I think it would be safe to say that I turned you on to the Flickershad last year for crappie and whiteys. Right after several of my posts wanting to share the wealth a little, as is the spirit of the site which I like, yet at the same time it is having some adverse effects as well. You will notice I pretty much disappeared from posting. The reason being within two weeks there was a train of boats following my every move and a flickershad explosion. Of course people are going to see you when you are catching fish. But we both know it became a circus. I have helped I do not know how many people to catch fish and given them my techniques. Several wives mad at me for turning there husbands into boat buying gear buying fishing junkies All well and good but I think some people need to also learn on their own by trial and experience and comradarie on the water. As I read on OA many of us are giving up everything even down to exact location of flats, piles, food highways etc.. I am afraid it is going to seriously impact our fishery and we will be regretting some of what we have done. No, I will say it is seriously impacting us negatively. Case in point I had several boats come up to me last year and say hey you Capndan? Thanks a ton! I came down from KC, I came up from Ark, I read your post and came from, you get the idea and I am not even kidding. Well white bass are prolific but crappie and Walleye are not, especially on the Rock. The late crappie haul James river last two months. My buddy and I were on it before any posts. First day they moved in shallow we caught 150 big crappie then 1 week later I saw posts telling every detail and even some detail on piles that many knew about but not the whole world. Next week boat explosion some from just local knowledge but many from this site and boats on every pile. We still caught 90 the next week but size was down and numbers down. I really wish I had said nothing last year about where I was. It will start out as a zoo. Couple weeks ago one of your buddies joked but was half if not all serious about giving out pile location. Don't get me wrong I love to share but my question to all of you is " When is enough enough? Request is: you know what I am talking about for early last spring please don't post it when it gets going. I have fished that area for several years with some boat traffic but I started and avalanche last year and I deeply regret it. It is called fishing and sharing is a part of it but this electronic sharing is out of the banks. I know many of you would agree but will probably be afraid to post and I hope this post is not removed. I do value you all and this site but location I will never again speak of on the site. Catch me on the water and I will be glad to help out any fisherman on the water and always do, but if I do don't post it. Or I will certainly never divulge to that person again. Word on the water capndan is open book but on electronic media Ill give tips but that is all I will do. Ducky you are a great guy I hope you aren't offended because you are a giving sharing person. I just hope I am dead wrong and our fishery can stand up to what I am afraid is becoming a feeding frenzy by many guys I know would never share with us what we have given them by our trial and error and goodness of our hearts, they haven't had to work for. Kind of like our govt giving handouts to people who do not work are we teaching or giving everything away? Lets teach but not give it all away right? Good Question I hope.....
  25. Have any for sale ha!
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