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wuteversbitin424 last won the day on March 14 2015

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About wuteversbitin424

  • Birthday 04/24/1987

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    Family, Fishing, Hunting, Mushroom Hunting, Cooking

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  1. Christian, Father, Chef, Outdoorsman.

  2. I'm late on the report but we didn't do real great. Found fish in between 20' - 30' but couldn't get them to do much. The wind kicked up also. Ended up with 10 or so but only one keeper. Had a great time with the pops though. Thanks for the info fellas. Headed to Nemo on pomme tomorrow thru sat. Good luck all and please have a safe holiday. Thank you to all who we're in remembrance of! Kevin-
  3. I will be up there starting Monday thru Saturday camping at Nemo. I'm primarily going to be targeting cats but I will report how it's went for me through the week. I won't be on a boat since mines pretty small and all four of my kids will be with me. I'll help where I can though. Kevin-
  4. We're going to be up there all week. I'm counting on it clearing out after Monday
  5. I'm heading up on Memorial day with the better half, 4 kids and grandpa. Not taking the boat as its too small for everyone and 2 of the 4 kiddos are 3 years old. With that said I'd still like to try and get them on some fish. I always fish Stockton so I'm not too familiar with pomme. I'd love to get on some cats if possible. Ant word on how they're doing and or some kid friendly bank spots near Nemo campground? Thanks guys and have a safe holiday weekend! Kevin-
  6. Heading up tomorrow to do some fishing with my dad. Have had 2 days off in the last 5 weeks. Hopefully looking to fill the live well as we're going camping next week. It's always good to start out with some fillets for dinner just in case the fishing isn't to hot. I usually start trolling drops and post spawn areas about now. Has anyone been doing so with any luck yet? Thanks and have a safe holiday weekend everyone! Kevin-
  7. Nice report. Did they rebuild the cc ramp? I haven't been on that side in ages and my dad was wondering if they had or not.
  8. A friend of mine sent this to me yesterday. I happen to be off all next week for spring break! With the showers we've got Hopefully they'll turn on with the warmer weather. It's still pretty dry though.
  9. Cole- The flatheads should be spawning or starting to. The chanels will be in3-4 weeks. They should be moving on the flats anytime and then to the rocks and then back to the flats. Flats from now till fall on various parts of the lake at any given time should produce. Follow the shad.
  10. Well found some gray babies tonight. All my usual spots are empty but found some freshies walking into one. All of them around poplar tulips. All my ash, elm, and blk oaks are fungus less so far. Best part was while driving out we drove up on a nice Tom. I know he roosts in there somewhere close cause it was almost sunset. Hopefully Monday pans out as it seems it will lol.
  11. Looks like it's that time! My spots were too dry last week. Heading out this wed to give it a shot. Haven't been on in a coons age, good to see the same old mess of members still around! Good to see your still posting slab!
  12. I dont fish at night much but have heard (and this is not information from personally fishing) that the second pillar from the south side of h hwy bridge has some piles and can hold fish this time of year. Dont hold me too it though. Great job on the fishing partner. My little girl is almost two and where are just a little ways off from graduating to the boat. She already loves messing with fish and talks about fish when she sees water. Good luck hope the info (if you can call it that) helps.
  13. It was under water a week and a half ago but...i was able to unload and load with no problems. It will depend on what kind of boat you have and where the drift wood has ended up. Hope you can get out there and good luck!
  14. They were all channels...ive lost a couple that snapped 14lb line that i know was good like a twig but as far as landing i think around 15lbs that i can recall. The next week or so they should kind of settle in if it doesnt rain. If the water starts dropping continually at all i would definetly start in or around the channel...i would think they would head deep if the water is falling. Good luck hope you guys get in'em!
  15. We unlaoded at aldrich a bit before 6am wednesday morning. There was no bottom parking lot. Anything other than flat bottoms and john boats would be a gamble unloading there. I took my new cast net and was ready to try it out. Although shad were everywhere i did not however think about not being able to see them without the sun being up. I did manage to get some after a bit though. We started drifting a little outside my usual lines in 11fow. Caught one fairly quick and continued to drift along moving into 15-17fow. Ran up to make another pass on the inside of the channel and nailed a double in 17fow. Continued on at that depth and caught one more then nothing. Was getting ready to go up to another spot when some clouds rolled in and decided to stay close. Moved out and found mass amounts of bait on a channel swing in 18fow. Drifted that line and caught one and lost one pretty quick. After that nothing. We ended up heading back around 1030. I never really pinned down a patteren other that 15-18 fow but even then they were pretty speratic on where they were. They seemed to be a bit deeper than i thought theyed be. All in all it was a good morning, first chance ive had to get out in a while. Going to try to get back in the next few days. The channel when going out had a lot of fish stacked...now after the fact i think in to right along the channel will be key unless at night then along the buck brush in 8-10 fow. Sorry i dont have more of a solid pattern to report. I usually kill'em this time of year. Good luck everyone!
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