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About CrappieNinja

  • Birthday 04/12/1970

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  • Location
    Flemington MO
  • Interests
    Um... Fishin

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. I hear people mention pomme "rivers" quite a bit. Is this where you're talking about?
  2. Come up near Kansas City and sit on Smithville for a couple hours. That will make pomme seem like a retirement home at nap time. I have a place at Pomme, honestly if and when I fish and it's between Memorial day and Labor day, I'm on the lake at 6 and off by 10... then I go back out around 5-6 and fish till dark. Once we get through Labor day you'll have the lake to yourself, can get back in a cove and fish naked if you want.
  3. I caught them last weekend off stumps in about 25 fow a couple feet off the bottom. Caught some off a jig tipped with a minnow but seemed better just with a minnow on a gold hook...
  4. Here's cooper cove: Tina Mckown RR 81 Box 472 Flemington MO 65650 us +1.4172825210 coopercoveresort@yahoo.com I have a place just east of the resort. I like the area
  5. The brush piles are typically in 15' of water. Even if you have GPS with the coordinates it helps knowing that to get on them.
  6. North of Bolivar landing on 83 (maybe 8 miles) there is a store called TNT - they sell minnows https://www.facebook.com/TNT-Quick-Shop-246462795516894/info/?tab=overview
  7. Who's the best crappie guide on Pomme? I'd like to learn and get some help learning my graph. Thanks! Greg
  8. What was the highest level from this spring? I haven't been down there in a couple weeks, are we higher than that?
  9. I threw a black musky killer in the back of cooper cove Saturday and Sunday, felt like I worked the cove pretty good but didn't see any action (not the first time). Both days were killer days to be in the boat, much better than listening to my wife bitch about something.
  10. ripe persimmons? kinda ripe?
  11. I caught 4 decent channels on hotdogs soaked in cherry kool-aid, garlic & anise this weekend. Biggest was about 4 lbs. That was in about 3 hours Saturday afternoon.
  12. I have several pistol grip rods that I would like to get the handle replaced with a casting style handle. Anyone know who might mess with doing something like this? Is doing this more trouble than it's worth? They're decent rods - Shimano, g-loomis...
  13. persimmons... I had heard the soap thing.. actually bought some zote (some mexican bar soap) that other people said worked but I never tried it... persimmons... I think your gfs dad is messin with you...
  14. Can anyone recommend someone around the lake that could make my riding mower start? Apprieciate it! Greg
  15. If I'm going to cruise around Pomme and look for brush piles, what's the ideal setup to have? Any Brand Preference?
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