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Everything posted by trythisonemv

  1. Kinda early still with the really cold temps and lack of water I'd say it'll be later I n March for whites and maybe after the rains for walleye you may see some in the river.
  2. Why would they dump them any way? Unless they were inter mixed it seems kind of like a bad idea.
  3. Sad ... ty and Jim were the best. That's where I learned to tie flies
  4. They didn't have enough money to float it during covid they really struggled. Nice guy from joplin. He just couldn't keep it stocked and couldn't compete with amazon
  5. Yep got your note. Should've went up there first but instead I wandered all the wY down to shoal creek looking for a fish who hadn't seen a person. Found some but didn't connect. The creek has changed so much I hardly recognize it down there. I wonder of they have even stocked that creek this fall?
  6. I mo wd three decent browns but didn't stick any solid and moved four rainbows way down toward shoal creek. The guy fishing by the bridge caught five with worms and marshmallow including a big rainbow . Slow day. Went up by dam and caught a goggle eye for my trouble. Saw rainbows doing the spawning dance by the bridge up there. They were not interested Ina fly
  7. One of my best days down there was 22 degrees and snowing. I caught so many fish I couldn't keep count. Thy mustve just dumped them in. It was in November I believe
  8. I think you are probably right. It has been really weak last couple years. Bucket brigade wipes them out ND the resident fish are pretty smart. I always move a big brown in a couple spots though. And there are a few spots where some big rainbows always hide. Hope it's not 19 degrees and bad fishing lol
  9. I'll probably be there sir. Can't miss out on the the shot at stream cred lol
  10. That's what the map showed. Thanks Ollie. You doing your Ollie extravaganza this year?
  11. Anyone know anything about the stream stretch above jolly mill ? Also cn you fish in the big pool above the dam? Always wondered but never looked into it
  12. I'll be checking the creek Sunday after Thanksgiving. Hope there are a few fish around. Last few years been few and far between.
  13. Yeah the fast spot across from outlet three was unproductive for me this go round except one rainbow. Then moved to outlet to find fish and sandy . Once water came on there was a good bite. I'd prefer there be only me 😂
  14. First week of October is the week I generally get down when the browns really take off
  15. Yep combat fishing. . . Especially in the outlets . Tons of fish both rainbows and browns up there. It was the busiest I've seen the dam area on a Wednesday this time of year. Can't imagine what next week will be like.
  16. These kids don't have hobbies so if I can introduce to them an outdoor activity that is what I will do. The kid in this picture is trying to get in shape and plays Frisby golf and soccer and has lost 150 pounds. He is a good kid.
  17. Report Theboutlwts still suck in so much as it is combat fishing lol. Caught most fish today on tan scud. Only the one brown. Saw a ton of browns down closer to rear and thy moved up some as thy turned on the water. Before the water came on it was tough going. Once they put on a little flow the fishing greatly improved. The kid i took caught his first two trout on fly rod. Pretty good day. Wish I was going to be down next week with sandy but life goes on. Also I was surprised how many people were there for a Wednesday in September. Last year on 5 th of October there were half the people
  18. Pete I'll be down Wednesday if you're around. Finally learn your secret 😂
  19. It is weird how fixated on browns we are but just not quite as fixed on the big rainbows in Taney... interesting stuff and might warrant a trip in January if the water is off.
  20. So on Taney probably November December and then again in spring
  21. If the browns on tany run in the autumn...when do the big rainbows make their spawning efforts?
  22. I would like to finally break the 10 lb mark this year. Broke two off last year and landed a 7 lb brown and two over 5lbs. I'm taking a young man with me who has never really fished much before. He hs been one time to crane creek with me. So this should b exciting
  23. Hope to be down next wednesday morning to find some brown trout. Any being seen up near trophy area yet?
  24. Good report! Can't wait until the end of September
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