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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by LoweSTX175

  1. I would simply go window shopping if I were to be "helping" someone pick out a firearm. This is still odd to me because I always get input from the guys behind the counter. Also the person who actually purchases the weapon is the lawful owner. I've never purchase a firearm from Academy and probably won't now if that is how you are being treated.
  2. I'm going to be inquiring about spoonbill recipes this spring. I'm going to give it a try for the first time. I've done some online research, but figure someone has a better idea.
  3. What kind of hotdogs? I prefer Nathan's with mustard.
  4. Make America Fish Again!
  5. I agree with Top Dollar. Troll some crank baits at 15-18' at about 1.8 - 2 MPH. I hear tip jigs with crawlers.... I tip road runners the same way with either a leech or a crawler. I prefer leeches because I won't have to deal with the dirt in the boat. If you do this cast them out and let them sink to the bottom and simply keep your line tight and jig up periodically. Areas to target right now are tough for me to judge. I haven't been on Stockton in a little over a month or so. So I have no idea where to go at the moment.
  6. This spring I nailed a LM trolling a #9 FlickerShad. Don't know how much he weighed, but he measured out to 24 inches. I returned him to the lake as soon as I got him off the hook. I do hit bass regularly while trolling for walleye. I've always joked that I think I could win a bass tournament trolling for walleye. If someone were to ask me my best bass trolling technique I'd say troll straight into a cove until you run out of room then reel it in. Also when trolling around bluffs I tend to get lots of bass.
  7. I fully agree with the zone idea. We do this with waterfowl, why not with certain species of fish to promote the spawn or at least promote some monsters to grow in the lake. I think the length limit of 15 is appropriate though.
  8. I do the same thing with the swivels and various cranks to figure out which one is the hot one for that time. Another thing that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is the use of "lead core line"... I try to stay away from the mono because it tends to wind up easy on me. I also agree that a boat without carpet and the rubber net will make a difference in not get those trebles in a messy situation. I also prefer long rods to get away from the motor. I also have two different configurations for my boat. I have rod mounts everywhere and also have a "spider rigging" bar that I can put into the back pedestal mount. Just try to be careful and not get the line caught up into your prop if you are going to use the big motor....I've been there done that a few times.
  9. Also if you are trolling with others in the boat....don't always stop the boat when you get a fish on. Especially with cranks. Let everyone's crank go through the area. Zarra does like I do...ski those crappie because the treble typically has a good grip on them.... plus it prevents the fish from getting into the other lines that are out. Also don't crowd guys who are casting into the bank, be considerate. But don't hesitate to get cranked (no pun intended) when you get a jerk who drives over your line then complains. There is plenty of room on the lake... and sometimes when you are forced to go out to the deeper water you'll have success by accident.
  10. I try to run slowly (under 1 MPH). What happens when you get going too fast you'll lose contact with the bottom. I have issues sometimes with my fishing partners that won't use BB and run a crank while I'm trying to BB. As far as I'm concerned everyone needs to be using the same technique. I'm also big on using the counter reel for BB....and trolling in general.
  11. I might be interested depending on when you want to do this. I literally just bought a Kayak a little over a week ago. I haven't got it on the water yet. So I'll want to get used to it before I go to casting and reeling in.
  12. I had brief success on the second weekend in June earlier in the mornings (6:30) trolling cranks. Seemed like they would shut down completely by 8:30 each day when the sun was starting to shine. I haven't been back since. They were suspended in 35-40 foot of water out in the open. So I'm not really sure how they are doing right now.
  13. I prefer a live leech on a road runner.... only problem is I change how I fish so fast that there would be a chance all the leeches would die on me that day. I went with gulp so I can store them and if I try it for half an hour or so I could just move on and troll cranks. I know you can get live ones at Southwind Motel. Like $4.50 or so for 14 of them.
  14. Yesterday I bought some Berkley Gulp Alive Leeches at Cabela's. Right now it is $10 off per pint of Alive products so I figured I'd give them a shot some time. Was really wondering if anyone has used this product as well as wondering if anyone uses the attractants like the Berkley spray (Gulp Alive Attractant). It makes sense to put some of this on some plastics or to soak them, but was wondering if anyone puts it on their cranks. It would seem like that stuff would come off right after it hit the water.
  15. I trolled them. Ruark or Mutton. There is also a couple of gravel launches close also.
  16. Fished around old point 9 around 7 AM. Ended up with 3 crappie and one white cleaned. Largest crappie went 15 inches. Several keeper bass caught..Did CPR with all of them. The lady caught all the big one's today. All crappie still had eggs and were suspended in 30 FOW.
  17. 2013 Lowe Stinger 175 poly camo..... in beautiful grassland. Perfect for both fishing and getting to those hard to reach hunting spots.
  18. I transition to lead core line when the weather heats up.
  19. I troll pretty much year round. It's hit and miss just like anything else. When they congregate on brush I troll beside the brush or up against drop offs.
  20. I caught three keeper crappie on Saturday that still had eggs. They were suspended in deeper water. I'd say some have spawn and others are about to. Sort of depends on where they are on the lake.
  21. Gents (and Ladies) - I'm currently looking into possibly buying a lake cabin/home. I believe Truman Lake might be the lake that fits my desire. Only issue is I can honestly say I've never fished or hunted in and around this particular lake. I'm actually a Stockton Lake guy, but would like to find a place closer to KC where I live. I was wondering if a handful of you might help me out with understanding a specific part of the lake. I've found a few places in the are I have circled in this screen shot. My main goal is to find a place close to the lake where I have access to both decent fishing as well as a place where I could duck hunt during the winter months. Is the are I've highlighted a place where people would recommend for both of those activities? Thanks in advanced for any sort of feedback.
  22. Anything is better than night baseball... baseball is meant to be played during the day and on natural grass and dirt! I love day baseball during the week! Interleague play needs to go away also. Pitchers should be allowed to throw inside without everyone getting mad. Someone that does a bat flip like Jose Bautista needs to be drilled. ESPN needs to get rid of the permanent stupid balls/strikes box because umpires have a better view of the game than we do. Wait this is a fishing forum and not a baseball rant opportunity. Sorry guys! Whites in my opinion shouldn't be put into a freezer. If they are put into the fridge over night then enjoyed the next day they are good.
  23. I agree with you. I'm going to do the same thing with Walleye this year. I'm turning larger ones back to fight another day at a bigger weight. I won't even keep a LM bass anymore. I let all of them go back into the lake.
  24. I'm the sky buster when duck hunting. I always jump up and shoot before anyone else.
  25. I have a feeling everyone fits into one of these categories. FISHING STEREOTYPE They also have a stereotypes for hunting. I know I'm several of these.... HUNTING STEREOTYPE
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