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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. You could get drugs🤔🤔?!? When I was traveling a lot I did try to get meals from the TSA folks. Figured since I put out that they should reciprocate🤣!
  2. I caught that guy off a breeding mound made by stonerollers.
  3. Here's a couple from a couple of creeks in Columbia that a just a bit smaller than yours. My favorite common shiner below.
  4. Probably a common shiner. They are distributed throughout the northern Midwest states.
  5. Still have a few days left! Good luck if you get out again.
  6. Congrats Marty! A great accomplishment. I have a bunch of those photos from your many hunts. Like yourself I love small game hunting. It's great to be out, game is typically plentiful, they can be challenging, and the rewards are that these guys are flat out delicious😉
  7. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks great Marty! Your leftovers are a big reason to visit Milo😉.
  8. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Had some ground meat and cabbage. What else but cabbage rolls and mashed potatoes. Hmm Hmm Good! Eat and watch the Shmenges. Just need some coffee 🤣
  9. Be sure to post a report and photos. @liphunter likes them... at least that's what @snagged in outlet 3says
  10. I've passed a few times headed to Thomas Hill but know little about the facility. Sorry. At one time they used to advertise with billboards around Columbia. Had phone number but don't know if those billboards are still up.
  11. Dan what size jig head were you using?
  12. I too had a good chuckle. Love dad humor. I can just envision Livie rolling her eyes 🤣.
  13. Common green bass (aka sunfish or Micropterus salmoides and Micropterus punctulatus) can and should be lumped in the stinkin' category. True or temperate bass of the Morone genus should not be stinkin'.😅
  14. I enjoy learning their species names but am not obsessed either. Accurate common names...🙄 I am more obsessed about those names.
  15. Thought that I was done🙄. 8 pages of the same rhetoric on this thread just like every other thread about masks. False bravado, pleas for humanity, data vs no data, trolls, blah blah blah... glad that I didn't read through it all. I did see @Devan S. post. Sounds like your company has a weak COVID policy or enforcement. That guy would have quarantined for at least 10 to 14 days. Have fun boys, I'm out
  16. Congrats @Quillback! Even with the cold you guys did pretty well for a relatively short trip.
  17. I had a few years that all I used were slip bobber rigs. Then got into fishing trout magnets below weighted floats and stopped using the slip rigs. Need to get back to using a slip rig again.
  18. If I remember correctly it was the gill cover that gave me the cut. As an FYI this was a Missouri fishing trip.
  19. Not sure if this fits here or the What's cooking thread 😅.
  20. If we are going Musky, then here are photos from the greatest musky fishing trip that I have ever been on. Early October and overcast, three of us in the boat. 13 musky encountered. The photos cover just about all you need to know about this trip. 38.5 inches 41.5 inches 38.5 inches 39 inches 41.5 inches. All were measured on a board before being resuscitated and released. Lost a big fish from these tree tops. I jumped like a tarpon with a full body extension above the water.
  21. If you can't feel the thump on a jig, or see the wake then splash and pull on a top water, a dissapearing cork is the next best thing for a visceral response to the fish taking your bait.
  22. Some toads for sure!
  23. I will only admit to about 50 to 60 by species name . I'm not any where near a Leo Cheng level. I simply don't put enough time in memorizing the species names for those uncommon species.
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